LoL ARAM Guide: Best Builds, Runes & Strategies for Success

Are you ready to dominate the Howling Abyss? Our LoL ARAM guide is your key to success in League of Legends ARAM. Whether you’re new or experienced, you’ll learn how to beat your opponents on the single-lane battlefield.

Howling Abyss 3D Map

We cover everything from the best builds and runes to advanced gameplay tips. You’ll uncover the secrets of the Howling Abyss and learn to adapt to the changing meta. With our help, you’ll become an ARAM master in no time.

Key Takeaways

  • Master champion selection and team composition for ARAM success
  • Learn optimal builds and runes for different roles in ARAM
  • Understand ARAM-specific buffs and nerfs to gain an edge
  • Discover essential strategies for poke, siege, and teamfighting
  • Maximize gold and experience gain on the Howling Abyss
  • Avoid common ARAM mistakes to improve your win rate

Introduction to ARAM: All Random All Mid in League of Legends

ARAM is a special game mode in League of Legends. It offers a new way to play compared to the usual games. Played on the Howling Abyss map, it’s a fast-paced battle between two teams in a single lane.

What is ARAM?

ARAM means All Random All Mid. Players get random champions from League of Legends 160+ champs. This makes the game exciting as players must learn new champions and team setups quickly.

The Howling Abyss Map

The Howling Abyss is a narrow map for ARAM. It has four health relics that come back often, helping champions. The map’s design means constant battles, making every fight intense and strategic.

League of Legends Aram health relic
ARAM health relic

Key Differences from Summoner’s Rift

ARAM is very different from Summoner’s Rift:

  • Champions start at level 3 with all basic abilities
  • Gold and experience gain are faster
  • Special items like Guardian’s Horn are available
  • Healing abilities are 50% less effective
  • Champions get bonus damage to structures after 18 minutes
  • Players can surrender at 8 minutes unanimously or 12 minutes with a majority vote

These changes make ARAM a unique experience. It’s all about quick teamfights and fast decisions. This makes ARAM a favorite among players looking for something different from Summoner’s Rift.

ARAM Champion Select and Team Composition

In ARAM, picking champions is a surprise. Players can’t choose their champions, making the game excitingly unpredictable. The game randomly picks characters from the whole roster, making each match unique.

Even though you can’t pick your champion, you still have options. ARAM lets you influence your team’s makeup in two ways:

  • Rerolls: Use these to get a new random champion
  • Trading: Swap champions with willing teammates
ARAM Champion Selection
ARAM Champion “Selection”

A good team in ARAM has a mix of everything. You want a balance of AP and AD damage to keep the enemy on their toes. Champions with poke abilities help wear down opponents from a distance. And, having a champion to start fights is key.

Think about these roles for your team:

  • Frontline tanks to soak up damage
  • Damage dealers (both AP and AD)
  • Utility champions for crowd control and support

Champion synergy is important. Look for abilities that complement each other. A well-rounded team has the best chance to win on the Howling Abyss.

Top-Tier ARAM Champions

In ARAM, some champions stand out more than others. We’ll look at the best champions for each role, from marksmen to tanks and supports.

The Best Champs For The New Aram Map!

Marksmen and ADCs

Marksmen are great in ARAM because they can attack from far away and deal lots of damage. Champion close up photo of Jinx in ADC Tier List Jinx is especially good because of her powerful passive, making it easy to get kills. Sivir Champion Profile Close up Photo Sivir is also a top choice because she can clear waves and deal consistent damage.

Icon showing League of Legends Champion Caitlyn  Caitlyn is another strong pick. She controls the map well and can attack enemies from far away with her traps.

League of Legends Champion Jinx Render
Rendered image of League of Legends Champion Caitlyn
LoL Champion Sivir Render

Mages and AP Carries

Mages are amazing in ARAM because they can deal a lot of damage quickly and control crowds. Icon showing the League of Legends Champion Veigar  Veigar is very powerful because he can increase his AP fast and deal a lot of damage. Icon showing the League of Legends Champion Lux  Lux is still a great pick, even though her damage is a bit lower, because she can spam CC.

