Understanding Turrets in League of Legends: A Complete Guide

Did you know a single turret on Summoner’s Rift can deal 350 damage per hit in the late game? That’s enough to take down most champions in just a few shots! Turrets in League of Legends are not just silent sentinels; they’re game-changing powerhouses that can turn the tide of battle in an instant.

As a key element of lane control, turrets play a crucial role in shaping the flow of each match. These formidable structures stand guard along each lane, providing a safe haven for allies and a daunting obstacle for enemies. Understanding how turrets function, from their armor mechanics to their damage output, is essential for any summoner looking to climb the ranks.

Understanding Turrets in League of Legends Article Thumbnail

In this guide, we’ll dive deep into the world of turrets, exploring everything from their basic functions to advanced strategies for both attacking and defending these vital objectives. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the Rift, mastering the art of turret management can give you the edge you need to secure victory.

From the outer turrets that boast a whopping 5000 health at the start of the game to the nexus turrets that can regenerate based on their current health percentage, each type of turret has its own unique properties. We’ll explore how siege minions interact with these structures and the intricate details of turret targeting systems that every player should know.

So grab your favorite champion and get ready to level up your turret knowledge. By the end of this guide, you’ll be equipped with the insights needed to make strategic decisions around these cornerstones of the League of Legends battlefield.

Key Takeaways

  • Outer turrets on Summoner’s Rift start with 5000 health and 5 plates
  • Turret damage ranges from 182 to 350 based on game time
  • Destroying a turret plate grants 125 local gold
  • Turrets have a sight radius of 1350 and attack range of 750
  • Understanding turret mechanics is crucial for effective lane control

What Are Turrets in League of Legends

Turrets are key defensive structures in League of Legends. They protect lanes and keep your base safe from enemies. Knowing how turrets work is crucial for game mastery.

LoL Turret 3D Model Artwork

Basic Functions and Purpose

Turrets deal heavy damage to enemies within their range. They stop minions and enemy champions from advancing. When a turret is destroyed, it opens the map for the attacking team.

Outer turrets have 5000 health and deal 182-350 damage based on game time.

Types of Turrets

There are four main types of turrets:

  • Outer turrets: First line of defense
  • Inner turrets: Secondary protection
  • Inhibitor turrets: Guard inhibitors
  • Nexus turrets: Final defense

Each type has unique stats. For example, inner turrets have 55-70 armor, while inhibitor turrets have 3500 health. Nexus turrets deal 165-405 damage and attack 0.833 times per second.

Vision and Range Properties

Turrets provide vision for your team. They have a sight radius of 1350 units and an attack range of 750 units. This turret aggro range helps spot approaching enemies.

When an enemy champion enters this range, the turret targets them.

In the 2025 Season, Riot Games plans to introduce respawning Nexus turrets. This change aims to give losing teams a fighting chance. The update will also bring a Noxus-themed map skin, changing the look of turrets and other map elements.

League of Legends S15 respawning nexus turrets
New Respawning Nexus Turrets – Coming Season 2025

Turret Mechanics and Behavior

Turrets in League of Legends are more than just static structures. They play a crucial role in game dynamics, influencing strategies and outcomes. Understanding their mechanics is key to mastering the game.

Turrets deal significant damage to enemy units. They have a unique targeting system that prioritizes certain units over others. When you participate in destroying the turret, you gain valuable gold and experience.

League of Legends: Turrets, Inhibitors, and the Nexus
Oldy but still exactly like Turrets work!

One interesting aspect of turrets is their damage reduction ability. For the first five minutes of the game, turrets have an 85% damage reduction. This makes early turret dives risky. After this period, turrets gain additional effects like armor penetration and increased damage reduction when no enemy minions are nearby.

Turrets select targets based on a specific priority list. They attack the first enemy unit in range until it dies, leaves, or becomes untargetable. This behavior impacts how you approach turret fights and defenses.

ObjectivePercentage as First TakenAverage Time Taken
Bot Outer Turret29.12%14:45
Top Outer Turret22.36%15:30
Mid Outer Turret13.59%16:45
Infernal Drake11.49%10:00
Other Drakes18.51%11:20
Rift Herald5%Varies

Understanding these mechanics helps you make better decisions in-game. Whether you’re planning a turret dive or defending your base, knowing how turrets behave can give you a significant advantage.

