Climbing ranks in League of Legends can be an exciting yet challenging journey. Choosing the right champion is crucial for your success in climbing the ranks. With Patch 14.15 now live, it’s important to stay updated with the meta and pick champions that have the highest chances of winning.
When climbing ranks, every decision counts—from how you play during the laning phase to your approach in teamfights. Champion selection is not just about personal preference; it’s about selecting champions that are strong in the current meta and give you a strategic advantage.
One champion who has consistently been impactful in teamfights and is frequently chosen by players over the years is Orianna. Her adaptability and ability to control fights have made her one of the most popular mid laners of all time. Understanding her strengths can greatly increase your chances of success.
If you’re looking to improve your climb or start fresh with a new account, you might want to explore for high-quality smurf accounts that can give you a competitive edge right from the beginning.
Now, let’s jump into our list of the 10 Best LoL Champions to Climb Every Rank in 2024!
Table of Contents
Understanding Champion Tier Lists and Their Role in Climbing Ranks for Beginner
Champion tier lists are an essential tool for anyone looking to climb the ranks in League of Legends. They provide insight into which champions are currently strong in the meta, helping you make informed decisions about which ones to play. This is especially important in the high Plat/low Diamond ELO range, where competition is fierce, and every advantage counts.
What is the Meta?
The meta refers to the most effective strategies and champions at any given time, often influenced by recent patches and professional play. In Patch 14.15, certain champions have risen to prominence in high Plat and low Diamond due to their overall strength, ease of play, or synergy with popular team compositions. Utilizing these champions can significantly improve your chances of winning and climbing the ranks.
Top Champions for High Plat/Low Diamond on any Lane
1. Jax: Jax is a powerhouse in the top lane, known for his late-game scaling and dueling potential. His ability to dodge attacks with Counter Strike (E) and burst down enemies with Leap Strike (Q) makes him a formidable opponent.
2. Rengar: Rengar excels at snowballing games by securing early kills. His stealth and burst damage allow him to take out key targets swiftly, making him a great pick for aggressive players.
3. Sett: Sett’s versatility as both a tank and damage dealer make him a solid choice in the current meta. His Haymaker (W) provides significant shielding and true damage, while The Show Stopper (R) can disrupt enemy formations.
4. Xin Zhao: Xin Zhao is a strong early-game champion who excels at skirmishing and taking objectives like Dragon and Rift Herald. His Crescent Guard (R) provides survivability while dishing out substantial damage.
5. Galio: Galio’s crowd control abilities make him an excellent team player. His ultimate, Hero’s Entrance (R), can turn the tide of team fights by providing a massive shield to allies and knocking up enemies.
Understanding which champions are strong in your ELO bracket helps tailor your gameplay to what’s currently effective. For more tips on how specific champions perform well in different roles, you might find this guide on the top jungle picks for escaping low ELO in Season 14 useful.
Recommended Champions Based on Meta Trends
Meta trends often change based on patch updates and player preferences. Keeping an eye on these trends ensures you are always playing champions that give you an edge:
Assassins: Champions like Zed or Talon thrive due to their ability to quickly eliminate squishy targets.
Bruisers: Fighters such as Darius or Camille dominate because of their balance between tankiness and damage.
Tanks: Champions like Malphite or Ornn are valuable for their crowd control and ability to soak up damage.
Mages: Mid laners like Syndra or Orianna provide strong wave clear and burst damage.
Marksmen: ADCs such as Kai’Sa or Jhin excel at dealing consistent DPS from a safe distance.
Climbing Strategies for High Diamond and Above
Navigating the climb through high Diamond and beyond can be quite challenging, but understanding the meta and selecting the right champions can make a significant difference. Champion tier lists are crucial for guiding your choices, as they highlight which champions are currently strong in the meta for different ELO brackets.
Insight into the Meta
High Diamond is a competitive ELO range where players are skilled and have a deep understanding of the game. The meta in this bracket often revolves around champions that provide high impact with their utility, damage, or ability to carry games. Here are some key insights into the meta:
High Mobility: Champions with good mobility tend to perform well because they can make plays across the map.
