The Best Solo Carry Champions in League of Legends Season 15 – S1.1

As Season 15 of League of Legends approaches, it’s crucial to equip yourself with the best solo carry champions for each role. This guide dives deep into the top picks across the game, providing insights into builds, runes, strengths, and weaknesses to help you dominate the competition.

Best Solo Carry Champions for PATCH 25-S1-1 Article Thumbnail Article Thumbnail

Key Takeaways

  • Adapt to the new patch and utilize champions that fit the current meta.
  • Understand each champion’s strengths and weaknesses to maximize their potential.
  • Build items and runes that complement your champion’s playstyle for effective gameplay.

Introduction to Season 15

Season 15 of League of Legends is upon us, and with it comes a fresh opportunity for players to establish dominance in the game. The new patch system has introduced a different way of numbering, now referred to as 25.S1.1, representing the year, season and patch. This change is not merely cosmetic; it reflects Riot’s intention to categorize patches more effectively, especially with thematic seasons in mind, the first being Noxus.

This season promises to be exciting, with new champion interactions, objective priorities, and rune adjustments that will shape the gameplay experience. As players dive into the new patch, understanding these changes will be crucial to climbing the ranks and maximizing your performance.

Patch 25.S1.1 Changes and Tier List - Patch Name

Understanding Patch 25.S1.1

Patch 25.S1.1 is not just a simple update; it brings significant changes that players must adapt to. The adjustments in champion abilities, item effectiveness, and rune mechanics can drastically alter the meta. Key highlights include:

  • Champion Buffs and Nerfs: Understanding which champions have received buffs or nerfs will help you make informed decisions during champion select.
  • Item Adjustments: Some items have been reworked or adjusted, impacting the build paths for various champions.
  • New Runes: The introduction of new runes, such as Axium Archinist, will provide players with new strategic options.

Players will need to stay ahead of the curve by experimenting with different builds and strategies to find the most effective ways to leverage these changes.

Top Lane Picks


LoL Champion Irelia icon Irelia has emerged as one of the top solo carry champions for the new season. The introduction of a new build focusing on LoL Item Hullbreaker Item Hullbreaker has significantly boosted her power, especially in split-pushing scenarios. Players are now opting for a LoL item Blade of the Ruined King Blade of the Ruined King into LoL Item Hullbreaker Item Hullbreaker build, which has proven to be more effective than the previous Kraken setups.

Key strengths of Aelia include:

  • Split-Pushing Capability: With her passive now applying damage to towers, Irelia excels at taking objectives and creating pressure in side lanes.
  • 1v1 Potential: Irelia thrives in isolated fights, making her a formidable opponent in duels.
  • Team Fight Execution: Although her team fight capabilities are more challenging to execute, her split-pushing can often lead to favorable situations for her team.

The core build for Irelia consists of LoL item Blade of the Ruined King Blade of the Ruined King, followed by LoL Item Hullbreaker Item Hullbreaker, and situational items like LoL Item Wit's End Wit’s End or LoL Item Death Dance Death’s Dance.

  • Core Item Build for Irelia:
    • LoL item Blade of the Ruined King Blade of the Ruined King
    • LoL Item Hullbreaker Item Hullbreaker
    • LoL Item Wit's End Wit’s End or LoL Item Death Dance Death’s Dance (Situational)
Best Solo Carry Champions Patch 25.S1.1 - Irelia - Items
  • Best Runes for Irelia:
    • Primary:
      • League of Legends Conqueror Rune icon Conqueror
      • LoL Rune Triumph Icon Triumph
      • LoL Rune Legend Alacrity Icon Alacrity
      • LoL Rune Last Stand Icon Last Stand
    • Secondary:
      • LoL Rune Biscuits Icon Biscuits
      • LoL Rune Jack of all Trades Icon Jack of All Trades
Best Solo Carry Champions Patch 25.S1.1 - Irelia - Runes


League of Legends Chempin Warwick Warwick has solidified his position as one of the best skirmishing top laners this season. His ability to sustain through fights using his passive allows him to bait opponents into unfavorable trades. This is particularly effective in lower elos where players may not be familiar with his strengths.

