Buy Valorant Account

Why Choose Us

Lifetime Warranty

Your LoL smurf should last you for life. That’s why we offer a free lifetime warranty with every LoL Smurf account purchased directly from LolFinity.

Customer Support

We offer outstanding customer support. No matter what question or issue you may have, we are here to help you in an eye blink.

Account Quality

Our Account Quality is unbeaten by any means. We leverage manifold techniques to ensure our accounts are of the highest quality there is. You shouldn’t expect less.

Instant LOL smurf Delivery

Buying an LoL Smurf from LolFinity means you benefit from instant delivery of your chosen LoL smurf account, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

5 star rating

Your transactions are protected by the latest SSL and payment processing technologies from independent well-known companies such as PayOp and Stripe.

Safe & Secure

After purchase you will find all the account details instantly in your LolFinity Account dashboard and they'll be send via email



    Handheld Console Controller Icon
    • The account is fully ready to be played competitively in ranked games.RANKED READY
    • You can change the Email and the Password anytime, granting you full access over the account!FULL ACCESS
    • Our dedicated Valorant team plays these account by hand. No software, such as bots, scripts or anything alike is being used.HANDPLAYED
    • The account has not been played in ranked games yet.UNRANKED
    • You'll receive the Account Information via email and it'll also be displayed in your Account Dashboard here on LolFinity.comINSTA DELIVERY
    WC_Product_Simple Object
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                [name] => Valorant North America Account - Ready for Ranked
                [slug] => valorant-north-america-account-ready-for-ranked
                [date_created] => WC_DateTime Object
                        [utc_offset:protected] => 7200
                        [date] => 2020-10-14 07:42:45.000000
                        [timezone_type] => 1
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                [date_modified] => WC_DateTime Object
                        [utc_offset:protected] => 7200
                        [date] => 2025-01-21 14:30:31.000000
                        [timezone_type] => 1
                        [timezone] => +00:00
                [status] => publish
                [featured] => 
                [catalog_visibility] => visible
                [description] => The need to be better at Valorant increases each day, secure your spot at the top with LolFinity’s Unranked Smurf accounts! Give yourself the chance to play the game the way you want to without having to start over from the beginning and grind all the way back again. Serious players deserve more than the hassle of trying to play the game from the ground up. Get your LolFinity Unranked smurf account today and play on the ranked ladder immediately!
    Everyone has a smurf account. It doesn’t matter what game you play, serious games have always tried creating a secondary account so that they can re-experience that game or fix mistakes that they’ve made on their main accounts. The only thing keeping most people from making a smurf account is the hassle of playing the unnecessary quests or in this case, the number of unrated games that you’re required to play at the early stage of your account to be able to play ranked.
    North American eSports is home to the most prestigious esports leagues in the world where player names and organizations are echoed internationally. This is where most competitive leagues begin promoting the exciting opportunities you can find by playing various other esports on the international stage. Unlike other regions, NA is more inclusive when it comes to taking in professional players from different other countries and compete for their teams.
    LolFinity Valorant accounts are handled with care by our team of passionate gamers who have leveled all these smurfs by hand. This is to ensure that you are getting the account quality that will not lead it to be reported for the illegal use of third-party programs or bots. After all, LolFinity always places our product’s quality at the highest priority so that our customers can rest easy knowing that their money is being spent on items that are worth it.
    Customer service is also at the top of our list. You’ll be happy to know that our website has a 24/7 live chat support to address all your concerns. All the smurf accounts have lifetime insurance that will guarantee that you get an account replacement if the account encounters any problems or issues that were encountered due to our mishandling. Your purchases are also sent to you almost immediately thanks to our fast-paced account delivery system.
    We know that your account’s security is important. This is why we registered all our accounts in unverified emails that you can change personally along with the password so that the account will be 100% yours. Your time as a player is one of the most important things out there, so why play those unnecessary games at the beginning?
    North America always wants to have players like you to play in the mix. Competition always arises in the midst of a growing esports community that tries to promote healthy gameplay between other people. Join the most prominent players in North America today and get a chance to compete with the most prestigious organizations in the world. All that here at LolFinity!
                [short_description] => 
    • Valorant Account
    • NA Server
    • Ready for Ranked
    • Full Access
    • Handleveled Account
    • Voicechat enabled
    • Lifetime Warranty
    • Instant Delivery