Turret Stats and Properties

Turrets in League of Legends are powerful structures with unique stats. Knowing these properties helps you plan your attack and deal damage well. Let’s explore the key attributes of enemy turrets.

Health and Regeneration

Turret health changes based on location. Outer turrets have 5000 HP, while inner ones have 4000 HP. Inhibitor and nexus turrets have 3500 HP and 3000 HP, respectively. Also, inhibitor and nexus turrets can heal, making them harder to destroy.

Armor and Magic Resistance

All turrets have defenses against physical and magic damage. These defenses grow stronger as the game goes on. This makes turrets harder to destroy in the late game.

Damage Output

Turrets deal a lot of damage. Outer turrets can deal 182-350 damage. Inner and inhibitor turrets can deal 187-427 damage. Nexus turrets deal 165-405 damage. Also, staying in their range too long can give you bonus damage.

Turret TypeHealthDamage Output
Outer5000 HP182-350
Inner4000 HP187-427
Inhibitor3500 HP187-427
Nexus3000 HP165-405

Remember, turret stats on Howling Abyss are different. Health scales with the number of enemy champions. This info helps you plan your attack and secure objectives.

Tower Plating System

In League of Legends, the tower plating system adds a new layer of strategy to early game turret attacks. Outer turrets are protected by five plates, each with 1000 health. When you destroy a plate, you gain 160 gold if you’re the only nearby enemy champion. This reward encourages aggressive play and rewards successful pushes.

LoL Red Tower Plate Render
LoL Blue Tower Plate Render

The plating system lasts for the first 14 minutes of the game. After that, the plates disappear, and turrets become more vulnerable. This time limit creates a sense of urgency for teams to secure early advantages. It’s worth noting that turrets gain additional damage resistance with each destroyed plate, making them tougher to take down as the game progresses.

Interestingly, minions and ranged champions deal 17% less damage to plates. This mechanic encourages melee champions to take a more active role in sieging turrets. Some champions can use their ability power or bonus attack damage to deal additional damage to turrets, making them effective at destroying plates quickly.

Plate NumberGold RewardTurret Resistance
4160Very High

Remember, the first tower destroyed in the game grants an extra 150 gold on top of the standard reward. This bonus incentivizes teams to focus on taking down the first turret quickly. Keep in mind that while a destroyed turret grants gold, it does not grant true damage or other special effects to your team.

Turret Targeting System

Knowing how turrets target enemies is key to winning in League of Legends. Turrets are important for protecting lanes and can be a big help when used right. Let’s explore how turret targeting works to improve your gameplay.

Priority Target Selection

Turrets have a set order for picking targets. They go for traps, pets, siege minions, super minions, melee minions, caster minions, and then champions. This order helps you know what turrets will do and plan your attacks better.

Aggro Management

If you damage an enemy champion within 1400 range, turrets will focus on you. This is key for turret diving strategies. Remember, killing the first turret gives your team 400 bonus gold, which is a big win.

99% of PRO Players DON'T KNOW THIS about Towers

Target Switching Mechanics

Turrets change targets when the current one dies, leaves range, or can’t be targeted anymore. They also get 40% more damage with each hit on a champion, up to 120% bonus damage. This effect resets after 3 seconds without hitting a champion. Knowing these mechanics helps you manage gold and deal more damage to turrets.

Turret TypeHealthAttack DamageGlobal GoldLocal Gold Split
Outer Tower3500152100250
Inner Tower3300170125175
Inhibitor Tower330017015050

Gold and Experience Rewards

Destroying turrets in League of Legends offers big rewards. You get gold and strategic benefits when you take down a turret. The gold amount depends on the turret’s type and location.

Outer turrets give 250 gold to nearby allies and 50 gold to the whole team. Inner turrets, like mid lane ones, offer 425 local gold. Side lane turrets give 675 local gold, with both types adding 25 global gold.

