Top 5 Best Support Champions for Beginners in League of Legends

Do you remember your first steps in the Summoner’s Rift? It was exciting, uncertain, and full of hope. Choosing the right champion is key for beginners in League of Legends. We’re here to help you pick the best support champions for a smooth start.

Support champions are the heroes behind the scenes in League of Legends. They’re great for new players because they’re easy to learn. Let’s look at the beginner-friendly support champions that can help you rise in Season 15.

5 Best Support Champions for Beginners in LoL Article Thumbnail

The best support champions for beginner in League of Legends have healing and engaging abilities. You can choose to protect your allies or join the battle. There’s a champion for every playstyle. Let’s find the entry-level support champions that will lead you to victory.

Key Takeaways

  • Support champions are ideal for beginners in League of Legends due to their straightforward mechanics and forgiving playstyle.
  • Yuumi, Soraka, Nami, Janna, and Sona are considered the top beginner-friendly support champions.
  • The support role focuses on helping allies through healing, shielding, and crowd control rather than dealing damage.
  • Vision control and map awareness are crucial skills for support players to master.
  • Proper positioning and team communication are essential for success in the support role.
  • While easy to learn, support champions offer depth for skill development and can significantly impact game outcomes.

Understanding the Support Role in League of Legends

The support role in League of Legends is key for team success. It’s a great role for beginners to learn the game. Let’s explore what makes this role special and why it’s ideal for new players.

Supports Categorized by Supportive Capabilities
Supports Categorized by Supportive Capabilities

What Makes Support an Ideal Role for Beginners

Support champions in League offer unique ways to contribute. They don’t have to deal massive damage. Instead, they help allies and influence fights with utility.

This makes it easier for beginners to learn without the stress of being the main damage dealer.

Key Responsibilities of Support Champions

As a support, your main tasks include:

  • Healing and shielding allies
  • Providing crowd control
  • Maintaining vision control
  • Assisting your AD carry in lane

Basic Support Mechanics Every Player Should Know

To excel as a support, focus on these fundamental skills:

  • Proper positioning to protect your ally
  • Map awareness for team safety
  • Timing abilities to maximize impact
  • Warding key areas for vision

Let’s look at some popular support champions and their performance:

ChampionWin RatePick Rate
LoL Champion Sona Icon Sona52%2%
LoL Champion Soraka Icon Soraka50%5%
Icon showing League of Legends Champion Nautilus Nautilus48%11%
LoL Champion Blitzcrank Icon Blitzcrank49%6%

These stats show that even beginner-friendly champions like Sona and Soraka can have a big impact. As you get more comfortable, you’ll find the best support champions for you. This will help your team win in League of Legends.

Best Support Champions for Beginner: A Complete Overview

If you’re new to League of Legends, picking the right support champion is key. Let’s look at the top 5 easiest support champions for beginners.

Yuumi is the most beginner-friendly support. Her unique ability lets you attach to allies. This makes it easier to learn the game without worrying about positioning.

Soraka is great with her global healing ultimate. It’s perfect for helping teammates across the map.

Nami is versatile with her bubble stun and tidal wave ultimate. These abilities are great for setting up plays.

Janna protects allies with her shield and disruptive abilities.

Sona completes the list with simple yet impactful musical auras.

ChampionKey AbilityBeginner-Friendly Feature
LoL Champion Yuumi Icon YuumiAttach to alliesUntargetable while attached
LoL Champion Soraka Icon SorakaGlobal healingEasy-to-use targeted abilities
LoL Champion Nami icon NamiBubble stunVersatile kit for various situations
Icon showing the League of Legends Champion Janna  JannaShield and disengageStrong defensive capabilities
LoL Champion Sona Icon SonaMusical aurasSimple abilities with big impact

These support champions in League offer healing, crowd control, and protection. They’re perfect for beginners in League of Legends. They let you learn the role while making a big impact on your team’s success.

Yuumi: The Ultimate Beginner-Friendly Support

Yuumi is a top pick for new players in League of Legends. Her design makes her perfect for learning the support role. Let’s explore what makes Yuumi special and how to master this magical cat.

Yuumi sitting on a book - League of Legends balance team

Core Abilities and Mechanics

Yuumi’s abilities focus on attaching to allies. Her W, “You and Me!”, makes her ally stronger and safer. This is great for beginners learning to position themselves.

Her Q fires a guided missile, and E boosts speed and shields. Yuumi’s ultimate roots enemies, making her a great support in fights. These abilities mix offense and defense, allowing for flexible play.