    [sku] => VAL_NA_rfr [global_unique_id] => 755142719797 [price] => 14.89 [regular_price] => 19.99 [sale_price] => 14.89 [date_on_sale_from] => [date_on_sale_to] => [total_sales] => 106 [tax_status] => taxable [tax_class] => [manage_stock] => 1 [stock_quantity] => 3 [stock_status] => instock [backorders] => no [low_stock_amount] => [sold_individually] => [weight] => [length] => [width] => [height] => [upsell_ids] => Array ( [0] => 63655 [1] => 63623 ) [cross_sell_ids] => Array ( [0] => 63655 [1] => 63623 ) [parent_id] => 0 [reviews_allowed] => [purchase_note] => The account details are displayed below. You will also receive them to your email address, and they can be viewed anytime in the future on your LolFinity Dashboard if you registered an account with us. 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    Handheld Console Controller Icon
    • The account is fully ready to be played competitively in ranked games.RANKED READY
    • You can change the Email and the Password anytime, granting you full access over the account!FULL ACCESS
    • Our dedicated Valorant team plays these account by hand. No software, such as bots, scripts or anything alike is being used.HANDPLAYED
    • The account has not been played in ranked games yet.UNRANKED
    • You'll receive the Account Information via email and it'll also be displayed in your Account Dashboard here on LolFinity.comINSTA DELIVERY
    WC_Product_Simple Object
        [object_type:protected] => product
        [post_type:protected] => product
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                [name] => Valorant Oceania-Asia Account - Ready for Ranked
                [slug] => valorant-oce-asia-account-ready-for-ranked
                [date_created] => WC_DateTime Object
                        [utc_offset:protected] => 7200
                        [date] => 2020-10-14 07:52:52.000000
                        [timezone_type] => 1
                        [timezone] => +00:00
                [date_modified] => WC_DateTime Object
                        [utc_offset:protected] => 7200
                        [date] => 2025-01-21 14:30:31.000000
                        [timezone_type] => 1
                        [timezone] => +00:00
                [status] => publish
                [featured] => 
                [catalog_visibility] => visible
                [description] => Looking for an easy way to get an established Valorant account without going through the hassle of starting over from scratch? With LolFinity’s Valorant Smurf accounts, you can enjoy playing the game without having to go back to zero. Never settle for anything less than a veteran like you deserves. Get your own Valorant Unranked Smurf account today and immediately climb through the ranked ladders as soon as you’re able to receive your account!
    Valorant Smurf accounts are getting more popular as people realize that their progress on their primary accounts, while they were beginners, left the account without an undesirable MMR. Getting matched with inexperienced newbies or over skilled pros creates a gaming environment that’s not fun for anybody. With these accounts, you’ll receive an account that’s ready for ranked gameplay with fresh MMR that’s definitely going to save you some time.
    Asia and Oceania is home to the world’s most competitive esports players and organizations. As Riot Games continues to promote the game and sponsor different small-scale tournaments worldwide, it’s only a matter of time until Valorant gets its own esports league. For players in the region, this can be the start of their careers in professional esports. This creates an open opportunity even for players who are outside of the region to play competitively.
    All smurfs are leveled by hand by responsible individuals with a passion for the game. We place our product’s quality at the highest priority to give all our customers the account they deserve without having to constantly think about whether or not the value was worth it. Rest assured that these accounts did not breach any rules and regulations pertaining to the use of third-party programs or botting that will cause the account to be banned or suspended.
    LolFinity’s system and customer service is made to ensure that all your concerns are met with as soon as possible. The website is built with an immediate delivery system that sends you the account credentials of your purchase after the payment has been confirmed. The accounts also come with a lifetime warranty. If your account encounters any problems due to any mishandling for our side, you will be able to receive a brand-new account for free as a replacement.
    Players like you shouldn’t go through playing unimportant games like the initial 20 unrated games and tutorial stages just to play competitively. Getting a smurf account gets you on the stage that you deserve. You can use the account for any purpose that you want: practicing new agents, trying out new tactics, and using new guns that you think you’ll do better on.
    Asia and Oceania are always open to new competition. Challengers like you should try to play in this region and test whether or not you’re capable of going against one of the strongest esports regions in the world. Purchase a smurf account from LolFinity today and get everything you’ll ever need to play Valorant. There’s always something new to do in the game so try out your luck today!
                [short_description] => 
    • Valorant Account
    • OCE-ASIA Server
    • Ready for Ranked
    • Full Access
    • Handleveled Account
    • Voicechat enabled
    • Lifetime Warranty
    • Instant Delivery