Warwick’s strengths include:

  • High Sustain: His passive provides immense healing, making him a difficult target to take down.
  • Early Game Dominance: Warwick excels in early skirmishes, allowing him to secure early kills and snowball his lead.
  • Flexible Playstyle: He can be aggressive in trades or play more defensively, depending on the matchup.

The recommended build for Warwick is LoL item Blade of the Ruined King Blade of the Ruined King into Stridebreaker Stridebreaker, followed by situational items based on the game state.

  • Core Item Build for Warwick:
    • LoL item Blade of the Ruined King Blade of the Ruined King
    • Stridebreaker Stridebreaker
    • Situational items (based on game state)
Best Solo Carry Champions Patch 25.S1.1 - Warwick - Items
  • Best Runes for Warwick:
    • Primary:
      • Lethal Tempo icon Lethal Tempo
      • Precision Rune - Presence of Mind icon Presence of Mind
      • LoL Rune Legend Alacrity Icon Alacrity
      • LoL Rune Last Stand Icon Last Stand
    • Secondary:
      • Resolve rune Second Wind icon Second Wind
      • a growing plant - revitalize icon Revitalize
Best Solo Carry Champions Patch 25.S1.1 - Warwick - Runes


Icon showing the League of Legends Champion Malphite  Malphite remains a strong option for players looking for a straightforward yet effective champion. His ability to stack armor and slow opponents with his E makes him a great counter to AD champions, especially in the current meta.

Key aspects of Malphite include:

  • Team Fight Impact: Malphite can initiate fights with his ultimate, making him a valuable asset in team compositions.
  • Scaling Power: He outscales many AD fighters, becoming a critical force in late-game team fights.
  • Armor Scaling: His abilities benefit from stacking armor, making him a tanky presence against physical damage dealers.

The standard core build for Malphite is Mythic Item - Sunfire Aegis icon Sunfire Aegis into Lol Item Thornmail Icon Thornmail, allowing him to maximize his tankiness while dealing damage in fights.

  • Core Item Build for Malphite:
    • Mythic Item - Sunfire Aegis icon Sunfire Aegis
    • Lol Item Thornmail Icon Thornmail
    • Situational items (based on game state)
Best Solo Carry Champions Patch 25.S1.1 – Malphite – Items
  • Best Runes for Malphite:
    • Primary:
      • League of Legends Rune Arcane Comet Arcane Comet
      • League of Legends Rune Manaflow Band Manaflow Band
      • League of Legends Rune Transcendence Transcendence
      • A purple flame - Scorch rune Scorch
    • Secondary:
      • Resolve rune Second Wind icon Second Wind
      • Resolve runes - overgrowth icon Overgrowth
Best Solo Carry Champions Patch 25.S1.1 – Malphite – Runes

Jungle Picks


wukong champion icon Wukong has risen to prominence as a top-tier jungler this season, thanks to his recent buffs. His ability to engage and deal damage while being tanky makes him a versatile choice for various team compositions.

Wukong’s strengths include:

  • Skirmishing Power: His passive allows for strong dueling potential against physical damage champions.
  • Engagement Tools: Wukong can initiate fights effectively, providing utility and damage to his team.
  • Adaptability: He can build according to the enemy team’s composition, choosing between damage and tankiness.

The core build for Wukong consists of Trinity Force icon Season 11 Art Trinity Force into Sunderer, with situational options like Black Cleaver, a giant black twin-blade axe Black Cleaver or LoL Item Death Dance Death’s Dance based on the game flow.

