5 Easiest Mid Lane Champions for Beginners in League of Legends

Ever wondered which champions can help you conquer the mid lane without breaking a sweat? League of Legends’ mid lane is often seen as a challenging role. But with the right picks, even beginners can shine. Let’s dive into the world of easy mid laners and discover the best mid lane champions for beginners.

The mid lane is the heart of Summoner’s Rift, and mastering it can be daunting. But fear not! We’ve compiled a list of beginner-friendly mid champions. These champions are not only simple to play but also effective in climbing the ranks.

5 Easiest Mid Lane Champions for Beginners in LoL Article Thumbnail

Our selection of simple mid lane champs caters to various playstyles. Whether you prefer long-range poke or close-quarters combat, there’s a champion here for you. Let’s explore these beginner-friendly mid champions and see how they can elevate your game.

Key Takeaways

  • Annie is one of the easiest champions for beginners with a basic kit and only one skill shot.
  • Lux offers strong burst damage potential with abilities that are relatively easy to land.
  • Veigar’s simple kit allows for easy AP stacking and defensive play.
  • Ziggs excels at destroying towers and securing objectives quickly.
  • Malzahar provides efficient wave clear and pick-off potential with his ultimate ability.

Understanding the Mid Lane Challenge

The mid lane in League of Legends is tough for new players. It requires skill, strategy, and quick thinking. Let’s explore why it’s hard and what it takes to succeed.

Why Mid Lane is Considered Difficult

Mid lane is not easy. You’re right in the middle, making you a target for ganks. Good warding can help a lot, reducing enemy ganks.

You also have to deal with both ranged mages and melee assassins. Each has its own way of playing.

Core Skills for Mid Lane Success

To succeed in mid lane, you need certain skills. Map awareness is crucial for better team performance and smart decisions. Learning trading strategies can help you dominate the lane and gain gold.

Don’t forget about roaming. Timely roams can increase your kill count.

The Importance of Champion Selection

Choosing the right champion is vital, even for beginners. A good starter pack should include easy-to-learn mid lane mages. This lets you focus on the basics without getting overwhelmed.

Building a diverse champion pool is essential for success. Remember, mid lane is about understanding the game, making smart choices, and gradually improving with beginner-friendly champions. With practice and patience, you’ll master the mid lane!

Best Mid Lane Champions for Beginner: A Complete Guide

Looking for the easiest mid laners in League of Legends? You’re in luck! We’ve found 5 champions perfect for beginners. They don’t need complex mechanics, so you can learn the basics of mid lane play.

The COMPLETE Beginners Guide to MID LANE for SEASON 14 - League of Legends

Let’s explore our top picks for mid lane champions without much mechanics:

  1. LoL Champion Annie Icon Annie: With a 52.3% win rate in low Elo, Annie is perfect for newcomers. Her simple kit includes a stun and massive AOE damage in team fights.
  2. Icon showing League of Legends Champion Lux  Lux: Despite skill shots, Lux is beginner-friendly with easy-to-learn spells and a 16.8% pick rate.
  3. Icon showing the League of Legends Champion Veigar  Veigar: Great for those struggling with last hitting, Veigar scales well, with a win rate increasing from 48.3% to 52.7% as games progress.
  4. LoL Champion Malzahar Icon Malzahar: Ideal for learning wave management, Malzahar’s popularity has grown 9% in recent patches.
  5. Icon showing the League of Legends Champion Ziggs Ziggs: With an average damage of 25,842 per game, Ziggs excels at long-range poke and area control, making him effective for new players who prefer a safer playstyle.

These League of Legends champions are great for learning mid lane. Each champion has unique strengths, fitting different playstyles. They’re also easy for new players to pick up.

ChampionKey StrengthStat Highlight
LoL Champion Annie Icon AnnieEasy stun, AOE damage52.3% win rate in low Elo
Icon showing League of Legends Champion Lux  LuxCrowd control, barrier16.8% pick rate
Icon showing the League of Legends Champion Veigar  VeigarScaling AP, wave clear52.7% late-game win rate
LoL Champion Malzahar Icon MalzaharWave management9% popularity increase
Icon showing the League of Legends Champion Ziggs ZiggsZone control, tower destruction25,842 average damage per game

Mastering these champions will help you learn mid lane mechanics and positioning. Remember, practice makes perfect!