Strategic Advantages for New Players

Yuumi is easy to play, letting you focus on the game without complex skills. You can learn about the map, objectives, and team fights while attached to your ally.

LoL Champion Yuumi Ability Feline Friendship Icon Passive (Feline Friendship)Restores health to you and an ally
LoL Champion Yuumi Ability Prowling Projectile Icon Q (Prowling Projectile)Deals bonus damage and slows enemies
LoL Champion Yuumi Ability You and Me! Icon W (You and Me!)Makes Yuumi untargetable and boosts ally stats
LoL Champion Yuumi Ability Zoomies Icon E (Zoomies)Shields and increases Move Speed and Attack Speed
LoL Champion Yuumi Ability Final Chapter Icon R (Final Chapter)Damages enemies and heals allies simultaneously

Tips for Mastering Yuumi

To get better at Yuumi, manage your mana and time your detachments well. Use your passive to restore mana and shield. Switch allies in fights to make the most impact.

  • Use Fifth Option exhaust Exhaust and First Option Ignite Ignite as your summoner spells
  • Choose Summon Aery Keystone Icon Summon Aery as your Keystone Rune
  • Build items like League of Legends Item Moonstone Renewer Icon Moonstone Renewer and An ominous glowing censer Ardent Censer
  • Be cautious of champions like Icon showing the League of Legends Champion Leona  Leona and Icon showing the League of Legends Champion Janna  Janna who can disrupt your strategies

With practice, Yuumi becomes a powerful and enjoyable support champion. She can greatly help your team in League of Legends.

Soraka: The Healing Powerhouse

Soraka is a top choice for new players in League of Legends. She excels at healing allies and dealing damage to enemies. This makes her very powerful in the early game and beyond.

soraka champion spotlight gamepl

In the early game, Soraka’s Q LoL Champion Soraka Ability Starcall Icon ability damages foes and refills her mana. This lets her keep healing. Her E LoL Champion Soraka Ability Equinox Icon ability silences enemies, stopping their spells and possibly rooting them. Her W LoL Champion Soraka Ability Astral Infusion Icon ability transfers health to allies, helping them stay in the fight longer.

Soraka’s ultimate LoL Champion Soraka Ability Wish Icon is a game-changer. It heals all allied champions, potentially turning the tide of team fights. As the game goes on, her abilities get stronger, making her a key support.

Even though Soraka is considered a “Tiny” threat, she has a big impact on the game. She works well with top ADC champions like Champion close up photo of Kog'maw in ADC Tier List Kog’Maw, Champion close up photo of Ezreal in ADC Tier List Ezreal, and Champion close up photo of Draven in ADC Tier List Draven. Her healing lets these carries control the lane and dominate early on.

  • Champion close up photo of Kog'maw in ADC Tier List Kog’Maw benefits from Soraka’s healing, becoming a late-game powerhouse
  • Champion close up photo of Ezreal in ADC Tier List Ezreal relies on her sustain to maintain lane control
  • Champion close up photo of Draven in ADC Tier List Draven and Soraka form an aggressive duo with early game dominance

Mastering Soraka’s healing and damage balance is crucial. Position yourself well to make the most of your Q. With practice, Soraka will become a vital part of any team.

Nami: The Versatile Tide Caller

Nami stands out as one of the best support champions for beginners in League of Legends, offering a balanced mix of crowd control, healing, and engage potential. Her versatile kit makes her an excellent choice for new players looking to learn the fundamentals of support play.

nami champion spotlight gameplay

Key Abilities and Strengths:

  • LoL Champion Nami Ability Aqua Prison Icon Aqua Prison(Q): A powerful area stun that can set up plays
  • LoL Champion Nami Ability Ebb and Flow Icon Ebb and Flow (W): Provides both healing and damage
  • LoL Champion Nami Ability Tidecaller's Blessing Icon Tidecaller’s Blessing (E): Empowers allies’ attacks
  • LoL Champion Nami Ability Tidal Wave Icon Tidal Wave (R): Large-scale crowd control ultimate

What Makes Nami Beginner-Friendly:

  • Versatile kit suitable for both aggressive and defensive playstyles
  • Clear ability purposes that help teach fundamental support concepts
  • Balanced mix of utility and crowd control
  • Straightforward mechanics with room for skill expression

Lane Presence

Nami excels in lane with her ability to both sustain her AD carry through healing and create opportunities with her bubble stun. Her E ability helps enhance her ally’s damage output, making her effective in both defensive and offensive situations.