  • Core Item Build for Wukong:
    • Trinity Force icon Season 11 Art Trinity Force
    • LoL Item Sundered Sky Sundered Sky
    • Black Cleaver, a giant black twin-blade axe Black Cleaver, LoL Item Death Dance Death’s Dance, or Sterak's Gage icon, a claw-like glove Sterak’s Gage (Situational)
Best Solo Carry Champions Patch 25.S1.1 – Wukong – Items
  • Best Runes for Wukong:
    • Primary:
      • League of Legends Conqueror Rune icon Conqueror
      • LoL Rune Triumph Icon Triumph
      • LoL Rune Legend Alacrity Icon Alacrity
      • LoL Rune Last Stand Icon Last Stand
    • Secondary:
      • Magical Footwear rune icon Magical Footwear
      • cosmic insight rune icon Cosmic Insight
Best Solo Carry Champions Patch 25.S1.1 – Wukong – Runes


LoL Champion Nocturne Icon Nocturne is a powerhouse choice for the jungle in Season 15, especially for players in lower ranks. His kit synergizes well with the current meta, allowing for easy picks and impactful ganks. The key to success with Nocturne lies in his ability to find isolated enemies and capitalize on their mistakes.

Strengths and Weaknesses:

Nocturne excels at catching enemies off-guard with his ultimate, Paranoia, which plunges the map into darkness, making it difficult for opponents to react. He becomes significantly more powerful when combined with items like Stridebreaker Stridebreaker and League of Legends item Hextech Rocketbelt Hextech Rocketbelt, providing him with both mobility and damage.

  • Strengths:
    • High burst damage with his abilities.
    • Strong ganking potential with his ultimate.
    • Ability to snowball games quickly.
  • Weaknesses:
    • Vulnerable to crowd control effects.
    • Struggles against heavy tank compositions.
  • Core Item Build for Nocturne:
    • Stridebreaker Stridebreaker
    • LoL Item Experimental Hexbelt Icon Experimental Hexbelt
    • League of Legends Infinity Edge item Infinity Edge (situational)
    • Guardian Angel icon Season 11 Art Guardian Angel (situational)
    • LoL Item Death Dance Death’s Dance (for survivability)
Best Solo Carry Champions Patch 25.S1.1 – Nocturne – Items
  • Best Runes for Nocturne:
    • Primary:
      • League of Legends Conqueror Rune icon Conqueror
      • LoL Rune Triumph Icon Triumph
      • LoL Rune Legend Alacrity Icon Alacrity
      • LoL Rune Last Stand Icon Last Stand
    • Secondary:
      • Domination rune ultimate hunter icon Ultimate Hunter
      • LoL Rune Sudden Impact Icon Sudden Impact (optional for added damage)
Best Solo Carry Champions Patch 25.S1.1 – Nocturne – Runes


League of Legends Chempin Warwick Warwick has emerged as a top-tier jungler in Season 15, showcasing incredible skirmishing power and sustain that allows him to excel in early game fights. His unique mobility, granted by his passive which provides bonus movement speed to enemies below 50% health, enables him to capitalize on low-health targets and secure kills efficiently.

Warwick’s strengths include:

  • High Sustain: His passive healing from damage taken makes him incredibly difficult to take down, allowing him to withstand fights and outlast opponents.
  • Strong Early Game Pressure: Warwick thrives in the early stages of the game, which allows him to secure objectives and gank lanes effectively.
  • Great Map Mobility: His ability to quickly respond to skirmishes with movement speed boosts makes him a formidable jungler for controlling the map.

The recommended build for Warwick in the jungle is to rush Stridebreaker Stridebreaker for enhanced mobility and damage, followed by LoL item Blade of the Ruined King Blade of the Ruined King for added sustain and damage output.