Annie: The Perfect Starter Champion

Annie is a great choice for beginners in the mid lane. Her kit is straightforward, and her burst damage is powerful. This makes her easy to learn but challenging to master.

Annie as a modern girl - The Best Annie tips and tricks!

Basic Kit Overview

Annie’s abilities are simple yet effective. Her Q, LoL Champion Annie Ability Disintegrate Icon Disintegrate, is great for last-hitting minions and building up for her stun. Her passive, LoL Champion Annie Ability Pyromania Icon Pyromania, lets her stun enemies after using four abilities, making her trades very effective.

Trading and Wave Management

Annie is great at trading with opponents. Use your Q LoL Champion Annie Ability Disintegrate Icon Disintegrate to farm and save your stun for when the enemy gets too close. This helps you learn important mid lane concepts like trading and wave management.

Remember, your goal is to farm safely while looking for chances to punish your opponent’s mistakes.

Tibbers and Burst Potential

Annie’s ultimate, LoL Champion Annie Ability Summon Tibbers Icon Summon Tibbers, is where her true power lies. This ability summons a massive bear that deals significant burst damage and provides zoning potential. When combined with her stun, Annie can delete squishy targets in an instant.

Practice using Tibbers with your other abilities to maximize your burst damage potential.

ChampionPick RateWin RateBan Rate

As the table shows, Annie has a solid win rate and is rarely banned. This makes her a great choice for consistent practice and improvement in the mid lane.

Lux: Mastering Light and Range

Lux is a great champion for beginners in the mid lane. She teaches the basics of skill shots and positioning. Her kit offers poke, wave clear, and burst damage, making her versatile.

Lux controlling the elements - best mid lane champions

Lux’s LoL Champion Lux Skill Light Binding Light Binding (Q) roots enemies, setting up her combos. Her LoL Champion Lux Ability Prismatic Barrier Icon Prismatic Barrier (W) shields allies, adding a defensive touch. LoL Champion Lux Ability Lucent Singularity Icon Lucent Singularity (E) is great for wave clear and poking. Her ultimate, LoL Champion Lux Ability Final Spark Icon Final Spark, deals massive damage in a line, perfect for teamfights.

  • Skill shot accuracy
  • Mana management
  • Safe farming from range
  • Team utility with shields

Lux’s item build focuses on ability power and cooldown reduction. Start with League of Legends Item Lost Chapter Icon Lost Chapter for mana sustain, then finished item luden's echo icon Luden’s Echo for burst damage. Mejais soulstealer icon Mejai’s Soulstealer is good if you’re ahead, as it stacks well with Lux’s safe playstyle.

AbilityKey Use
LoL Champion Lux Skill Light Binding Light Binding (Q)Root enemies, set up combos
LoL Champion Lux Ability Prismatic Barrier Icon Prismatic Barrier (W)Shield allies, provide utility
LoL Champion Lux Ability Lucent Singularity Icon Lucent Singularity (E)Wave clear, poke enemies
LoL Champion Lux Ability Final Spark Icon Final Spark (R)Long-range burst damage

With Lux, you’ll learn to balance offense and defense. She’s an excellent choice for mastering mid lane fundamentals.

Veigar: The Scaling AP Powerhouse

Veigar, the Tiny Master of Evil, is a strong mid lane champion in League of Legends. He can stack AP, becoming a monster in the late game. He’s a great pick for beginners who want to dominate the mid lane.

Veigar as an evil supervillain - evil video game company

Stacking Mechanics

Veigar’s Q ability LoL Champion Veigar Ability Baleful Strike Icon Baleful Strike is key to his power. Every time you hit a minion with Q, you gain AP. This teaches you the value of farming and patience.

As the game goes on, your damage increases. You’ll become a powerful force.