Utility and Crowd Control: Champions that bring crowd control (CC) abilities are valuable for their ability to initiate fights or disrupt enemies.
Scaling Potential: Since games can go longer in higher ELOs, champions that scale well into the late game are often preferred.
Recommended Champions for High Diamond
Here are some champions that shine in high Diamond based on their current performance in Patch 14.15:
Top Lane:
Fiora: Known for her dueling potential and split-pushing capabilities.
Camille: Offers great mobility and strong engage/disengage tools.
Evelynn: Stealthy assassin with high burst damage.
Kha’Zix: Excellent at isolating targets and picking off squishy enemies.
Mid Lane:
LeBlanc: High burst damage and mobility, perfect for picking off carries.
Azir: Strong laning phase with great teamfight presence due to his soldiers.
Kai’Sa: Versatile build paths and strong scaling into late game.
Jhin: Provides long-range poke and high damage output in teamfights.
Thresh: Offers a mix of engage, peel, and utility with his hook and lantern.
Lulu: Great enchanter who can protect carries while providing polymorphs to disrupt enemies.
[!NOTE] For a more detailed guide on avoiding common mistakes while climbing, check out this resource on fixing the worst low ELO mistakes. It provides actionable tips to improve your gameplay and rank up faster by transforming your experience.
Understanding champion tier lists can significantly improve your climbing strategy. By focusing on champions that align with the current meta, you increase your chances of winning games. Using tools like Mobalytics helps you stay updated with optimal champion picks tailored to your skill level.
Mastering the Bronze to High Plat/Low Diamond Grind
Climbing from Bronze to high Plat/low Diamond can feel like a daunting task, but understanding the meta and making smart champion choices can streamline your journey. Champion tier lists are crucial tools that guide players in selecting the best champions for climbing at different ELO brackets.
Insight into the Meta
The meta in lower ranks tends to be more forgiving and allows for a greater variety of champions. However, certain champions consistently outperform others due to their strength in solo queue environments. Here’s how you can leverage champion tier lists to climb effectively through these ranks:
Bronze to Silver: In these ranks, players often lack game knowledge and mechanics, so choosing champions with strong individual power and simple playstyles can give you a significant edge.
Gold: At this level, players start understanding macro strategies like objective control and wave management. Champions with strong laning phases and the ability to snowball games are highly effective.
High Plat/Low Diamond: This range is where the meta begins to align more closely with higher ELO play. Strong mechanical skill and game sense become essential, so champions with high skill ceilings are recommended.
Champion LoL Tier Lists
Champion tier lists categorize champions based on their effectiveness across various ranks:
S-Tier: Champions that are currently very strong in the meta and have high win rates.
A-Tier: Solid picks that perform well but may have some weaknesses or counters.
B-Tier: Viable choices that require more skill or specific conditions to shine.
Navigating these lists helps you identify which champions are worth investing time into mastering.
Practical Tips for Climbing
Focus on a Small Champion Pool: Specializing in a few champions allows you to master their mechanics and matchups thoroughly.
Play Comfort Picks: Always prioritize comfort over
1. Jax
Jax is a powerful champion, known for his ability to win one-on-one fights and become stronger as the game progresses. Learning how to play Jax well can give you a significant advantage in your lane and increase your chances of winning games.
Laning Strategies
The early game is crucial for Jax players in the top lane. Here are some tips to help you make the most out of this phase:
Focus on Farming: Try to last-hit minions as much as possible to earn gold and experience. Jax scales well with items, so getting a lead in farm can greatly benefit you.
Trade Wisely: Use your Leap Strike (Q) ability to initiate or disengage from trades with your opponent. If possible, use it in combination with Empower (W) for additional burst damage.
Utilize Your Counterattack: Your Counter Strike (E) ability can not only block basic attacks from enemies but also deal damage to them. Be strategic in using it to outplay your opponent.