  • Core Item Build for Warwick:
    • Stridebreaker Stridebreaker
    • LoL item Blade of the Ruined King Blade of the Ruined King
    • Situational items based on the game state
Best Solo Carry Champions Patch 25.S1.1 – Warwick – Jungle Items
  • Best Runes for Warwick:
    • Primary:
      • Lethal Tempo icon Lethal Tempo
      • LoL Rune Triumph Icon Triumph
      • LoL Rune Legend Alacrity Icon Alacrity
      • LoL Rune Last Stand Icon Last Stand
    • Secondary:
      • Man Dashing Forward - Celerity rune icon Celerity
      • LoL Rune Waterwalking Icon Waterwalking
Best Solo Carry Champions Patch 25.S1.1 – Warwick – Jungle Runes

Mid Lane Picks


League of Legends Champion Victor Icon Viktor has seen a resurgence in the mid lane, becoming a top-tier pick due to his flexibility and power. His ability to adapt his build according to the enemy composition makes him a valuable asset in any game.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Viktor shines against squishy champions, leveraging his Death Ray and Chaos Storm to deal massive damage. His unique build paths allow him to either burst down enemies quickly or sustain in longer fights.

  • Strengths:
    • High burst damage with skill combos.
    • Excellent wave clear and zoning potential.
    • Adaptable build paths based on matchups.
  • Weaknesses:
    • Vulnerable to assassins who can dodge his skill shots.
    • Requires good positioning to maximize damage.

The core build for Viktor includes:

LoL Item Luden's Companion Luden’s CompanionBoosts burst damage and provides ability haste.
Lich Bane Icon - flaming sword Lich BaneIncreases survivability and provides crowd control.
Best Solo Carry Champions Patch 25.S1.1 – Victor – Items

OR against Tanks

LoL Item Blackfire Icon Blackfire TorchDeals burn damage over time and amplifies magic damage on enemies.
Mythic Item - Liandry's Anguish icon Liandry’s TormentIncreases sustained damage and deals bonus damage based on enemy max health.
Best Solo Carry Champions Patch 25.S1.1 – Victor – Items2

Rune Setup

  • Primary:
    • Summon Aery Keystone Icon Summon Aery
    • League of Legends Rune Transcendence Transcendence
    • LoL Rune Axiom Arcanist Icon Axiom Arcanist
    • A purple flame - Scorch rune Scorch
  • Secondary:
    • Resolve rune shield bash icon Shield Bash
    • LoL Rune Bone Plating Icon Bone Plating
Best Solo Carry Champions Patch 25.S1.1 – Victor – Runes

This setup enhances his poke and ability uptime, allowing him to dominate mid lane.


Icon showing LoL Champion Ahri the Nine-Tailed Fox Ahri continues to be a strong solo carry champion in the mid lane. Her mobility and crowd control make her a formidable opponent, especially in lower ranks where players may struggle to evade her charms.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Ahri’s strength lies in her ability to outmaneuver opponents and pick off isolated targets. The charm from her ultimate can turn fights in her favor, making her a high-impact pick.

  • Strengths:
    • High mobility with her ultimate.
    • Strong catch potential with her charm.
    • Ability to deal both burst and sustained damage.
  • Weaknesses:
    • Vulnerable to heavy crowd control.
    • Requires precise skill shots to maximize damage.

The recommended core build for Ahri consists of:

LoL Item Malignance MalignanceAmplifies damage dealt to enemies with impaired movement or crowd control.
LoL Item Horizon Focus Icon Horizon FocusIncreases damage to immobilized or long-range targets.
Best Solo Carry Champions Patch 25.S1.1 – Ahri – Items

Rune Setup

  • Primary:
    • Keystone Electrocute Icon red lightning bolt Electrocute
    • Taste of Blood Rune icon Taste of Blood
    • Domination rune ultimate hunter icon Ultimate Hunter
  • Secondary:
    • League of Legends Rune Transcendence Transcendence
    • League of Legends Rune Manaflow Band Manaflow Band
Best Solo Carry Champions Patch 25.S1.1 – Ahri – Runes

This setup maximizes her burst potential while providing sustain in fights.


LoL Champion Vex Icon Vex has been consistently strong in the mid lane due to her ability to counter many popular champions. Her wave clear and crowd control make her a valuable pick in any team composition.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Vex excels at shutting down champions that rely on mobility. Her ultimate can change the tide of fights, especially against champions who dive into her team.