Cage Placement Strategy

Veigar’s E LoL Champion Veigar Ability Event Horizon Icon Event Horizon creates a cage that stuns enemies. It’s vital for offense and defense. Use it to trap enemies or protect yourself.

Mastering cage placement boosts your game impact.

Late Game Domination

As you stack AP, Veigar becomes unstoppable in the late game. His ultimate LoL Champion Veigar Ability Primordial Burst Icon Primordial Burst can kill enemies with low health in one hit. In teamfights, stay safe behind your team and unleash your combo.

Learning Veigar teaches you important skills like farming, positioning, and scaling. With practice, you’ll carry games and climb the ranks quickly.

Ziggs: Superior Wave Clear and Tower Control

Ziggs is a top pick for beginners in the mid lane. His bomb-based kit is great for clearing waves and controlling towers. This makes him very valuable in any team.

Ziggs as a video game battle boss - Ziggs tips and tricks

Bomb Management

Mastering Ziggs’ bombs is crucial for lane dominance. His LoL Champion Ziggs Ability Bouncing Bomb Icon Bouncing Bomb (Q) is perfect for long-range poking and clearing waves. Practice aiming these bombs to increase your damage and farm efficiency.

How to Play ZIGGS MID & CARRY for BEGINNERS + Best Build/Runes Season 13 - League of Legends

Objective Control

Ziggs is excellent at taking objectives. His LoL Champion Ziggs Ability Satchel Charge Icon Satchel Charge (W) can quickly destroy towers. This gives your team a big advantage. Use it to apply pressure on side lanes or secure early objectives.

Safe Laning Tactics

Ziggs’ kit allows for safe laning. His LoL Champion Ziggs Ability Hexplosive Minefield Icon Hexplosive Minefield (E) slows enemies and zones areas. This provides protection against ganks. Combine this with your long-range abilities to farm safely and poke enemies from a distance.

AbilityPrimary UseSecondary Use
LoL Champion Ziggs Ability Bouncing Bomb Icon Bouncing Bomb (Q)Wave clearPoke
LoL Champion Ziggs Ability Satchel Charge Icon Satchel Charge (W)Tower destructionEscape tool
LoL Champion Ziggs Ability Hexplosive Minefield Icon Hexplosive Minefield (E)Zone controlSlowing enemies
LoL Champion Ziggs Ability Mega Inferno Bomb Icon Mega Inferno Bomb (R)Long-range AoE damageObjective control

With Ziggs, you’ll learn key mid lane skills like objective control and safe laning. His superior range and wave clear make him a great choice for beginners. They can impact the game from the mid lane.

Malzahar: Point-and-Click Power

Malzahar is the easiest and strongest midlaner for Season 14. His kit is perfect for beginners. It offers powerful wave clear and a point-and-click suppress ultimate.

Malzahar controlling the powers of the void

His passive LoL Champion Malzahar Ability Void Shift Icon Void Shift provides a spell shield, protecting you from unexpected ganks. This makes him a great choice for new players.

Learning Malzahar teaches you how to manage waves efficiently. His E LoL Champion Malzahar Ability Malefic Visions Icon Malefic Visions ability spreads to nearby enemies, helping you clear minions quickly. This skill also helps you manage mana, a key part of midlane play.

Malzahar’s ultimate LoL Champion Malzahar Ability Nether Grasp Icon Nether Grasp is a game-changer. It suppresses a single target, creating pick opportunities for your team. Use this ability wisely to secure kills or peel for your carries in teamfights.

Matchup DifficultyChampions
MajorXerath, Ahri, Diana, Morgana, Syndra, Lux, Orianna, Ziggs, Twisted Fate
EvenGangplank, Taliyah, Galio, Ryze, Lissandra, Karthus
MinorYasuo, Annie, Kassadin, Ekko, Zoe, Cassiopeia

When facing tough matchups like Icon showing the League of Legends Champion Anivia Anivia, consider banning or relying on your team’s crowd control. Against easier opponents like Icon showing League of Legends Champion Yasuo Yasuo or LoL Champion Annie Icon Annie, focus on pushing lanes and roaming to help your side lanes.