LoL Champion Fiddlestick Icon Fiddlesticks is also very good. He can change the game with his ultimate and has great vision control.

LoL Champion Veigar Render
League of Legends champion Lux render
League of Legends Champion Fiddlesticks Render

Tanks and Frontliners

Tanks are key in ARAM because they can take a lot of damage and protect their team. LoL Champion Sion Icon Sion becomes almost unstoppable with items like Heartsteel and Warmog’s. Icon showing the League of Legends Champion Darius  Darius is also a top tank pick because he can deal a lot of damage and turn fights around.

wukong champion icon Wukong is one of the best AD bruisers. He gets better in fights because he can attack constantly.

LoL Champion Sion Render
League of Legends champion Darius render
LoL Champion Wukong Render

Supports and Utility Champions

Support champions are very useful in ARAM. Icon showing the League of Legends Champion Janna  Janna is considered one of the best because she can shield and control crowds very well. LoL Champion Nami icon Nami is great because she can heal, deal damage, and control crowds.

LoL Champion Sona Icon Sona is also a strong support mage. She can deal a lot of damage and has a game-changing ultimate.

League of Legends Champion Janna Render
LoL Champion Nami Render
LoL Champion Sona Render
TierDescriptionExample Champions
S+Best ChampionsChampion close up photo of Jinx in ADC Tier List Jinx, Icon showing the League of Legends Champion Veigar  Veigar, LoL Champion Sona Icon Sona
SStrong PicksIcon showing the League of Legends Champion Lux  Lux, Sivir Champion Profile Close up Photo Sivir, LoL Champion Nami icon Nami
AAbove AverageIcon showing League of Legends Champion Caitlyn  Caitlyn, LoL Champion Fiddlestick Icon Fiddlesticks, wukong champion icon Wukong
BAverage ChoicesIcon showing the League of Legends Champion Darius  Darius, LoL Champion Sion Icon Sion, LoL Champion viego icon Viego

ARAM-Specific Champion Buffs and Nerfs

ARAM champion adjustments keep the game mode fresh and balanced. Riot Games regularly tweaks champion performance to ensure fair gameplay. These changes affect various aspects of champions, from damage output to healing capabilities.

Recent champion buffs and nerfs have shaken up the ARAM meta. For instance, Lol Champion Camille icon Camille received a 10% boost in shielding and gained 10 ability haste. On the flip side, LoL Champion Dr. Mundo icon Dr. Mundo’s healing prowess took a 10% hit, impacting his sustain in fights.

  • Aatrox champion icon Aatrox: 20% increase in tenacity
  • LoL Champion Akali Icon Akali: 20% boost in energy regeneration and tenacity
  • Icon showing LoL Champion Frost Archer Ashe Ashe: 2.5% increase in attack speed, but longer cooldowns on W and R
  • Lol Champion Azir icon Azir: 20% more ability haste and 2.5% attack speed increase

These champion buffs and nerfs aim to create a more dynamic ARAM experience. For example, LoL Champion Karma Icon Karma’s damage output dropped by 5%, reducing her poke potential. LoL Champion Zac Icon Zac’s healing effectiveness decreased from 120% to 110%, affecting his sustainability in extended fights.

Lol Champion Camille icon Camille+10% shielding, +20% healing, +10 ability haste
LoL Champion Dr. Mundo icon Dr. Mundo-5% damage taken-10% healing done
Icon showing the League of Legends Champion Anivia Anivia+5% damage taken
Icon showing the League of Legends Champion Lulu  Lulu-5% shielding capacity

These aram champion adjustments ensure that every game remains unpredictable and exciting. They encourage players to adapt their strategies based on the latest balance changes.