Teamfight Impact:

In teamfights, Nami’s ultimate ability, Tidal Wave, can change the course of battle by disrupting enemy positioning and creating opportunities for her team. Her combination of crowd control and healing makes her valuable throughout all stages of the game.

While Nami requires some practice to land her bubble consistently, her overall kit is approachable enough for beginners while offering depth for those looking to master her abilities. She serves as an excellent champion for learning the support role while maintaining relevance at all skill levels.

Janna: The Storm’s Fury Protector

Janna represents one of the most reliable support picks for beginners in League of Legends, specializing in protection and disengage capabilities. Her defensive toolkit makes her particularly effective at keeping carries alive while disrupting enemy engages.

Janna wearing crystalline armor - buying LoL smurf accounts

Key Abilities and Strengths:

  • LoL Champion Janna Ability Howling Gale Icon Howling Gale (Q): Disruptive knockup that can be charged
  • LoL Champion Janna Ability Zephyr Icon Zephyr (W): Targeted slow and movement speed passive
  • LoL Champion Janna Ability Eye of the Storm Icon Eye of the Storm (E): Powerful shield with bonus AD
  • LoL Champion Janna Ability Monsoon Icon Monsoon (R): Game-changing healing and disengage ultimate

What Makes Janna Beginner-Friendly:

  • Strong defensive capabilities that forgive positioning mistakes
  • Straightforward shield mechanics
  • Excellent peel abilities to protect allies
  • Passive movement speed bonus helps with positioning

Lane Presence:

Janna excels in defensive lane play, using her shield to protect her AD carry during trades and her W to harass enemies safely. Her Q provides a reliable tool for stopping enemy engages and keeping the lane safe.

Teamfight Impact

In teamfights, Janna shines as a protective support who can completely negate enemy engage attempts. Her ultimate, Monsoon, can reset entire fights by pushing away threats and healing allies, making it one of the strongest defensive abilities in the game.

Tips for Success:

  • Focus on timing shields to maximize their effectiveness
  • Use Q to interrupt enemy dashes and engages
  • Position behind your carries to provide maximum protection
  • Save ultimate for crucial moments to disengage or heal team

While Janna’s playstyle might seem passive at first, she offers significant impact through her ability to deny enemy plays and keep her team alive. Her kit is particularly valuable for new players learning positioning and defensive support play, while still maintaining relevance at higher skill levels through her strong utility and peel potential.

Sona: Mastering Musical Support

Sona is a top pick for beginners in League of Legends. Her musical talents make her perfect for the support role. Let’s see why she’s great for new players.

Fullart DJ Sona Legendary Skin

Understanding Sona’s Auras

Sona’s strength comes from her auras. Each ability has a special effect that helps her team. Her Q LoL Champion Sona Ability Hymn of Valorr Icon damages enemies and boosts allies’ attacks. W LoL Champion Sona Ability Aria of Perseverance Icon heals and shields teammates, and E LoL Champion Sona Ability Song of Celerity Icon increases movement speed.

Positioning and Teamfight Impact

In teamfights, Sona is at her best. Her ultimate, LoL Champion Sona Ability Crescendo Icon Crescendo, stuns enemies and shortens cooldowns. This makes her a key player in battles. For beginners, it’s important to learn how to position Sona correctly.

Stay behind your frontline and use your auras to help allies. Look for chances to use your ultimate and change the game.

Power Chord Mechanics

Sona’s passive, LoL Champion Sona Ability Power Chord Icon Power Chord, adds a special touch to her abilities. After casting three spells, her next attack does extra damage and applies an effect. Learning to use Power Chords effectively boosts Sona’s impact.

Power ChordEffectBest Use
Q Power ChordExtra damageHarassing enemies
W Power ChordReduces enemy damageProtecting allies
E Power ChordSlows enemyChasing or escaping

Sona’s abilities are easy to learn but powerful. With practice, you’ll start winning games with her support.

Essential Support Items and Warding Strategies

Support items are vital in League of Legends, with over 200 options. The support role has three main playstyles: utility, tank, and mage. Each needs specific items. Season 14 brought a universal support item, upgradeable into four variants as you earn gold.

Utility supports like Sona often choose a rainbow jewel on a necklace Redemption. Tank supports, such as Leona, prefer Mythic Item - Locket of the Iron Solari icon Locket of the Iron Solari. Mage supports, on the other hand, go for League of Legends Item Imperial Mandate Icon Imperial Mandate. This item boosts damage against slowed or immobilized champions.