Mastering Malzahar’s kit will improve your midlane skills significantly. His straightforward abilities and strong wave clear make him an excellent choice for newcomers to the role.

Essential Mid Lane Mechanics for Beginners

Mastering mid lane mechanics is key to success in League of Legends. Let’s explore the main skills needed to excel in the mid lane.

Wave Management Basics

Wave management is vital for mid laners. It’s about controlling minion waves to gain an edge. By managing waves, you can block your opponent’s farm, set up ambushes, and find chances to roam.

Trading Fundamentals

Trading is about exchanging blows with your opponent. As a mid laner, you must get good at this to lead in the lane. Look for chances to trade when your opponent’s abilities are down or when they’re trying to get minion kills.

Roaming Timing

Roaming is a strong strategy for mid laners to affect other lanes. The trick is knowing when to leave your lane. Seek chances when your lane is pushed and you can see the enemy jungler. Good roaming can change the game’s direction.

By concentrating on these key mid lane mechanics, you’ll see your game play better. Start with easy champions like LoL Champion Annie Icon Annie or LoL Champion Malzahar Icon Malzahar. Their simple abilities let you focus on these basic skills without getting lost in complex ones.

Remember, practice is key. Keep working on these skills, and you’ll see your mid lane game get much better.

Item Builds and Power Spikes

Understanding item builds and power spikes is key to dominating the mid lane. Each champion has unique core items that boost their effectiveness. For beginners, focusing on ability power and mana management is crucial.

LoL Champion Annie Icon Annie and Icon showing the League of Legends Champion Veigar  Veigar thrive with early ability power items. Icon showing League of Legends Champion Lux  Lux and Icon showing the League of Legends Champion Ziggs Ziggs often prioritize mana items to sustain their spell-casting. Recognizing these power spikes helps you know when to play aggressively or defensively.

Let’s look at LoL Champion Ekko Icon Ekko as an example. His first major power spike comes with League of Legends item Hextech Rocketbelt Hextech Rocketbelt. This mythic item provides ability power, haste, and magic penetration. For your second item, choose betweenLich Bane Icon - flaming sword Lich Bane and Nashor's Tooth icon - Tooth made into a dagger Nashor’s Tooth based on your playstyle.

Remember, item builds aren’t set in stone. Adapt based on the game situation and your champion’s needs. By mastering item builds and recognizing power spikes, you’ll gain a significant edge in the mid lane.

Common Mid Lane Mistakes to Avoid

As you climb the ranks in League of Legends, avoiding key mid lane mistakes can set you apart from the competition. Let’s dive into some common errors that hold back many aspiring mid laners.

Positioning Errors

Poor positioning can spell disaster in the mid lane. Standing too close to enemy champions or overextending without vision leaves you vulnerable to ganks. Remember to stay behind your minions during trades and keep a safe distance when farming. Good positioning allows you to maximize damage output while minimizing risk.

Resource Management

Effective resource management is crucial for mid lane success. Many new players burn through mana too quickly, leaving them unable to capitalize on key opportunities. Conserve your resources for important trades or objectives. Learn to last-hit minions efficiently to maintain a healthy mana pool for when it really counts.

Map Awareness Issues

Lack of map awareness is a common pitfall for beginner mid laners. Failing to track enemy movements can lead to unexpected ganks or missed roaming chances. Glance at your minimap frequently to spot potential threats or opportunities. Ward key areas and communicate with your team to stay one step ahead of your opponents.

  • Check the minimap every 5-10 seconds
  • Ward river entrances and enemy jungle paths
  • Track enemy jungler movements
  • Communicate missing enemies to your team
LoL Ward Placements in LoL

By focusing on improving your positioning, resource management, and map awareness, you’ll avoid common mid lane mistakes and elevate your gameplay. Remember, mastering these fundamentals takes time and practice, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results. Keep at it, and you’ll soon see significant improvement in your mid lane performance.