Effective ARAM Builds and Itemization

Mastering aram builds and itemization is key to winning in All Random All Mid. ARAM’s fast pace means you must choose items quickly for your champion.

Starting Items

Starting items shape your early game in ARAM. Mages start with League of Legends Item Lost Chapter Icon Lost Chapter to boost mana and ability power. Marksmen use League of Legends ItemB.F. Sword Icon B.F. Sword for more attack damage. Tanks go for League of Legends ItemB.F. Sword Icon Guardian’s Horn for defense and health regen.

Core Items for Different Roles

Core items are the heart of your aram builds. Mages like League of Legends Item Luden's Tempest Icon Luden’s Tempest or Mythic Item - Liandry's Anguish icon Liandry’s Anguish. ADCs rush infinity edge item icon Infinity Edge or Kraken Slayer mythic item icon Kraken Slayer for damage. Tanks choose Mythic Item - Sunfire Aegis icon Sunfire Aegis or A fist made out of ice Frostfire Gauntlet for durability.

Situational Items

Adjusting to the enemy team is crucial in ARAM. Use Grievous Wounds items like Executioner's Calling Icon, a sword with golden aura Executioner’s Calling or League of Legends Item Oblivion Horn Icon Oblivion Orb against heavy healing. LoL Item Kaenic Rookern Kaenic Rookern is great against mages, offering 80 magic resist and 400 health.

Legendary Item - Warmogs Armor icon Warmog’s Armor is good for sustain builds, regenerating health in combat. League of Legends Item Jak'Sho the Protean Icon Jak’Sho the Protean boosts bonus stats after 5 seconds in combat.

Effective aram builds balance damage, survivability, and utility. Adjust your items to your champion’s strengths and the match’s needs for victory.

Optimal Rune Choices for ARAM

Choosing the right runes is key to a great ARAM experience. This guide will show you the best runes to use in the Howling Abyss.

LoL Champion Brand Icon Brand is a top pick in ARAM at the moment, thanks to the boost he receives through runes. Dark Harvest in the Domination tree gives Brand a 53.57% win rate. This rune is chosen in 73.72% of games, proving its worth in ARAM’s fast pace.

LoL Domination Rune Tree

Champion close up photo of jhin in ADC Tier List Jhin, a marksmen, benefits greatly from Fleet Footwork. This rune boosts his speed and endurance, essential in ARAM’s battles. Jhin’s unique style makes him a strong contender.

LoL Precision Rune Tree

Icon showing League of Legends Champion Maokai Maokai, a tank, excels with Aftershock. This rune increases his power to engage, making him a key player. With items like Fimbulwinter, Maokai becomes unstoppable on the bridge.

LoL Resolve Rune Tree
ChampionPrimary RuneWin RatePick Rate
LoL Champion Brand Icon BrandDark Harvest53.57%73.72%
Icon showing the League of Legends Champion Lux  LuxArcane Comet52.00%69.06%
LoL Champion Vi Icon ViAftershock51.64%62.12%

Remember, your runes should match your champion’s abilities and your team’s strategy. Try out different runes to find what suits your style in ARAM’s fast-paced world.

Summoner Spells in ARAM

ARAM summoner spells are key to your strategy. They are different from those in Summoner’s Rift. ARAM has spells made for its fast, single-lane gameplay.

The LoL ARAM Summoner Spell Mark Icon Mark summoner spell is a big deal in ARAM. It lets you throw a projectile that marks enemies. If it hits, you can dash to them, creating great engage chances.

LoL ARAM Summoner Spell Mark Description

League of Legends Summoner Spell Icon Flash Flash is still a top pick for its flexibility. It helps with quick escapes or surprise attacks.

LoL Summoner Spell Flash Description

League of Legends Summoner Spell Heal Heal and Third Option for barrier Barrier are good for staying in the fight longer. Clarity is for champions who need mana to keep playing.