Inhibitor turrets reward players with 375 local gold and 25 global gold. Nexus turrets don’t give local gold but offer 50 global gold. Destroying the first turret gives an extra 400 gold to your team.

Turret TypeLocal GoldGlobal Gold
Outer (T1)25050
Inner (T2) Mid42525
Inner (T2) Side67525
Inhibitor (T3)37525
Nexus (T4)050

Turrets target champions who deal a lot of damage. Destroying a turret gives you more attack damage and opens up the map for strategy. Turrets also get stronger as they gain Bulwark stacks when they’re near enemy champions.

Knowing these rewards helps you decide when and where to attack enemy structures. The gold from turrets can greatly help your team’s economy. It lets you buy important items and gain advantages.

Advanced Turret Interactions

In League of Legends, turrets are key to the game’s flow. Knowing how to interact with them can give you an edge. Let’s explore how champion abilities, item effects, and special interactions affect turret gameplay.

Champion Abilities

Some champions have special abilities that affect turrets. For example, Azir’s LoL Champion Azir Skill Arise “Arise!” can damage turrets directly. This is crucial for those who aim to destroy structures effectively.

Item Effects

Some items enhance your ability to destroy turrets. The Resolve rune - Demolish icon Demolish rune, for instance, increases damage to turrets. Choosing the right items can make you a strong threat to enemy structures.

Nasus with Demolish destroying a turret
Nasus with Demolish

Special Interactions

Turrets have a unique feature – a pseudo-inventory. This gives them special effects like armor penetration and damage reduction. This feature changes how champions and items interact with them.

Interaction TypeDescriptionImpact
Terrain ConsiderationTurrets are treated as terrain for ability interactionsAffects skill shots and pathing
Crowd Control ImmunityTurrets are immune to most crowd control effectsException: Stasis effects
Pseudo-InventoryTurrets have built-in items granting special effectsInfluences damage calculation and resistances

Understanding these advanced interactions can improve your strategy. Whether defending or attacking, turrets are more than obstacles. They are complex elements that reward skillful play.

Turret Diving Strategies

Turret diving is a bold move in League of Legends. It means attacking enemy units under their turret to get kills and pressure the map. To pull it off, you must think about a few key things.

At the game’s start, diving is very risky. Champions don’t have enough health or damage to take turret shots. But, as the game goes on, some champions get better at diving. Tanks can take a lot of turret damage because they have a lot of health. AD carries, though fragile, can deal a lot of damage fast.

Before diving, check the enemy’s health and if they have crowd control. Stay away from champions with strong CC like Icon showing League of Legends Champion Lux  Lux’s Q or Champion close up photo of Ashe in ADC Tier List Ashe’s R. Look for chances when enemies are weak or your team has more numbers.

The ULTIMATE GUIDE to Tower Diving

Some champions are really good at diving:

  • LoL Champion Alistar Icon Alistar: His ultimate reduces damage, making him great for starting dives.
  • Icon showing League of Legends Champion Elise Elise: Can drop turret aggro with her Rappel, making her top-notch.
  • Icon showing League of Legends Champion Twisted Fate Twisted Fate: His ultimate lets him quickly move between lanes for surprise dives.
  • Champion close up photo of Ezreal in ADC Tier List Ezreal: His high mobility and damage make up for his lack of CC.

Remember, turrets get stronger with each shot. Try to have minions take the first hits. Work with your team to switch turret aggro. This makes your dive more effective while keeping risks low.

Champion TypeDiving StrengthKey Considerations
TanksHighCan absorb turret damage
AD CarriesMediumHigh damage, but fragile
Supports with CCMediumProvide setup, but vulnerable
AssassinsHighQuick burst, but risky

Defensive Turret Usage

Turrets are your best friends in League of Legends. They’re not just things to destroy; they’re powerful allies. They can change the battle’s outcome. Let’s explore some key strategies for using turrets defensively.

Turret Hugging

When you’re in trouble, stay close to your turret. This tactic, known as turret hugging, keeps you safe when outnumbered or low on health. The turret attacks enemies, giving you a chance to fight back.