    [sku] => VAL_OCE_rfr [global_unique_id] => 755142719798 [price] => 14.89 [regular_price] => 19.99 [sale_price] => 14.89 [date_on_sale_from] => [date_on_sale_to] => [total_sales] => 202 [tax_status] => taxable [tax_class] => [manage_stock] => 1 [stock_quantity] => 3 [stock_status] => instock [backorders] => no [low_stock_amount] => [sold_individually] => [weight] => [length] => [width] => [height] => [upsell_ids] => Array ( [0] => 63653 [1] => 63623 ) [cross_sell_ids] => Array ( [0] => 63653 [1] => 63623 ) [parent_id] => 0 [reviews_allowed] => [purchase_note] => The account details are displayed below. You will also receive them to your email address, and they can be viewed anytime in the future on your LolFinity Dashboard if you registered an account with us. 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    WC_Product_Simple Object
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                [name] => Valorant Europe Account - Ready for Ranked
                [slug] => valorant-europe-account-ready-for-ranked
                [date_created] => WC_DateTime Object
                        [utc_offset:protected] => 7200
                        [date] => 2020-10-13 17:56:25.000000
                        [timezone_type] => 1
                        [timezone] => +00:00
                [date_modified] => WC_DateTime Object
                        [utc_offset:protected] => 7200
                        [date] => 2025-02-04 17:21:33.000000
                        [timezone_type] => 1
                        [timezone] => +00:00
                [status] => publish
                [featured] => 
                [catalog_visibility] => visible
                [description] => Looking for something new to do in Valorant? How about buying yourself a brand-new Unranked Valorant Smurf Account from LolFinity to change up your gameplay experience and relive the joys of playing the game from the bottom-up. More players are now starting to appreciate the need for smurfs more and more each day. Get your smurf account today and play on the European servers and get started climbing the ladders.
    Smurf accounts are incredibly flexible on what you can do with them. Use it to practice new tactics, try out other agents, use different guns, or even make it your new main account if you want to fix the mistakes you’ve made on your previous accounts. What makes Valorant smurf accounts enticing for players is that it skips the long task of playing through 20 unrated games just to be able to play ranked games and skip the tutorial process right away.
    The esports scene in Europe is one of the most entertaining and heated competitive leagues in the world. This is where most legendary players rise to fame in almost every esports competition there is. Meet organizations like G2 Esports, Fnatic, and Astralis to name a few. This is where opportunities to become a professional esports play begins. It’s only a matter of time before you’ll be scouted by these big-name esports organizations and play in the big leagues.
    LolFinity is made of a team of players who are knowledgeable about the importance of handling these accounts well. This is why all accounts are leveled by hand in an organic manner to recreate a normal leveling system. You can rest assured that all accounts will not be reported for the use of third-party programs or bots that would breach Riot Games’ terms of service. Only the highest quality smurf accounts get through the process and into the market.
    We are happy to boast our top quality customer service that is dedicated to addressing all the concerns of our customers. The 24/7 live chat is always available to tend to your needs. Also, each of these smurf accounts come with a lifetime warranty so that when you encounter any issues or problems that were from the leveling process, you’ll receive a brand-new smurf account as compensation. The LolFinity website is also built with an immediate delivery system so that your purchases are delivered to you as soon as your payments have been confirmed.
    Account security is a buyer’s number one priority no matter who they’re buying from. We get that. That’s why we’ve registered all our accounts on unverified email addresses so that you can freely change them to one that you own. This way, there are no traces of us or any people affiliated with our site to retrieve the account from you.
    Europe is always ready to take on new challengers like you to compete in the region. The rising esports that is Valorant will someday become one of the most prestigious scenes in the world. Take this chance to climb up the ladders and get scouted by these prominent organizations and become one of the most recognized players in the world. All with the help of LolFinity!
                [short_description] => 
    • Valorant Account
    • EU Server
    • Ready for Ranked
    • Full Access
    • Handleveled Account
    • Voicechat enabled
    • Lifetime Warranty
    • Instant Delivery
    [sku] => VAL_EU_rfr [global_unique_id] => 755142719796 [price] => 14.89 [regular_price] => 19.99 [sale_price] => 14.89 [date_on_sale_from] => [date_on_sale_to] => [total_sales] => 105 [tax_status] => taxable [tax_class] => [manage_stock] => 1 [stock_quantity] => 0 [stock_status] => outofstock [backorders] => no [low_stock_amount] => [sold_individually] => [weight] => [length] => [width] => [height] => [upsell_ids] => Array ( [0] => 63655 [1] => 63653 ) [cross_sell_ids] => Array ( [0] => 63655 [1] => 63653 ) [parent_id] => 0 [reviews_allowed] => [purchase_note] => The account details are displayed below. You will also receive them to your email address, and they can be viewed anytime in the future on your LolFinity Dashboard if you registered an account with us. 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Why you should buy a Valorant Account