LoL Summoner Spell Heal Description
LoL Summoner Spell Barrier Description
Summoner SpellFunctionCooldown (seconds)
LoL ARAM Summoner Spell Mark Icon MarkMark/Dash to enemies80
League of Legends Summoner Spell Icon Flash FlashShort-range teleport300
League of Legends Summoner Spell Heal HealRestore health to self and ally240
Third Option for barrier BarrierTemporary shield180
League of Legends Summoner Spell Clarity ClarityRestore mana to self and nearby allies240

Pick your summoner spells carefully. Think about your champion’s role and your team. The right spells can change the game in ARAM’s fast-paced battles.

LoL ARAM Guide: Essential Strategies

Mastering ARAM strategies is key to dominating the Howling Abyss. With an average game time of 20 minutes, every decision counts. Let’s dive into the core tactics that will elevate your ARAM gameplay.

Poke and Siege Tactics

Poke compositions reign supreme in ARAM. These teams excel at whittling down enemies from afar. A well-rounded poke comp often includes a tank to stun and disable foes, creating openings for damage dealers. Siege tactics involve coordinated pressure on enemy structures, capitalizing on poke damage to secure objectives.

Engaging and Teamfighting

LoL ARAM Team Fight Action

Teamfighting is the heart of ARAM. Dive compositions thrive on all-in engagements, requiring precise coordination. With over 165 champions available, understanding your team’s strengths is crucial. Effective teamfighting often decides matches, as surrendering is rare in this fast-paced mode.

Wave Management

Smart wave management is essential for controlling map pressure and experience gain. Players start at level 3 with 1400 gold, so early wave control can snowball your advantage. Pushing down turrets is vital for victory, making efficient wave clearing a top priority.

StrategyKey FocusTypical Champions
PokeLong-range damageXerath, Ziggs, Varus
SiegeTurret pressureCaitlyn, Azir, Heimerdinger
TeamfightAll-in engagesMalphite, Amumu, Orianna
Wave ManagementLane controlSivir, Anivia, Singed

Remember, utilizing rerolls wisely can significantly boost your team’s win rate. Guardian items are particularly valuable, offering a gold efficiency of up to 195% and increasing the odds of securing high win-rate champions.

Maximizing Gold and Experience in ARAM

In ARAM, gold and experience gain is faster than on Summoner’s Rift. Players must adapt their strategies to make the most of this accelerated pace. Efficient farming of minion waves is key to staying ahead in levels and items.

After the 18-minute mark, minion waves spawn more frequently. By 30 minutes, the time between waves drops to just 13 seconds. This increased wave frequency offers more opportunities to gather aram gold and aram experience.

To maximize your gold income, focus on last-hitting minions and participating in champion takedowns. Champions with strong waveclear abilities excel at farming minion waves quickly, allowing them to accumulate gold faster than their opponents.

Experience gain in ARAM is shared among nearby allies. Staying close to minion waves as they die ensures you receive a portion of the experience, even if you’re not last-hitting. This shared experience system helps support champions stay relevant without needing to focus on farming.

TimeMinion Wave Spawn RateGold/Exp Gain
0-18 minutesNormalStandard
18-30 minutesIncreasingAccelerated
30+ minutesEvery 13 secondsMaximum

Remember, in ARAM, teamfights are frequent. Participating in these skirmishes not only helps your team but also provides a significant boost to your gold and experience. Balancing farming minion waves with engaging in teamfights is crucial for optimal resource gain.

Health Relics and Sustain

Health relics are key in ARAM sustain. They are magical orbs that appear at set spots on the Howling Abyss map. They help champions who need healing. Knowing how they work is essential for ARAM success.

League of Legends Aram health relic

There are four health relics: two outer and two inner. They are near each team’s outer turrets. The outer ones show up at 1:45, and the inner ones at 2:30. After being picked up, they come back after 90 seconds, offering healing chances all game long.