  • Strengths:
    • Strong against mobile champions.
    • High zoning potential with her abilities.
    • Good wave clear and team fight impact.
  • Weaknesses:
    • Vulnerable to burst damage.
    • Requires good positioning to maximize her abilities.

The core build for Vex includes:

The core build for Vex focuses on maximizing her burst potential and team fight impact. Start with LoL Item Luden's Companion Luden’s Tempest for its ability power and cooldown reduction, which will enhance her poke and wave clear. For the second item, opt for LoL Item Shadowflame Shadowflame, providing additional AP and health, which synergizes well with Vex’s burst damage. Finally, choose League of Legends item Zhonya Hourglass Zhonya’s Hourglass or League of Legends item Rabadon's Deathcap Rabadon’s Deathcap as the third item, depending on whether you need survivability or extra crowd control. This build allows Vex to deal significant damage while remaining a threat in team fights.

  • Core Item Build for Vex:
    • LoL Item Luden's Companion Luden’s Tempest
    • LoL Item Shadowflame Shadowflame
    • League of Legends item Zhonya Hourglass Zhonya’s Hourglass or League of Legends item Rabadon's Deathcap Rabadon’s Deathcap (Situational)
Best Solo Carry Champions Patch 25.S1.1 – Vex – Items

Rune Setup

  • Primary:
    • Keystone Electrocute Icon red lightning bolt Electrocute
    • Taste of Blood Rune icon Taste of Blood
    • Domination rune ultimate hunter icon Ultimate Hunter
  • Secondary:
    • League of Legends Rune Manaflow Band Manaflow Band
    • League of Legends Rune Transcendence Transcendence
Best Solo Carry Champions Patch 25.S1.1 – Vex – Runes

This setup enhances her burst damage and provides sustain in the lane.

ADC Picks

Miss Fortune

Champion close up photo of Miss Fortune in ADC Tier List Miss Fortune has made a strong comeback in the ADC role this season. Her unique combination of burst damage and area control makes her an impactful pick in team fights.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Miss Fortune is particularly strong against squishy opponents and excels in team fights with her ultimate, Bullet Time. Her ability to deal massive damage upfront makes her a valuable asset in any composition.

  • Strengths:
    • High burst damage with her abilities.
    • Strong area control with her ultimate.
    • Easy to play and impact team fights.
  • Weaknesses:
    • Vulnerable to dive champions.
    • Requires good positioning to avoid damage.
  • Core Item Build for Miss Fortune:
    • Legendary Item, Youmuus Ghostblade icon Youmuu’s Ghostblade
    • Vintage looking handgun - The Collector Icon The Collector
    • LoL Item Serylda's Grudge Icon Serylda’s Grudge
Best Solo Carry Champions Patch 25.S1.1 – Miss Fortune – Items

Rune Setup

  • Primary:
    • LoL Rune First Strike Icon First Strike
    • LoL Rune Cash Back Icon Cashback
    • LoL Rune Biscuits Icon Biscuits
    • LoL Rune Jack of all Trades Icon Jack of all Trades
  • Secondary:
    • League of Legends Rune Manaflow Band Manaflow Band
    • League of Legends Rune Gathering Storm Gathering Storm
Best Solo Carry Champions Patch 25.S1.1 – Miss Fortune – Runes

This setup maximizes her damage output while providing sustain in fights.


LoL Champion Corki icon Corki is another strong ADC pick this season, known for his burst damage and ability to outtrade other marksmen. His unique build path allows him to excel in both poke and all-in scenarios.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Corki’s ability to deal burst damage through his spells makes him a formidable opponent in the lane. He thrives when paired with engage supports that can help him land his abilities.

  • Strengths:
    • High burst damage with spell rotations.
    • Strong poke potential in the lane.
    • Good scaling with items.
  • Weaknesses:
    • Shorter range compared to other ADCs.
    • Vulnerable to crowd control effects.