Prioritize Vision: Always place wards in areas such as the river or tri-brush to have better vision of potential ganks from the enemy team.
Choosing the right items for Jax is crucial in maximizing his potential. Here are some core items that are often recommended for him:
Trinity Force: This item provides a balanced mix of damage, health, and attack speed, which synergizes well with Jax’s abilities.
Blade of the Ruined King: Due to its lifesteal and passive damage based on the enemy’s health, this item is great for dueling opponents.
Sterak’s Gage: If you find yourself getting focused by the enemy team, this item can provide you with bonus health and a shield when your health is low.
Guardian Angel: Offering both offensive stats and a revive passive, this item can make you more resilient during teamfights.
Depending on the specific matchup or current state of the game, there may be other situational items that could be beneficial for Jax. For example, if you are facing opponents with a lot of magic damage, considering an item like Maw of Malmortius for additional magic resistance might be a good idea. On the other hand, if the enemy team has champions who rely heavily on basic attacks, an item such as Randuin’s Omen could provide you with extra armor and crowd control effects.
Teamfighting Strategies
Jax excels in both split-pushing and teamfighting situations:
Split-Pushing: Take advantage of Jax’s ability to win one-on-one fights by applying pressure to side lanes. This will force the enemy team to send someone to deal with you, creating opportunities for your team to secure objectives or engage in favorable fights elsewhere on the map.
Initiating Fights: During teamfights, try to find opportunities where you can use your Leap Strike (Q) followed by Counter Strike (E) combo to jump onto squishy targets and lock them down. Your ultimate ability, Grandmaster At Arms (R), provides you with bonus resistances that make you tankier during engagements.
Zone Control: Utilize your presence as a threat to prevent key enemy champions from engaging or dealing damage effectively. By positioning yourself strategically and exerting pressure on priority targets, you can disrupt the enemy team’s plans and create advantages for your own side.
Mastering these strategies will greatly improve your performance as a Jax player and increase your chances of winning games. Remember to always adapt your playstyle based on the specific circumstances of each match.
Playing Jax efficiently involves understanding his strengths at different stages of the game and adapting accordingly. His versatility makes him one of the best top lane champions for climbing.
2. Rengar
Rengar, also known as the Pridestalker, is a powerful champion. His main strength lies in his ability to quickly assassinate key targets. To become a skilled Rengar player in the top lane, you need to understand his unique playstyle, effective laning strategies, optimal item choices, and teamfight tactics.
Laning Strategies
When playing Rengar, your goal is to use his burst damage and mobility to dominate your opponents. Here are some tips to help you maximize your effectiveness:
1. Bush Control
Rengar’s passive ability, Unseen Predator, allows him to leap from bushes, making bush control extremely important. Use this to your advantage by:
Surprising enemies with unexpected engages or disengages.
Gaining vision control by placing wards in strategic bush locations.
2. Early Game Harassment
Use Rengar’s Savagery (Q) ability to poke and trade with your enemies during the early stages of the game. The empowered version of this ability deals significant damage, giving you an advantage in trades.
3. Wave Management
Mastering wave management is crucial for any top laner, including Rengar players. Practice freezing the wave near your turret to:
Deny your opponent farm and experience.
Set up potential ganks from your jungler.
4. Vision Control
Having good vision control is essential for maintaining aggression in the lane while avoiding enemy ganks. Place wards in river bushes and enemy jungle entrances to spot incoming threats.
Pro Tip: For a comprehensive guide on mastering vision control in League of Legends, check out this article.
Choosing the right items for Rengar can significantly impact your performance in both the laning phase and late-game teamfights. Here are some core items to consider:
Duskblade of Draktharr: This item provides lethality and a powerful passive that enhances your burst damage.
Youmuu’s Ghostblade: Offering additional lethality and movement speed, this item is perfect for quick engages and disengages.
Black Cleaver: Grants health, attack damage, and cooldown reduction while shredding the armor of tankier opponents.
