Exciting Insights from Tier List Patch 25.S1.2 for League of Legends

Patch 25.S1.2 is set to bring significant changes to the League of Legends meta, impacting champions and gameplay strategies. IN this article we will delve into the patch details, champion adjustments, and the resulting tier lists for each role, providing insights for players eager to adapt and improve their game with our tier list patch 25.S1.2.

Tier List Patch 25.S1.2 for League of Legends Article Thumbnail

Key Takeaways

  • Patch 25.S1.2 introduces nerfs for champions like Victor and Irelia.
  • The new champion Mel will debut in this patch and will be included in upcoming tier lists.
  • Changes to the Domination rune tree aim to improve the viability of champions using it, but many are still expected to struggle.
  • Yun-Tal Wildarrows is buffed, increasing attack speed, which significantly benefits ADCs like Jinx.
  • Support champion Yuumi receives buffs to her passive cooldown and AP ratios, enhancing her utility in matches.
  • Top lane sees shifts with champions like Urgot rising in tier rankings while Irelia drops due to nerfs.
  • Amumu, Wukong, and Nocturne are highlighted as top picks in the jungle due to their strong skirmishing capabilities.
  • Mid lane adjustments favor mages like Lux and Anivia, while assassins like Zed and Akali face challenges due to the removal of Eyeball Collection.

Introduction to Patch 25.S1.2

Patch 25.S1.2 marks a pivotal moment in League of Legends, introducing a series of critical changes that will reshape the competitive landscape. This patch brings nerfs and buffs to various champions and items, alongside adjustments to key game systems, particularly the Domination rune tree. Players can expect a shift in strategies as they adapt to the new meta. With the introduction of the new champion Mel, who will also be evaluated in the upcoming tier lists, this patch is set to influence gameplay dynamics significantly.


Overview of System Changes

In Patch 25.S1.2, the adjustments to items, runes, and specific game features such as Atakhan and Bloody Roses have significant implications for gameplay and strategy.

The Domination rune tree received substantial buffs across all three of its runes, which could provide more options and pathways to enhance champion effectiveness within this tree.

Specifically, Grisly Mementos has seen its trinket haste per takedown increase from 4 to 6, while the maximum stacks have been reduced from 25 to 18, essentially shifting the focus toward encouraging more frequent takedowns but slightly reducing the overall cap.

Tier List Patch 25.S1.2 - Grisly Mementos

Additionally, the Deep Ward rune now boasts a longer trinket duration, increasing from a scaling 30 to a maximum of 120 seconds to 45 scaling to 150 seconds. This adjustment allows for better vision control over a more extended period, which can be crucial in influencing team fights and objectives.

Tier List Patch 25.S1.2 - Deep Ward

The Sixth Sense rune has also undergone changes, with its cooldown reduced for both melee and ranged champions, potentially benefiting champions that rely on burst damage and can capitalize on the reduced downtime to engage or escape effectively.

Tier List Patch 25.S1.2 - Sixth Sense

Despite these buffs, it is expected that many champions dependent on the Domination primary tree may still struggle, particularly those who had previously thrived with Eyeball Collection.

In terms of item changes, Yun-Tal Wildarrows have received a notable buff, increasing their attack speed from 25% to 35%. This change translates to a substantial net benefit, as the cost increase of 100 gold is easily outweighed by the additional 10% attack speed, valued at approximately 300 gold. Champions like Jinx, who are adept at utilizing this item, are expected to excel in the new patch.

Tier List Patch 25.S1.2 - Yun-Tal Wildarrows

Furthermore, the buffs to Lord Dominik’s Regards and Mortal Reminder, with a 5% increase in percent armor penetration, also make them more appealing choices for ADCs, offering a greater ability to shred through tanky opponents. Although these items’ costs have also increased, the value remains favorable, allowing ADCs to maximize damage output effectively.

Tier List Patch 25.S1.2 - Mortal Reminder + Lord Dominik's Regards

Changes to Atakhan and Bloody Roses also play a part in this patch. Vicious Atakhan will now provide more gold for players upon defeating opponents with revive buffs, doubling the reward from 100 to 200 gold. This change could incentivize players to engage in fights against revived enemies, knowing they stand to gain significantly more. Additionally, the spawn rate for Vicious Atakhan has been increased, which means players will have more opportunities to engage and capitalize on these fights.