The core build for Corki consists of:

  • Core Item Build for Corki:
    • Trinity Force icon Season 11 Art Trinity Force
    • League of Legends Manamune item Manamune
    • LoL Item Rapid Firecannon Rapid Firecannon
Best Solo Carry Champions Patch 25.S1.1 – Corki – Items

Rune Setup

  • Primary:
    • League of Legends Conqueror Rune icon Conqueror
    • Precision Rune - Presence of Mind icon Presence of Mind
    • LoL Rune Legend Alacrity Icon Alacrity
    • League of Legends Rune Cut Down Cut Down
  • Secondary:
    • LoL Rune Biscuits Icon Biscuits
    • LoL Rune Jack of all Trades Icon Jack of all Trades
Best Solo Carry Champions Patch 25.S1.1 – Corki – Runes

This setup maximizes his damage output while providing sustain in the lane.


Sivir Champion Profile Close up Photo Sivir has emerged as a strong ADC pick for Season 15, gaining traction due to her ability to control waves and initiate fights effectively. Her kit allows her to be impactful both in team fights and during the laning phase.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Sivir’s strengths lie in her wave clear and team fight potential. She excels at stalling games and can quickly turn the tide when ahead. However, she can be vulnerable to heavy dive compositions.

  • Strengths:
    • Excellent wave clear with her Q.
    • Strong team fight initiation with her R.
    • Ability to stall games effectively.
  • Weaknesses:
    • Vulnerable to champions with high mobility.
    • Requires good positioning to avoid damage.

The recommended core build for Sivir consists of:

  • Core Item Build for Sivir:
    • LoL item Essence Reaver Icon Essence Reaver
    • LoL Item Navori Flickerblade Icon Navori Flickerblades
    • League of Legends Infinity Edge item Infinity Edge
    • Lord Dominik's Regard item icon Lord Dominik’s Regards (siuational)
    • Guardian Angel LoL Item Icon Guardian Angel (siuational)
Best Solo Carry Champions Patch 25.S1.1 – Sivir – Items

Rune Setup

  • Primary:
    • Lethal Tempo icon Lethal Tempo
    • Precision Rune - Presence of Mind icon Presence of Mind
    • LoL Rune Legend Alacrity Icon Alacrity
    • League of Legends Rune Cut Down Cut Down
  • Secondary:
    • Magical Footwear rune icon Magical Footwear
    • LoL Rune Biscuits Icon Biscuits
Best Solo Carry Champions Patch 25.S1.1 – Sivir – Runes

This setup maximizes her damage output while providing sustain in fights.

Support Picks


LoL Champion Vel'Koz Icon Vel’Koz has seen a rise in popularity as a support champion due to his significant damage output and crowd control. His ability to poke and zone out enemies makes him a valuable asset in team fights.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Vel’Koz excels at dealing damage from a distance and providing utility with his crowd control. However, he can struggle against champions with strong engage or mobility.

  • Strengths:
    • High damage output with abilities.
    • Strong zoning potential with his ultimate.
    • Can poke enemies effectively from a distance.
  • Weaknesses:
    • Vulnerable to all-ins from engage supports.
    • Requires good positioning to maximize damage.

The recommended core build for Vel’Koz consists of:

LoL Item ZazZaks Realmspike Zaz’Zak’s RealmspikeEnhances Vel’Koz’s poke and zone control by amplifying damage in areas where enemies are grouped.
LoL Item Horizon Focus Icon Horizon FocusSynergizes with Vel’Koz’s long-range abilities and crowd control, increasing damage to immobilized or distant targets.
Mythic Item - Liandry's Anguish icon Liandry’s Torment Ideal for sustained damage, especially against tanky champions, as it deals bonus damage based on enemy max health.
LoL Item Luden's Companion Luden’s CompanionBoosts Vel’Koz’s burst damage and wave clear, making it a strong choice for aggressive poke and quick trades.
Best Solo Carry Champions Patch 25.S1.1 – Vel’Koz – Items

Rune Setup

  • Primary:
    • League of Legends Rune Arcane Comet Arcane Comet
    • League of Legends Rune Manaflow Band Manaflow Band
    • League of Legends Rune Transcendence Transcendence
  • Secondary:
    • cosmic insight rune icon Cosmic Insight
    • Domination rune ultimate hunter icon Ultimate Hunter
Best Solo Carry Champions Patch 25.S1.1 – Vel’Koz – Runes

This setup enhances his poke and ability uptime, allowing him to dominate in lane.