Guardian Angel: Adds survivability with its revive passive, allowing you to dive into fights more fearlessly.
Pro Tip: Against teams with heavy healing compositions, consider building Mortal Reminder. If you need extra survivability in extended skirmishes, Sterak’s Gage can be a good choice.
Teamfight Tactics
Rengar’s strength lies in his ability to eliminate high-priority targets before full-blown teamfights break out. Here’s how you can effectively play him during these crucial moments:
Flanking Maneuvers: Use Rengar’s ultimate ability, Thrill of the Hunt (R), to scout and position yourself behind enemy lines. This ultimate grants you vision of nearby enemies and increases your chances of catching out squishy targets like ADCs or mages.
Assassination Focus: In teamfights, prioritize eliminating enemy carries quickly with Savagery (Q) followed by Bola Strike (E) to slow them down if they try to escape.
Split Pushing: When direct engagements aren’t favorable or your ultimate is on cooldown, Rengar can effectively split push thanks to his high damage output on turrets.
Understanding map control is essential for any successful Rengar player. For insights into mastering jungle objectives strategically, check out this guide: Mastering LoL Jungle Objectives for Victory.
3. Sett
Introduction to Sett
Sett, the Boss, is a champion known for his incredible durability and powerful crowd control abilities. His kit allows him to dominate in both 1v1 scenarios and teamfights, making him a versatile pick for climbing the ranks in League of Legends.
Laning Strategies
Sett thrives in the early game with his strong dueling capabilities. Here are some key laning strategies:
Level 1 All-In: Sett’s Passive – Pit Gritgives him a double hit on every auto-attack, making him a threat right from level 1. Look for opportunities to trade aggressively with your opponent.
Managing Wave Control: Use Q – Knuckle Down to last hit minions while preparing for an all-in. Sett’s W – Haymaker provides a shield that can absorb damage and deal true damage back, allowing you to win trades even against tanky opponents.
Zoning with E: Sett’s E – Facebreaker can pull enemies towards you, stunning them if they are positioned correctly. This ability is great for setting up kills or escaping ganks.
Sett’s item build focuses on enhancing his tankiness while maximizing his damage output:
Core Items:
Sterak’s Gage: Increases survivability with bonus health and a shield when you drop below a certain health threshold.
Titanic Hydra: Adds extra damage and boosts your overall health pool.
Situational Items:
Thornmail: Effective against AD-heavy teams due to its reflect damage.
Spirit Visage: Increases healing effects and provides magic resistance.
Teamfight Tactics
Sett excels at initiating and soaking up damage during teamfights. Key tactics include:
Engaging with E: Use Facebreaker to pull in multiple enemies, followed by W – Haymaker to deal massive true damage in a line.
Using R Effectively: Sett’s ultimate, The Show Stopper, grabs an enemy champion and slams them into the ground, dealing AoE damage based on their bonus health. Target tanky champions to maximize the impact.
Positioning for Maximum Impact: Stand in the middle of the fight to absorb as much damage as possible with your shield from Haymaker. This not only keeps you alive longer but also makes you a significant threat due to your sustained presence.
For more detailed information on Sett’s gameplay mechanics, such as advanced strategies and optimal rune choices, I recommend checking out this in-depth Sett guide for beginners or this comprehensive Sett guide which covers everything from runes to items.
4. Xin Zhao
Xin Zhao, a fierce warrior from Demacia, excels as a champion with his ability to dive into battles and take down enemies quickly. Known for his high burst damage and sustain, Xin Zhao can be a game-changer.
Laning Strategies
Early Game
Focus on Farming: Xin Zhao’s strength lies in his ability to scale. Prioritize last-hitting minions to build up your gold.
Engage with Precision: Use your Audacious Charge (E to jump onto enemies and follow up with Three Talon Strike (Q) to knock them up. This combo can secure early kills or force opponents out of the lane.
Mid Game
Roaming: Once you have an advantage in your lane, look for opportunities to roam and assist your team. Your presence in other lanes can turn the tide of battle.