Tier List Patch 25.S1.2 - Voracious Atakhan

Conversely, the Bloody Roses that spawn across the map are being nerfed. Each petal collected will now provide two less experience than before, which can slow down the leveling pace for champions early in the game. The Adaptive Force per stack from Bloody Roses will also see a reduction, making the early game slightly less potent for champions capitalizing on these resources. Moreover, the Feats of Strength objective is shifting from First Blood to the first team to secure three kills, emphasizing a more collective gameplay approach rather than individual early-game kills. This change encourages teams to work together more cohesively from the outset, focusing on securing kills as a unit.

Tier List Patch 25.S1.2 - Bloody Roses

Top Lane Changes

In the top lane, champions like Irelia are facing significant nerfs, affecting their damage output and overall viability. Aurelia’s W is losing substantial base damage, which will impact her combo effectiveness. Conversely, champions like Urgot are gaining prominence, moving up the tier list due to recent changes that favor aggressive playstyles and ignite usage.

Tier List Patch 25.S1.2 - Irelia Nerf

Other champions, such as Tahm Kench, are also seeing adjustments, with damage reductions that may push them out of the top tier. This creates an opportunity for champions like Warwick to shine in the current meta.

Top Lane Tier List

OPWarwickStrong win rate and optimal for aggressive playstyles.
OPUrgotDominating in the new season with changes favoring ignite usage.
SIreliaSignificant nerfs to damage output, dropping her from OP tier.
STahm KenchDamage reductions may push him from S to A tier.
AGarenConsistently strong in the meta, effective in team fights.
AAatroxMaintains viability with good sustain and damage potential.
BNasusScaling potential provides late-game power but struggles early.
BRenektonReliable early-game presence but can fall off later in the game.
Tier List Patch 25.S1.2 - Top Lane Tier List

Jungle Changes

The jungle role sees three champions receiving buffs in Patch 25.S1.2, with Evelynn being a notable mention. She is set to gain movement speed and a better AP ratio, which could enhance her effectiveness in the jungle. However, despite these buffs, her win rate remains a concern, and she is unlikely to rise to a top-tier position.

Master Yi is also getting improvements with increased AD growth and E bonus AD ratio, which should solidify his place higher in the tier list.

Meanwhile, Blue Kane is receiving a passive damage amp buff, but Red Kane will remain the more prioritized choice for players.

Tier List Patch 25.S1.2 - Kane Buff

Jungle Tier List

OPWukongStrong skirmisher with high team fight impact, excelling in objective-focused meta.
OPNocturneHigh damage and mobility, effective in pick compositions and objective control.
OPAmumuExcellent crowd control and synergy with team fight strategies, making him a top choice.
AMaster YiBuffs to AD growth and E bonus AD ratio solidify his presence in the jungle.
AEvelynnGains in movement speed and AP ratio improve her effectiveness, though still below top tier.
BBlue KaneBuff to passive damage amp helps, but still overshadowed by Red Kane.
BRed KaneRemains a more prioritized choice for players, maintaining a solid tier position.
BGravesStruggles due to rune changes affecting his viability even with buffs.
BEliseMaintains a lower tier due to the removal of Eyeball Collection impacting her effectiveness.
BRengarContinues to face challenges in the current meta post-rune changes.
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Mid Lane Changes

Mid lane adjustments include nerfs to Victor and Cassiopeia, both of whom have dominated the lane in previous patches. Victor’s scaling power is being reduced, which will likely push him down from the OP tier. Meanwhile, Cassiopeia’s movement speed bonus will also see a decrease, though she remains a strong pick.

Tier List Patch 25.S1.2 - Cassiopeia Nerf

Mages like Lux and Anivia are rising in prominence due to recent adjustments that favor their AOE damage capabilities, especially around objectives. Assassins such as Zed and Akali are seeing a decline in power due to the removal of Eyeball Collection, making it harder for them to roam effectively.

Mid Lane Tier List

The mid lane in Patch 25.S1.2 has seen notable shifts, particularly with the nerfs to Victor and Cassiopeia. While these changes may impact their standings, several other champions are rising to take advantage of the evolving meta.

