This account comes with 80,000+ Blue Essences which can be used to purchase champions of your choice.

This account is on the league of legends server NORTH AMERICA. Make sure your friends play on the same server!

The account is at least level 30, which is still the main requirement to queue for ranked games and is therefore RANKED READY.

The email address connected to the account is still unverified, which means you can assign your own email address just like that.

The account is unranked this season, which means it hasn't played any ranked games in the current term.

If something happens to your League of Legends account due to our fault, you're covered by our guarantee. This means we'll replace it.
With exciting prizes, the League of Legends ranking games sure catches the eyes of many aspiring players that are more than willing to fight their way up the ranks and win them. The scene is certainly competitive, with many players capable to apply successful strategies and destroy their opponents. Fear not, because, with practice and determination, you yourself can win all those fancy prizes, and once you get them, all your teammates and opponents will see your true worth.
But before you can succeed, you clearly need to learn new exciting and overpower builds, learn how to champion combinations work and which ones are the best, learn to properly gank to help your teammates and you also need to have a vast variety of champions at your disposal.
You can get many awesome champions by purchasing them with real money, or you can buy our level 30 smurf League of Legend account on the North America region. This account comes packed with 80.000 Blue Essences, just perfect for purchasing all those champions you always wanted to try, or you could just keep the currency and be the first one to buy all the new champions that are to come to the game.
Besides the high amount of Blue Essences, the account also comes with a fresh, untouched MMR that will allow you to practice safely all your strategies and new champions, without the fear of affecting the MMR on your main account. This is why many of the top players have several accounts at their disposal, all dedicated to learning and testing. If you ever saw a player with a few matches but with a high MMR and ranking, now you know how they managed to have such an impeccable account; by using multiple secondary accounts.
Curious in what ways you can gain multiple accounts? Well, there are 2 ways. The fastest and easiest one is to purchase a level 30 smurf account that was an unverified email address. This part is crucial so that you will be sure you won’t lose your account if the email is not your own. This is why LolFinity always only offer unverified accounts so that our happy customers will never have any issues with their accounts. After all, it’s your account!
The second and long way to gain a secondary account is by leveling them from 1 to 30 yourself. This will take long weeks, even months on the endless and repetitive grind. On average, you will need to complete a total of 200+ normal and bots matches, or if you buy multiple boosts you can get away with about 70+ matches. Either way, be prepared for many unfair team members selected by the algorithm and be ready to invest all that time that will not serve you in your quest to the top of the rankings.
So, what are you waiting for? Get your brand-new level 30 smurf League of Legends accounts on the North America region with 80.000 Blue Essences! We will be here for you!
How Much Blue Essence/Champion Capsules Will I Need?
Ranked Ready Guide:
All runes are now gone. You don’t need to spend your Blue Essence on runes any more because of the new Rune Reforged System.
20 Champions are required:
13 @ 450 BE = 5850
7 @ 1350 BE = 9450
Total BE needed = 15390
If using Champion Shards you would only need 12312 BE to get 20 champions.
25 Champion Capsules will get you 20+ Champions with plenty left over.
Basically with Champion Capsules you can get 20 Champions for about 20% off if you use the Champion shards to unlock the Champions.
List of 450BE Champs:
Amumu, Annie, Ashe, Garen, Kayle, Yi, Nunu, Poppy, Ryze, Sivir, Soraka, Warwick, Singed.
List of 1380BE Champs:
Alistar, Cho’Gath, Mundo, Eve, Fiddlesticks, Janna, Jax, Malphite, Morgana, Nasus, Sion, Taric, Teemo, Tristana, Tryndamere, Twisted Fate, Udyr, Veigar, Xin Zhao and Zilean.
What Does Instant Delivery Mean?
As soon as we have received your payment, you will find the account information in your LolFinity Dashboard, and they’ll be sent via email. Therefor we highly recommend that you create an account on LolFinity upon purchase. This ensures that you’ll always find your account information, as long as you have your account with us.
What Is The Lifetime Warranty?
It’s quite simple – if your League of Legends smurf account gets banned through any fault or defect of our own we will provide you one brand-new replacement LoL smurf account free of charge.
Simply contact us through the various contact opportunities on LF.com, and we’ll be in touch with you as soon as possible.
I Have More Questions!
Simply head over to our Frequently asked Questions and you’ll find most of your questions answered.
If there is still anything unclear, simply contact us through the chat, which you’ll find in the lower right corner or shoot us an email.
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