Vision Control: Place wards in the river and enemy jungle to prevent ganks and provide your team with crucial information.
Late Game
Split Pushing: Xin Zhao is effective at split pushing due to his strong dueling capability. Take down turrets while your team applies pressure elsewhere.
Teamfights: In larger skirmishes, use Crescent Guard (R) strategically to isolate key targets and reduce incoming damage.
Core Items
Sterak’s Gage: Offers a shield that activates when you’re low on health, giving you more survivability.
Guardian Angel: Grants a second chance by reviving you upon death, making it harder for enemies to eliminate you.
Situational Items
Thornmail: Build this if you’re facing heavy AD opponents.
Spirit Visage: Opt for this against AP-heavy teams for increased healing and durability.
Teamfight Tactics
Initiating Fights
Use Audacious Charge (E) to engage on priority targets like enemy ADCs or mid-laners.
Follow up with Three Talon Strike (Q) to disrupt their positioning and deal significant damage.
Activate Crescent Guard (R) during intense moments to knock back secondary threats and focus on taking down isolated targets.
Stay near your team’s carries after engaging, providing them protection while also dealing damage.
Xin Zhao thrives in chaotic skirmishes where he can leverage his abilities to disrupt enemy lines and secure crucial kills.
5. Galio
Galio is a highly versatile champion known for his exceptional crowd control and tankiness. His unique skill set makes him a formidable presence both in lane and in teamfights. Let’s dive into how to play Galio effectively.
Laning Strategies
Playing Galio, requires a solid understanding of his abilities and how to leverage them against your opponent. Here are some key laning strategies to keep in mind:
Early Game Harass: Use Galio’s Q (Winds of War) to poke your opponent from a safe distance. This ability deals substantial damage over time and can help you whittle down your enemy’s health.
Wave Management: Utilize Q and E (Justice Punch) to manage minion waves effectively. Keeping the wave near your tower can reduce gank opportunities for the enemy jungler.
Shielding Allies: Galio’s Passive (Colossal Smash) gives him a powerful auto-attack that deals bonus magic damage. Use this to last-hit minions or harass enemies.
All-In Potential: At level 6, Galio gains access to his ultimate, R (Hero’s Entrance) , which allows him to leap to an ally’s location, knocking up enemies upon arrival. This ability can turn fights around if used correctly.
Building the right items is crucial for maximizing Galio’s potential on the Rift. Here’s a recommended build path:
Starting Items:
Doran’s Ring for mana sustain and bonus health
Health Potion for early sustain
Core Items:
Sunfire Aegis: Provides armor and health while dealing area-of-effect damage.
Gargoyle Stoneplate: Enhances your tankiness during teamfights.
Mercury’s Treads: Offers magic resistance and tenacity against crowd control.
Situational Items:
Thornmail: Effective against auto-attack heavy champions.
Spirit Visage: Increases healing received and offers magic resistance.
Abyssal Mask: Synergizes well with his magic damage output while providing additional tank stats.
Teamfight Tactics
Galio shines in teamfights due to his crowd control abilities and tanky nature. Here are some tips for excelling in team engagements:
Initiate with E + Q Combo: Start fights by using E (Justice Punch) followed by Q (Winds of War) to knock up enemies and deal considerable damage.
Positioning with W (Shield of Durand): Channeling W allows you to taunt enemies, forcing them to attack you while reducing incoming damage. Use this ability wisely to protect your backline or disrupt enemy carries.
Ultimate Usage: Position yourself strategically when casting R. Target allies who are engaging or being focused by the enemy team. The knock-up effect from Hero’s Entrance can disrupt enemy formations and provide significant peel for your teammates.
Follow-Up Combos: After initiating with your basic abilities, stay at the front line soaking up damage while continuously applying pressure with your passive auto-attacks and abilities off cooldown.