Starting your journey to master the mid lane is exciting. Success takes practice and patience. The five champions we talked about – Annie, Lux, Veigar, Ziggs, and Malzahar – are great for beginners.

Each champion has special abilities. Annie can summon Tibbers, while Veigar’s powers grow endlessly. These champions are a good start to improve your skills.

But don’t stop there. Try out other champions as you get better. Talon and Ahri are good for quick damage and roaming. Neeko and Fizz are sneaky and hard to catch.

As you get more confident, you might want to try champions like Akali or Sylas. They are challenging but rewarding.

The mid lane changes with each season. Stay flexible and focus on important skills like managing waves and trading. With hard work and the right champions, you’ll excel in League of Legends.


Why is the mid lane considered one of the hardest lanes in League of Legends?

The mid lane is tough because it’s in the middle of the map. You need to be aware of the map and make quick decisions. Learning to manage waves, trade, and roam is key to success here.

What are the best mid lane champions for beginners?

Annie, Lux, Veigar, Ziggs, and Malzahar are great for new players. They have simple abilities that help you learn the basics of mid lane.

How can Annie help me learn mid lane basics?

Annie is easy to play and packs a punch. Her Q helps with minion kills, and her passive stuns enemies. Playing her teaches you about trading and managing waves.

What makes Lux a good champion for beginners?

Lux is versatile and has long-range attacks. She teaches you about positioning and accuracy. Her shield also adds to her value in fights.

How does Veigar’s playstyle benefit new mid laners?

Veigar’s abilities teach you about farming and positioning in fights. He shows how to grow stronger as the game goes on.

What unique skills can I learn from playing Ziggs?

Ziggs is great at clearing waves and sieging. He teaches you about controlling objectives and safe laning. His abilities also highlight the importance of map pressure and tower destruction.

Why is Malzahar considered beginner-friendly?

Malzahar has strong wave clear and a suppressive ultimate. He teaches you about mana management, pushing lanes, and setting up ambushes. His passive shield also protects you from ganks.

What are the essential mid lane mechanics I should focus on as a beginner?

Focus on mastering wave management, trading, and roaming. These skills are the foundation of mid lane success. Beginner-friendly champions make it easier to practice these skills.

How important are item builds and power spikes in the mid lane?

Item builds and power spikes are key to mid lane success. Each champion has core items that boost their power. Knowing when to be aggressive or defensive is crucial.

What are some common mistakes to avoid as a beginner mid laner?

Avoid poor positioning, bad resource management, and lack of map awareness. Improving these areas will make you a better mid laner.

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Chris, the founder and owner of lolfinity.com, is a seasoned veteran in the world of League of Legends and online gaming. With a passion that ignited at the very inception of League of Legends, Chris has been an active player and community member since the game's earliest days.

In 2012, recognizing the challenges faced by fellow gamers in acquiring reliable and high-quality League of Legends smurf accounts, Chris founded lolfinity.com. It was born out of a desire to provide a trustworthy solution to the community, protecting enthusiasts from potential scams and ensuring a seamless experience.

Chris's expertise extends beyond just playing the game. From 2010 to 2016, he was a respected contributor to elitepvpers, one of the most prominent online gaming communities. During this time, Chris shared his insights and knowledge across various gaming topics, establishing himself as a trusted voice in the industry.

Since 2016, Chris has focused his writing exclusively on lolfinity.com, channeling his years of experience and in-depth understanding of League of Legends into creating valuable content for the site's visitors. His articles cover a wide range of topics, from game strategies and account management to the latest updates in the LoL universe.

With over a decade of hands-on experience in the League of Legends ecosystem, Chris brings unparalleled expertise to lolfinity.com. His commitment to the gaming community is evident in every aspect of the site, from the quality of accounts offered to the informative content published.

Chris's primary goal has always been to enhance the experience of League of Legends enthusiasts. By combining his extensive knowledge, years of experience, and unwavering dedication to the community, he continues to make lolfinity.com a go-to resource for players seeking reliable information and services in the world of League of Legends.

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