The healing happens in two steps. First, the champion gets 8% of their health and mana back right away. Then, after 2.5 seconds, a light beam heals nearby allies for 16% of their missing health and mana. This healing method promotes smart positioning and teamwork.

Health Relic EffectIndividual HealTeam Heal
Missing Health Restored8%16%
Missing Mana Restored8%16%
Activation TimeInstantAfter 2.5 seconds

Controlling health relics is a big part of ARAM sustain strategies. Teams might use traps to lure opponents to relic spots or plan fights around when relics appear. Since there’s no natural healing on Howling Abyss, these spots are crucial for staying in the fight and keeping your team on the map longer.

ARAM Snowball Mechanics

The ARAM LoL ARAM Summoner Spell Mark Icon Mark is a special summoner spell in ARAM that makes the game more exciting. It marks enemies and lets champions dash to them. This can lead to unexpected plays and escapes.

LoL ARAM Summoner Spell Mark Description

It has two parts. The first part throws a snowball that marks an enemy if it hits. The second part lets the caster dash to the marked target, dealing true damage upon arrival. This spell introduces new strategies and playstyles to ARAM.

Mastering the Mark mechanics takes practice. It’s a skillshot that requires accuracy and timing. Players must think about enemy positioning, minion waves, and team composition when using it. Skilled players can start fights, chase down weak targets, or escape danger.

Snowball MechanicDescriptionStrategic Use
MarkThrows a snowball that marks the first enemy hitReveal hidden enemies, check bushes
DashAllows caster to dash to marked targetEngage fights, follow up on ally engages
True DamageDeals true damage upon reaching the targetSecure kills on low-health enemies

The ARAM spell Mark makes ARAM gameplays more interesting. It encourages players to be creative and adjust their strategies. Whether you’re a tank or a squishy carry, mastering this skillshot can greatly improve your ARAM performance.

Late Game Tactics and Win Conditions

In ARAM late game, the focus shifts to decisive teamfights and pushing for victory. As the match progresses, champion damage to turrets ramps up, reaching a peak of +25% at the 30-minute mark. This mechanic adds urgency to securing wins through smart plays and coordinated pushes.

Win conditions in ARAM vary based on team composition. Some teams excel at poke and siege, while others shine in all-out teamfights. Recognizing your team’s strengths is key to formulating effective strategies. For instance, a team with strong engage potential might look for opportunities to force fights, while a poke-heavy composition might prefer to whittle down enemies before committing.


Capitalizing on enemy mistakes becomes crucial in the late game. A single misstep can lead to an ace, opening up the path to victory. Teams should remain vigilant, ready to punish overextensions or poor positioning. Remember, in ARAM, death timers grow longer as the game progresses, making late-game kills particularly impactful.

To maximize your chances of winning, consider these late-game tactics:

  • Coordinate cooldowns for synchronized engages
  • Protect your damage dealers at all costs
  • Use vision control to set up ambushes
  • Prioritize objective control after winning teamfights
TimeTurret Damage IncreaseStrategic Focus
18-24 minutes+15%Secure picks, build item advantages
24-30 minutes+20%Force teamfights, push for inhibitors
30+ minutes+25%Look for game-ending plays, protect carries

By understanding these late-game dynamics and win conditions, you’ll be better equipped to close out ARAM matches and secure those hard-fought victories.

Common ARAM Mistakes to Avoid

In ARAM, players often make mistakes that can cost them the game. To get better, it’s key to know and avoid these common errors. One big mistake is poor itemization. Players should adjust their items based on their team and the enemy, not just follow one path.

Another mistake is not using health relics well. These resources are crucial for keeping your team strong on the map. Also, ignoring wave management can lead to losing towers and momentum. ARAM is like a tug-of-war, where you need to take ground from the enemy and know when to give back.

To improve and win more, play for your team. Make sure at least one teammate is alive to defend the tower. Don’t hesitate to “int with purpose” if it helps your team. Lastly, spot potential problems early and fix them before they get worse. By following these tips, you’ll get better at ARAM and rise through the ranks.