Tahm Kench

LoL Champion Tahm Kench Icon Tahm Kench has solidified his position as a top-tier support champion due to his exceptional skirmishing power and the ability to protect his carries. His kit allows him to thrive in both offensive and defensive situations.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Tom Kench’s strengths lie in his ability to absorb damage and initiate fights. However, he can struggle against champions with strong crowd control or burst damage.

  • Strengths:
    • High survivability with his shield and healing.
    • Can initiate fights effectively with his ultimate.
    • Strong skirmishing capabilities.
  • Weaknesses:
    • Vulnerable to heavy crowd control.
    • Requires good positioning to maximize effectiveness.

The recommended core build for Tom Kench consists of:

LoL Item Solstice Sleigh Solstice SleighProvides utility and mobility, allowing Tahm Kench to reposition quickly or assist allies in fights.
LoL Item Heartsteel Icon HeartsteelIncreases damage and tankiness, making it ideal for Tahm Kench to scale into a durable frontline threat.
LoL Item Unending Despair Unending DespairEnhances sustain and survivability, allowing Tahm Kench to stay in prolonged fights and protect allies effectively.
Best Solo Carry Champions Patch 25.S1.1 – Tham Kench – Items

Rune Setup

  • Primary:
    • Resolve Keystone Grasp of the Undying icon Grasp of the Undying
    • Resolve rune Second Wind icon Second Wind
    • Resolve rune shield bash icon Shield Bash
    • Resolve Rune - Unflinching Unflinching
  • Secondary:
    • LoL Rune Triumph Icon Triumph
    • LoL Rune Legend Alacrity Icon Alacrity
Best Solo Carry Champions Patch 25.S1.1 – Tham Kench – Runes

This setup maximizes his tankiness and utility in team fights.


LoL Champion Poppy icon Poppy is another excellent support champion who excels in providing crowd control and utility. Her ability to disrupt enemy engages makes her a valuable asset to any team composition.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Poppy’s strengths lie in her ability to control the battlefield and protect her carries. However, she can struggle against champions with high mobility or ranged poke.

  • Strengths:
    • Strong crowd control with her E and R.
    • Can peel for carries effectively.
    • Good roaming potential with her passive speed boost.
  • Weaknesses:
    • Vulnerable to burst damage from assassins.
    • Requires good positioning to maximize effectiveness.

The recommended core build for Poppy consists of:

LoL item Bloodsong Bloodsong(Hypothetical) Likely enhances Poppy’s damage and crowd control, making her engages and trades more impactful in lane.
Dead Mans Plate League of Legends Item Icon Dead Man’s PlateProvides bonus movement speed and extra damage on the first attack, helping Poppy engage or chase down enemies effectively.
Mythic Item - Locket of the Iron Solari icon Locket of the Iron SolariGrants a shield to allies, making it a great utility item for protecting your team during fights while Poppy peels or engages.
Best Solo Carry Champions Patch 25.S1.1 – Poppy – Items

Rune Setup

  • Primary:
    • LoL Rune Hail of Blades Icon Hail of Blades
    • LoL Rune Sudden Impact Icon Sudden Impact
    • LoL Relentless Hunter Icon Relentless Hunter
  • Secondary:
    • LoL Rune Hextech Flashtraption Icon Hextech Flashtraption
    • cosmic insight rune icon Cosmic Insight
Best Solo Carry Champions Patch 25.S1.1 – Poppy – Runes

This setup enhances her engage potential and survivability in fights.