LoL Tower hugging

Wave Management Under Turret

Timing is key when last-hitting minions under your turret. For melee minions, wait for two turret hits before striking. Caster minions need just one hit. Siege minions require precise timing. Mastering this skill ensures you don’t miss out on valuable gold and experience.

Emergency Defense Tactics

In dire situations, use turrets as cover. Bait enemies into turret range, where your champion deals damage with the turret’s help. Remember, the fountain turret is the most powerful, capable of draining a champion’s health in one or two hits.

Turret TypeSight RangeAttack Range
Standard1095 units775 units
Fountain1095 units1250 units

By mastering these defensive turret strategies, you’ll become a formidable opponent in League of Legends. Remember, a well-timed retreat to your turret can save your life and set up game-changing plays.

Split Pushing and Turret Pressure

Split pushing is a key strategy in League of Legends. It means pushing side lanes to destroy turrets while your team distracts enemies elsewhere. This creates pressure on the map and forces enemies to react. Good split pushers can quickly damage turrets and escape if enemies chase them.

SPLITPUSHING GUIDE - How to Splitpush - Detailed Challenger Guide

When you’re split pushing, you’ll often get to last-hit a turret. This gives you extra gold and experience, making you a strong opponent. Champions who are good at split pushing usually have strong dueling skills and can destroy structures fast.

  • League of Legends icon Jax Jax: His passive boosts attack speed, perfect for taking down turrets.
  • League of Legends icon Tryndamere Tryndamere: Can dive into enemy territory and escape with his ultimate, “Undying Rage.”
  • Icon showing the League of Legends Champion Fiora  Fiora: Her “Duelist’s Dance” passive gives bonus damage in 1v1 battles.
  • Icon showing LoL Champion Nasus Nasus: Thrives on stacking his “Siphoning Strike” ability, becoming a late-game powerhouse.

Good split pushing needs trading skills, wave management, and map awareness. Keep an eye on any allied champion within 1400 range for support. Remember, controlling vision is key to avoid enemy team ambushes.

ChampionSplit Push StrengthKey Ability
JaxExceptional dueling and tower takingGrandmaster’s Might (Passive)
TryndamereHigh dive potential and escapeUndying Rage (Ultimate)
FioraStrong 1v1 battlesDuelist’s Dance (Passive)
NasusInfinite scaling damageSiphoning Strike (Q)

Mastering split pushing opens up opportunities for objectives on the map. It can lead to a higher CS count and give you an advantage. But remember, split pushing might not work in every game. Adjust your strategy based on the matchup and team composition.

Map-Specific Turret Differences

League of Legends has different maps with unique turret features. Knowing these differences helps you adjust your gameplay.

Summoner’s Rift Turrets

Summoner’s Rift is the main battle area, with 11 turrets for each team. Each lane has outer, inner, and inhibitor turrets. The outer turrets have extra gold rewards.

Summoners Rift Turrets

These outer turrets have 5000 health and deal damage from 182 to 350. They have a 750 attack range. When their plates fall, players get 125 gold, helping their economy.

Howling Abyss Turrets

Howling Abyss, the ARAM battleground, has 4 turrets per team. These turrets are stronger, with health that grows with enemy champions. When outer turrets fall, the others get harder to destroy.

Howling Abyss Detail Map

Outer turrets have 1700 base health plus 250 for each enemy champion. Their damage increases from 185 to 293 over time. Inhibitor and nexus turrets also get stronger, with damage up to 375.

MapTurrets per TeamOuter Turret HealthDamage Range
Summoner’s Rift115000182-350
Howling Abyss41700 + 250 per enemy185-293

Remember, turrets become invulnerable and untargetable when the current target is lost. Be ready for aggro from any source when pushing objectives on either map.


Mastering turret mechanics in League of Legends is key to your success. Turrets are not just static defense structures; they’re dynamic elements that can change the game. Remember, minions won’t walk past enemy turrets, giving you a chance to farm safely.

Understanding how turrets gain 2 armor and magic resistance with each enemy hit is crucial. When diving, keep in mind the turret’s beam switches targets based on specific rules. This knowledge helps you execute clean dives and avoid unnecessary deaths.