Warding strategies are key for vision control and map awareness. A golden cube with an orb - Watchful Wardstone icon Wardstone is a favorite for champions like Icon showing League of Legends Champion Nautilus Nautilus. It allows for better ward placement. Proper ward placement in key spots prevents ganks and secures objectives.

Support ItemBest ForKey Benefit
a rainbow jewel on a necklace RedemptionUtility SupportsTeam-wide healing
Mythic Item - Locket of the Iron Solari icon Locket of the Iron SolariTank SupportsTeam shield
League of Legends Item Imperial Mandate Icon Imperial MandateMage SupportsExtra damage on CC
A golden cube with an orb - Watchful Wardstone icon WardstoneAll SupportsImproved vision control

Adapting your item choices is crucial. Adjust based on the game state and enemy composition. Focus on vision control and map awareness. This helps your team secure objectives and win teamfights.

Champion-Specific Playstyles and Strategies

Mastering support in League of Legends starts with knowing your champion’s playstyle. Each champion has unique strengths that shape your strategy in lane positioning and team fights.

Lane Positioning Fundamentals

Your lane positioning as a support depends on your champion’s abilities. Engage supports like Icon showing the League of Legends Champion Leona  Leona need to be close to enemies, ready to start fights. Poke supports like Icon showing League of Legends Champion Lux  Lux stay back, harassing enemies safely.

Engaging and Disengaging

Knowing when to engage or disengage is key. Engage supports like LoL Champion Thresh Icon Thresh start fights by stunning or pulling enemies. Disengage supports, like Icon showing the League of Legends Champion Janna  Janna, protect allies by pushing enemies away or speeding up teammates.

Learn your champion’s strengths to make the right calls in fights.

Map Awareness Tips

Map awareness is crucial for supports. Keep an eye on the minimap to spot enemy movements and potential ganks. Place wards in key areas to give your team vision.

League of Legends Map displaying different warding positions

Ping missing enemies to alert your teammates. Good map awareness helps protect your allies and set up plays.

ChampionPlaystyleLane PositionEngage/Disengage
Icon showing the League of Legends Champion Leona  LeonaAggressiveFrontEngage
Icon showing League of Legends Champion Lux  LuxPokeBackMixed
LoL Champion Thresh Icon ThreshUtilityMixedEngage
Icon showing the League of Legends Champion Janna  JannaProtectiveBackDisengage

By mastering these champion-specific strategies, you’ll become a more effective support player. Remember, practice makes perfect!

Common Mistakes to Avoid as a Beginner Support

Starting as a support in League of Legends can lead to mistakes. It’s important to know these mistakes to get better. Let’s look at some common errors and how to avoid them.

One big mistake is poor positioning. You’re not the frontline tank! Stay behind your ADC but close enough to protect them. Also, don’t forget to ward key areas and clear enemy wards often.

Using your abilities wrong can also hurt your team. For example, LoL Champion Morgana Icon Morgana’s A forcefield of dark energy - Morgana's E, Black Shield Icon Black Shield is great, but timing is key. Use it to block important crowd control, not just for damage.

Good communication is also key. Ping objectives, enemy movements, and work with your jungler for ganks.

  • Neglecting to roam and assist other lanes
  • Overextending without proper vision
  • Failing to adapt item builds to the game situation
  • Ignoring the importance of crowd control in teamfights

By focusing on these areas and learning from mistakes, you’ll get better. Even old champions like LoL Champion Sona Icon Sona and Icon showing the League of Legends Champion Janna  Janna are still popular for beginners. They have simple kits. Keep practicing, and you’ll get better!

Advancing Your Support Skills

As you get better at basic support, it’s time to take it up a notch. Let’s dive into some advanced techniques to help you rule the Rift.

5 EASY WAYS To Improve as Support in League of Legends - Season 12

Advanced Warding Techniques

Deep warding is key for controlling the map. Place wards in enemy jungle areas to track them. Timing is everything – ward when they’re busy or your ADC is farming safely.

Roaming and Map Presence

Roaming can change the game. Leave your lane when it’s safe to help mid or secure objectives. Every second matters, so make your roams count!

Team Communication

Good team communication is what makes a support great. Use pings to warn teammates of enemies or call for help. Work with your jungler for ganks and objective control.

Deep WardingHighMedium
RoamingVery HighHigh
Team CommunicationCriticalLow

Improving these skills will greatly increase your map presence and game impact. Remember, practice is key. Keep working on these techniques, and you’ll see your support play grow from beginner to intermediate.


Starting your journey in League of Legends’ support role is exciting. Champions like Yuumi, Soraka, Janna, Nami and Sona are great for beginners. They help you learn the basics without getting too stressed.