What is ARAM in League of Legends?

ARAM stands for All Random All Mid. It’s a special game mode in League of Legends. Played on the Howling Abyss map, it has random champions and a single lane. The game moves faster than Summoner’s Rift.

How is champion selection handled in ARAM?

In ARAM, champions are chosen randomly. But, players can swap champions. Good teams mix damage types and have the right abilities.

What are some top-tier ARAM champions?

Top champions in ARAM include Jhin, Ashe, and Caitlyn. Also, Ezreal, Lux, Veigar, Ziggs, Amumu, Leona, Sona, and Soraka. They are great at poking, team fights, or helping the team.

How does Riot balance champions for ARAM?

Riot makes special changes for ARAM champions. They’ve nerfed Sona and buffed Nocturne. This helps balance the game.

What are some recommended starting items for ARAM?

Start with Lost Chapter for mages, B.F. Sword for ADCs, and Guardian’s Horn for tanks. Core items depend on your role but focus on damage, survival, or utility.

What runes are optimal for ARAM?

Good runes for ARAM boost sustain, poking, or team fights. Try Triumph, Ravenous Hunter, Gathering Storm, Aftershock, Electrocute, and Dark Harvest.

What summoner spells are important in ARAM?

ARAM has special summoner spells like Snowball for quick engagement. Flash is versatile, along with Heal, Barrier, Clarity, and Exhaust.

What are some essential ARAM strategies?

Key strategies include good poking and siege tactics. Also, team fights and wave management are crucial. Poke teams wear down enemies, while engage teams look for big fights.

How does gold and experience gain work in ARAM?

Gold and experience gain are faster in ARAM than Summoner’s Rift. Minions come faster, especially after 18 minutes. Getting CS and participating in fights is key.

What role do health relics play in ARAM?

Health relics are vital for sustain in ARAM. They appear at set times on the map. Managing these relics affects team health and fight chances.

How does the Snowball summoner spell work in ARAM?

Snowball is unique to ARAM. It marks enemies and lets you dash to them. Mastering Snowball is essential for champions who engage quickly.

What are some late game tactics and win conditions in ARAM?

Late game tactics focus on big team fights and controlling objectives. Win conditions depend on team strategy. They often involve making enemy mistakes, winning team fights, and pushing to the nexus.

What are some common ARAM mistakes to avoid?

Avoid bad item choices, poor relic use, and not adapting to your team. Also, don’t ignore wave management. Focusing on teamwork can greatly improve your win rate.

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Chris, the founder and owner of, is a seasoned veteran in the world of League of Legends and online gaming. With a passion that ignited at the very inception of League of Legends, Chris has been an active player and community member since the game's earliest days.

In 2012, recognizing the challenges faced by fellow gamers in acquiring reliable and high-quality League of Legends smurf accounts, Chris founded It was born out of a desire to provide a trustworthy solution to the community, protecting enthusiasts from potential scams and ensuring a seamless experience.

Chris's expertise extends beyond just playing the game. From 2010 to 2016, he was a respected contributor to elitepvpers, one of the most prominent online gaming communities. During this time, Chris shared his insights and knowledge across various gaming topics, establishing himself as a trusted voice in the industry.

Since 2016, Chris has focused his writing exclusively on, channeling his years of experience and in-depth understanding of League of Legends into creating valuable content for the site's visitors. His articles cover a wide range of topics, from game strategies and account management to the latest updates in the LoL universe.

With over a decade of hands-on experience in the League of Legends ecosystem, Chris brings unparalleled expertise to His commitment to the gaming community is evident in every aspect of the site, from the quality of accounts offered to the informative content published.

Chris's primary goal has always been to enhance the experience of League of Legends enthusiasts. By combining his extensive knowledge, years of experience, and unwavering dedication to the community, he continues to make a go-to resource for players seeking reliable information and services in the world of League of Legends.

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