Valorant Smurf Accounts, like in League of Legends, helps give you an account that will save you from doing the arduous task of leveling it up to reach a certain level or a number of matches to play ranked games. Buying a smurf account allows you to jump right into the game without having to deal with teammates who are too toxic for their own good. Beginners are encouraged to try out the Valorant smurf accounts if they want to know how it feels to play the game fully.

For players with existing accounts, a smurf account is what you’ll use to practice new tactics, try out new guns, or use champions you’re not confident with. Don’t experiment on your main account when there’s the risk of it lowering your hidden MMR. Smurf accounts can give you the comfort of playing any way you want to without having to worry about the implications that come with trying out new things.

Since Valorant Smurf accounts on LolFinity are unranked with fresh MMR, you’ll have a better time to climb the ladder since you’ll most likely be teamed up with players who are exactly terrible at the game. Show your carry potential as the star marksman on your team and climb the ranked ladders with ease. Reaching Radiant is made a lot easier thanks to having a smurf account that allows you to play freely with other people.

Valorant smurfs are also excellent for players who are experiencing burnout from their main account. Playing at a high level can come with different kinds of stress that tire out your gamer spirit. Experience the game again by playing on the lower ranks and rediscover why you fell in love with the game in the first place. Starting out fresh isn’t so bad when you can start out the right way in the ranked ladder with all the tools given to you for free!

You know what they say, “a true gamer has more than one smurf”. We totally agree! Smurf accounts are the soul of any gamer, place as many of your own accounts in the highest rankings possible, and brag to your friends how you have more than one account on Radiant. The possibilities of what you can do on a smurf account are seemingly endless since it’s entirely up to you to decide how you’ll approach having a new account.

Did we mention that we have smurf accounts from other regions too? That’s right! Play on North America, Europe, or in Ocean/Asia with these new smurf accounts. You can play with friends from different parts of the world provided that you have location altering software that will mask your IP. Meet different kinds of players, learn different ways to play the game, and discover the gaming culture from different parts of the world!

Valorant awaits those who are brave enough to take on the challenge. Smurf accounts will change your perspective on playing the game entirely. Get yours now at the LolFinity Valorant store!

LolFinity specializes in giving you top quality smurf accounts in the games you love to play. After having much success in League of Legends, we have decided to take on the challenge of providing you with top quality smurf accounts that are definitely worth your time and money. As the Valorant community continues to grow all over the world, we aim to provide you with a way to be able to experience the different regions that enjoy this game as much as you.