As Season 15 unfolds, success in League of Legends requires more than just mechanical skill – it demands a deep understanding of champions, their itemization, and the evolving meta. This comprehensive guide has outlined the most effective solo carry champions across all roles, providing players with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions in their ranked journey.

Several key themes emerge from our analysis:

  1. Role Diversity and Adaptability

Each role offers multiple viable carry options, from Irelia’s split-pushing potential in top lane to Vel’Koz’s high-damage support style

Champions like Viktor and Ahri demonstrate the importance of versatility in build paths and playstyles

  1. Strategic Item Building

Success relies heavily on understanding core item builds and when to adapt them

Situational items play a crucial role in maximizing champion effectiveness based on game state

  1. Optimal Rune Selection

Each champion benefits from carefully tailored rune setups that enhance their strengths

The flexibility to adjust rune choices based on matchups and team compositions

  1. Meta Understanding

Patch 25.S1.1 has reshaped the competitive landscape, introducing new strategic considerations

Champions that can adapt to various team compositions tend to perform better consistently

To maximize your chances of success in Season 15:

  • Master a Small Champion Pool: Focus on 2-3 champions per role rather than trying to play everything
  • Stay Informed: Keep up with patch notes and meta shifts
  • Practice Adaptability: Learn to adjust builds and strategies based on game circumstances
  • Focus on Fundamentals: Maintain strong CS, vision control, and objective awareness

Remember that while these champions are currently strong, success ultimately comes from mastering your chosen picks and understanding how to leverage their strengths in different situations. Keep practicing, stay adaptable, and most importantly, enjoy your journey through Season 15!


What are the best ADC champions for Season 15?

Sivir, Misfortune, and Corki are currently top-tier picks.

Which support champions should I consider?

Vel’Koz, Tom Kench, and Poppy are excellent options for support.

What are some good mid lane champions for solo carrying?

Viktor, Ahri, and Vex are excellent mid lane picks for solo carrying this season.

How can I improve my gameplay in Season 15?

Focus on champion mastery, understanding the meta, and adapting your builds to your team composition.

How can I choose the right champion for my role?

Consider your playstyle, the current meta, and the specific strengths and weaknesses of each champion when selecting your role.

What items are considered essential for ADC champions?

Items like Galeforce, Infinity Edge, and Blade of the Ruined King are crucial for maximizing damage output in ADC champions.

What strategies can I use to climb the ranks in Season 15?

Focus on mastering a few champions, understanding item builds, and adapting your strategy based on the game situation and opponent picks.

Picture of Chris


Chris, the founder and owner of, is a seasoned veteran in the world of League of Legends and online gaming. With a passion that ignited at the very inception of League of Legends, Chris has been an active player and community member since the game's earliest days.

In 2012, recognizing the challenges faced by fellow gamers in acquiring reliable and high-quality League of Legends smurf accounts, Chris founded It was born out of a desire to provide a trustworthy solution to the community, protecting enthusiasts from potential scams and ensuring a seamless experience.

Chris's expertise extends beyond just playing the game. From 2010 to 2016, he was a respected contributor to elitepvpers, one of the most prominent online gaming communities. During this time, Chris shared his insights and knowledge across various gaming topics, establishing himself as a trusted voice in the industry.

Since 2016, Chris has focused his writing exclusively on, channeling his years of experience and in-depth understanding of League of Legends into creating valuable content for the site's visitors. His articles cover a wide range of topics, from game strategies and account management to the latest updates in the LoL universe.

With over a decade of hands-on experience in the League of Legends ecosystem, Chris brings unparalleled expertise to His commitment to the gaming community is evident in every aspect of the site, from the quality of accounts offered to the informative content published.

Chris's primary goal has always been to enhance the experience of League of Legends enthusiasts. By combining his extensive knowledge, years of experience, and unwavering dedication to the community, he continues to make a go-to resource for players seeking reliable information and services in the world of League of Legends.

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