Don’t forget that turret heat is reset when it switches targets. This mechanic can be exploited to share turret damage among teammates during coordinated dives. By applying these insights and practicing turret-related strategies, you’ll significantly improve your gameplay and contribute more effectively to your team’s victory.

As you continue to hone your skills, remember that objectives like turrets often determine the outcome of matches. For instance, 70% of winning teams destroy the first tower, showing its importance. Whether you’re playing in North America, Europe, or Korea, adapting your turret strategy to regional playstyles can give you an edge. So, go forth and conquer the Rift, one turret at a time!


What are turrets in League of Legends?

In League of Legends, turrets are like fortresses that guard lanes and key spots. They shoot at enemies nearby, deal a lot of damage, and help your team see what’s happening. Taking down enemy turrets is key to moving into their base and winning the game.

How many turrets are there on each map?

On Summoner’s Rift, each side has 11 turrets. This includes 3 outer, 3 inner, 3 inhibitor, and 2 nexus turrets. On Howling Abyss, each side has 4 turrets: 2 outer, 1 inhibitor, and 1 nexus turret.

What is the range of a turret?

Turrets can see up to 1350 units away and attack up to 750 units away. Their shots move at 1200 units per second and can’t be blocked.

How does turret targeting work?

Turrets pick targets based on a list: traps, pets, siege minions, super minions, melee minions, caster minions, and champions. They change targets if the current one dies, leaves range, or can’t be targeted anymore.

What is tower plating?

Tower plating is a feature on outer turrets. Each turret has 5 plates, each with 1000 health. Destroying a plate gives 125 gold and makes the turret harder to hit. Plates disappear 14 minutes into the game.

How much gold do you get for destroying a turret?

The gold reward depends on the turret type. Outer turrets give 550 gold, inner turrets 450/700 gold, inhibitor turrets 400 gold, and nexus turrets 50 gold. There’s also a 300 gold bonus for destroying the first turret.

What is turret diving?

Turret diving is when you attack enemy champions under their turret. It’s risky but can get you kills and pressure the map. It requires careful planning, considering health, gap closers, and enemy abilities.

Can champion abilities affect turrets?

Yes, some abilities can harm turrets. For example, Azir’s “Arise!” can damage them. Turrets are also terrain for abilities and are mostly immune to crowd control, except stasis.

What is split pushing?

Split pushing means pushing lanes alone to destroy turrets while the team distracts enemies elsewhere. It puts pressure on the map and can create chances for other objectives.

How do turrets scale throughout the game?

Turret stats change based on type and game stage. They get more armor and magic resistance as the game goes on. On Howling Abyss, turret health increases with enemy champions.

Picture of Chris


Chris, the founder and owner of lolfinity.com, is a seasoned veteran in the world of League of Legends and online gaming. With a passion that ignited at the very inception of League of Legends, Chris has been an active player and community member since the game's earliest days.

In 2012, recognizing the challenges faced by fellow gamers in acquiring reliable and high-quality League of Legends smurf accounts, Chris founded lolfinity.com. It was born out of a desire to provide a trustworthy solution to the community, protecting enthusiasts from potential scams and ensuring a seamless experience.

Chris's expertise extends beyond just playing the game. From 2010 to 2016, he was a respected contributor to elitepvpers, one of the most prominent online gaming communities. During this time, Chris shared his insights and knowledge across various gaming topics, establishing himself as a trusted voice in the industry.

Since 2016, Chris has focused his writing exclusively on lolfinity.com, channeling his years of experience and in-depth understanding of League of Legends into creating valuable content for the site's visitors. His articles cover a wide range of topics, from game strategies and account management to the latest updates in the LoL universe.

With over a decade of hands-on experience in the League of Legends ecosystem, Chris brings unparalleled expertise to lolfinity.com. His commitment to the gaming community is evident in every aspect of the site, from the quality of accounts offered to the informative content published.

Chris's primary goal has always been to enhance the experience of League of Legends enthusiasts. By combining his extensive knowledge, years of experience, and unwavering dedication to the community, he continues to make lolfinity.com a go-to resource for players seeking reliable information and services in the world of League of Legends.

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