We pride ourselves with high-quality smurf accounts that are ready to play in the competitive series, have a neutral MMR, and are hand-leveled. That means that we treat our accounts with the same amount of care we would if it were our own accounts. Lolfinity ensures that you’re only receiving the best Valorant accounts from our pool of smurf accounts. Take advantage of the bonuses you can receive from purchasing your smurf account from Lolfinity.

The best thing about buying smurf accounts from LolFinity is its 24/7 instant delivery system that allows you to get your Valorant Account the moment your payment has been confirmed by the system. This allows you to enjoy your account as soon as possible without having to wait for any tedious confirmations that’ll take you more than a few minutes. Join your friends instantly even if they’re on the other side of the world.

Valorant smurf accounts also come in different packages. Aside from the standard ones which are ready for ranked matches and are leveled-up by hand, you might occasionally find offers that are already ranked or have some skins included in them. This isn’t something you’d find all the time but it might be a good idea for you to keep an eye out just in case there is an offer like that popping out. You might find yourself buying a once in a lifetime purchase!

One worry that you might have about buying a Valorant smurf account is that the account credentials can still be recovered from you. Not to worry! LolFinity creates smurf accounts with unverified emails, meaning you can change the email immediately after you buy it. Personalize your credentials so you don’t have to worry about your account being taken from you. This is to ensure that you get your money’s worth when buying our products.

Smurf account packages come in different regions and prices. If you want to try out playing in another region and experience how they play Valorant, you can always purchase one from us provided that you aren’t restricted by the IP. Experience different gaming cultures and play with a wide variety of players away from your own. This might give you some insight into different ways you can upgrade your gameplay by learning different strategies in different regions.

You control what you can do in the game, so why not maximize that by purchasing a smurf account where you’re free to do anything you want. Buy only the highest-quality smurf accounts available here at our LolFinity store!

What Does LolFinity Offer?

Benefits of Buying from LolFinity

LolFinity has developed the best way to create smurf accounts for the different needs of gamers out there. As gamers ourselves, we know how each aspect of an account becomes important to you when you’re trying to reach a certain rank or level in the game. This is why you should only trust LolFinity Smurf Accounts when it comes to getting your secondary accounts so that you’ll be confident that you have a smurf that’s not only of the highest quality but also safe and functional.

As experienced providers of Smurf accounts, we have developed the best way to level-up accounts in a way that would guarantee your satisfaction. For Valorant accounts, hand-leveling is the best way to ensure that your account won’t be detected for botting. Treating each account the same way that we would treat it if it were our own accounts. This provides the account with an organic gameplay history that would not ground it for any sort of violation.

LolFinity has a 24/7 instant delivery service, perfect for players on different time-zones to claim their purchase immediately after they purchase it. Once you purchase an account, the system will detect if the payment has been made before sending the temporary credentials to the email you’ve provided for your purchase. Once you receive the email, you’re all ready to go play Valorant in the region you’ve chosen and enjoy the features that the package includes.

Worried about your account being reclaimed or scammed off of you? LolFinity values our customers’ concerns when it comes to spending your money on our website. LolFinity smurf accounts are all registered under unverified emails, which you can completely replace once you’ve made your purchase. Change your email and password so that nobody can access it but you. Additionally, you can refer to our other customer’s reviews to validate if our service is to your liking.

The main reason smurf accounts from LolFinity are valued is because we’ve already established the accounts progress to skip the tedious grinding phase that you’ll need just to start playing ranked. All Valorant smurfs have completed the 20 unrated games so that you can dive right into the game and play on the ranked ladder. This also means that the starting missions have been completed and you won’t have to farm that many points.

All accounts from LolFinity have fresh MMRs, perfect for players who have had their accounts’ total MMR drop from being unlucky about the teammates they had in their games. This will ensure that your progress isn’t entirely lost since you won’t have to play the same number of games as before. Also, these accounts have their voice chat enabled since they were leveled-up organically but not by players who were toxic when playing.

If all of that doesn’t give you the peace of mind to buy from us, we also offer a lifetime warranty on your accounts that cover issues with the account that were a result from our own mishandling during the process of preparing the account. LolFinity shares the same passion as other gamers out there and it is our goal to only provide you with nothing less than the best.

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