Using the recommended champions and strategies discussed in this article can greatly improve your climbing journey. Whether you’re stuck in Bronze or aiming to break into Diamond, choosing the right champion tailored for your playstyle and the current meta is crucial.
Key Takeaways:
Champion Selection: Each champion listed has unique strengths that make them optimal for climbing ranks. For instance, Jax and Rengar shine in the top lane with their aggressive playstyles, while Galio offers teamfight utility.
Adaptability: The meta in League of Legends is constantly changing. Staying updated and adjusting your champion pool accordingly can give you an edge over your opponents.
Goal Setting: Setting clear goals for each gaming session, whether it’s improving CS (creep score) or mastering a specific champion, can help you track your progress more effectively.
Gameplay Statistics: Tools like Mobalytics provide valuable insights into your gameplay statistics. Analyzing these stats can reveal areas for improvement, helping you refine your strategies.
The ever-changing nature of the meta means being adaptable is crucial for long-term success in ranked games. By continuously improving your champion pool and staying informed about changes in the game, you’ll be better prepared to face any challenges on the Rift.
For those looking to dive deeper into mastering specific champions, we have expert guides available:
An Expert’s LOL Sion Guide for Dominating the Rift – Master the art of playing Sion with our comprehensive guide. Unleash his power, conquer the battlefield, and become a legendary force with our LoL Sion Guide.
Best Ahri Build – Dominate Summoner’s Rift S14! – Unleash Ahri’s full potential in League of Legends with our ultimate build guide. Conquer the game using the best Ahri build and taste victory!
Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep honing your skills and enjoy the journey. Good luck on your climb through the ranks!
If you’re looking to get a head start with a new account, consider buying a LoL smurf from LoLFinity.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
How can Mobalytics help with rank progression in League of Legends?
Mobalytics is a valuable tool for rank progression, providing insights and analysis to help players climb ranks.
What are some recommended champions for climbing in the High Plat/Low Diamond ELO range?
For the High Plat/Low Diamond ELO range, it is recommended to consider champions from the high tier lists and adapt to the meta for better performance.
What are some climbing strategies for High Diamond and above in League of Legends?
In the challenging ELO range of High Diamond and above, it is important to understand the meta and choose champions that are suitable for this level of play.
How can champion tier lists guide champion choices for climbing at different ELO brackets?
Champion tier lists provide insights into the meta and recommended champions for specific ELO brackets, helping players make informed decisions for climbing ranks.
What are some performance tips for climbing ranks in League of Legends?
To enhance your climbing journey, utilize the recommended champions and strategies discussed in the article. Additionally, adaptability in champion selection is crucial for long-term success in ranked games due to the dynamic nature of the meta.
Chris, the founder and owner of, is a seasoned veteran in the world of League of Legends and online gaming. With a passion that ignited at the very inception of League of Legends, Chris has been an active player and community member since the game's earliest days.
In 2012, recognizing the challenges faced by fellow gamers in acquiring reliable and high-quality League of Legends smurf accounts, Chris founded It was born out of a desire to provide a trustworthy solution to the community, protecting enthusiasts from potential scams and ensuring a seamless experience.
Chris's expertise extends beyond just playing the game. From 2010 to 2016, he was a respected contributor to elitepvpers, one of the most prominent online gaming communities. During this time, Chris shared his insights and knowledge across various gaming topics, establishing himself as a trusted voice in the industry.
Since 2016, Chris has focused his writing exclusively on, channeling his years of experience and in-depth understanding of League of Legends into creating valuable content for the site's visitors. His articles cover a wide range of topics, from game strategies and account management to the latest updates in the LoL universe.
With over a decade of hands-on experience in the League of Legends ecosystem, Chris brings unparalleled expertise to His commitment to the gaming community is evident in every aspect of the site, from the quality of accounts offered to the informative content published.
Chris's primary goal has always been to enhance the experience of League of Legends enthusiasts. By combining his extensive knowledge, years of experience, and unwavering dedication to the community, he continues to make a go-to resource for players seeking reliable information and services in the world of League of Legends.