Improving at support takes more than just picking the right champion. It’s about understanding the game’s bigger picture. You’ll learn to set up your team for success.

The support role is perfect for new players because it focuses on the big picture. You’ll help your team by setting up vision and giving important info. Even though support players might struggle in solo queue, don’t give up. With time, you’ll get better at positioning, warding, and working with your team.

As you get better, try out more challenging champions like Thresh or Nautilus. They can really change how your team plays. Remember, League of Legends is always changing. Keep learning and practicing to get better and climb the ranks.


Who are the top 5 easiest support champions for beginners in League of Legends?

The top 5 easiest support champions for beginners are Yuumi, Soraka, Nami, Janna, and Sona. These champions have simple kits. They help new players learn the support role without getting lost in complex mechanics.

Why is Yuumi considered the ultimate beginner-friendly support?

Yuumi is the ultimate beginner-friendly support because her W ability lets her attach to allies. This makes her untargetable. It helps new players learn the game without worrying about moving their character. Her abilities are straightforward and effective. This makes her perfect for those new to support.

What makes the support role ideal for beginners in League of Legends?

The support role is great for beginners because it’s forgiving. It focuses on helping the team rather than individual success. New players can help by healing, shielding, and controlling crowds without worrying about last-hitting minions. This role also helps develop important skills like map awareness and positioning.

What are the key responsibilities of a support champion?

A support champion’s main jobs are healing and shielding allies, controlling crowds, and keeping vision with wards. They also help the team in objectives. In the early game, they manage lanes, and in team fights, they use their utility abilities.

How does Soraka’s kit benefit new players?

Soraka’s kit is great for new players because it focuses on healing and area effects. Her Q gives mana back, E silences enemies, and W transfers health. Her ultimate heals all allies, which can change the game. This kit is straightforward but powerful. It lets beginners make a big impact without complex mechanics.

What are some essential support items for beginners?

Beginners should use gold-generation items like Spellthief’s Edge or Relic Shield. They also need control wards for vision and support items like Ardent Censer or Locket of the Iron Solari. These items help supports do their job better by providing income, vision, and utility.

What are common mistakes beginners should avoid when playing support?

Beginners should avoid poor positioning, neglecting vision control, wasting cooldowns, and not communicating with the team. Learning from these mistakes is key to improving support gameplay and team contribution.

How can I improve my map awareness as a support player?

To improve map awareness, check the minimap often, track enemy movements, and tell your team. Watch objective timers and place deep wards in the enemy jungle when safe. Use pings to warn teammates about ganks or missing enemies.

What are some advanced skills support players should aim to master?

Advanced skills include deep warding, timing roams, and improving team communication. Mastering these can greatly increase a support player’s impact on the game.

How does Sona’s kit work and why is she beginner-friendly?

Sona’s kit is beginner-friendly because it doesn’t need precise aiming. Her Q damages enemies and buffs allies, W heals and shields, and E boosts speed. Her ultimate, Crescendo, stuns enemies and reduces cooldowns. Sona shines in team fights with her buffs, heals, and crowd control. She’s a great choice for new players to learn support mechanics.

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Chris, the founder and owner of, is a seasoned veteran in the world of League of Legends and online gaming. With a passion that ignited at the very inception of League of Legends, Chris has been an active player and community member since the game's earliest days.

In 2012, recognizing the challenges faced by fellow gamers in acquiring reliable and high-quality League of Legends smurf accounts, Chris founded It was born out of a desire to provide a trustworthy solution to the community, protecting enthusiasts from potential scams and ensuring a seamless experience.

Chris's expertise extends beyond just playing the game. From 2010 to 2016, he was a respected contributor to elitepvpers, one of the most prominent online gaming communities. During this time, Chris shared his insights and knowledge across various gaming topics, establishing himself as a trusted voice in the industry.

Since 2016, Chris has focused his writing exclusively on, channeling his years of experience and in-depth understanding of League of Legends into creating valuable content for the site's visitors. His articles cover a wide range of topics, from game strategies and account management to the latest updates in the LoL universe.

With over a decade of hands-on experience in the League of Legends ecosystem, Chris brings unparalleled expertise to His commitment to the gaming community is evident in every aspect of the site, from the quality of accounts offered to the informative content published.

Chris's primary goal has always been to enhance the experience of League of Legends enthusiasts. By combining his extensive knowledge, years of experience, and unwavering dedication to the community, he continues to make a go-to resource for players seeking reliable information and services in the world of League of Legends.

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