OPCassiopeiaDespite nerfs, remains strong due to consistent DPS and utility.
SVictorNerfs have reduced his scaling power, dropping him from OP tier.
SLuxGaining prominence from buffs and strong AOE damage capabilities.
SAniviaEffective control and AOE damage make her a strong pick in current meta.
AZedDecline in power due to rune changes affecting assassins.
AAkaliAlso struggles with the removal of Eyeball Collection impacting her effectiveness.
BKatarinaFaces challenges due to changes in roaming effectiveness and rune adjustments.
BLeBlancReduced roaming potential and lower effectiveness with current itemization.
Tier List Patch 25.S1.2 - Mid Lane Tier List

ADC Changes

In Patch 25.S1.2, ADCs have received a mix of buffs and indirect adjustments that can shift their effectiveness in the bot lane. Notably, the item Yun-Tal Wildarrows has been buffed, increasing its attack speed from 25% to 35%, translating to a significant boost in performance for champions utilizing this item.

Additionally, both Lord Dominik’s Regards and Mortal Reminder have had their percent armor penetration increased by 5%, making them more viable options for ADCs looking to maximize their damage output against tanky opponents. While the cost of these items has increased, the net value remains favorable.

Tier List Patch 25.S1.2 - Mortal Reminder + Lord Dominik's Regards

ADC Tier List

With the recent adjustments, the ADC tier list for Patch 25.S1.2 refleacts the current power dynamics in the bot lane.

OPMiss FortuneDominates the bot lane with high damage output and recent item buffs.
OPJinxBenefits significantly from Yordle Wild Arrows buff, enhancing her late-game potential.
SCorkiStrong due to versatility and scaling, though slightly overshadowed by top-tier picks.
AJhinStill viable with new keystone options, but struggles due to the removal of Eyeball Collection.
BSmolderBuffs may not be enough to elevate him from C tier due to overall lower effectiveness.
Tier List Patch 25.S1.2 - ADC Tier List

Support Changes

Support champions have also seen significant changes in Patch 25.S1.2. Yuumi has received buffs aimed at improving her viability in the current meta. Her passive cooldown has been reduced, allowing her to provide more frequent assistance to allies during skirmishes.

Tier List Patch 25.S1.2 - Yuumi Buff

On the other hand, Tahm Kench has faced nerfs, with a reduction in the base damage of his Q ability. This change may impact his effectiveness as a frontline support, pushing him down the tier list.

Support Tier List

The following table summarizes the current support tier list for Patch 25.S1.2, reflecting the impact of the recent changes.

OPYuumiBuffed passive cooldown allows for more frequent assistance to allies, improving her meta viability.
ATahm KenchBase damage nerfs to Q may impact his frontline effectiveness, pushing him down from S tier.
SNamiStrong healing and crowd control make her an essential pick in current team compositions.
SRakanHigh mobility and engagement potential enhance his value in skirmishes and team fights.
SZyraProvides significant AOE damage and crowd control, making her a strong choice in the support role.
SVel’KozStrong poke and zoning capabilities allow for effective control in team fights.
ANeekoAbility to engage and confuse opponents with her disguise and AOE abilities provides strategic depth.
Tier List Patch 25.S1.2 - Support Tier List


Patch 25.S1.2 introduces a wave of impactful changes that will reshape both champion dynamics and gameplay strategies in League of Legends. With the nerfs to powerful champions like Victor and Aurelia, alongside the buffs aimed at revitalizing the Domination rune tree, players will find themselves needing to adapt quickly to navigate the evolving meta.

The debut of Mel, coupled with the adjustments to items and runes, opens new avenues for champions to thrive or falter. As players explore the updated tier lists for each role, a keen understanding of these changes will be essential to not only improve individual gameplay but also to enhance team synergy.

Embrace the shifts brought by this patch, experiment with new strategies, and remember: adaptability is key in maintaining an edge over your opponents.

FAQ Patch 25.S1.2

What are the most significant changes in Patch 25.S1.2?

Key changes include nerfs to Victor and Irelia, buffs to the Domination rune tree, and adjustments to ADC items like Yun-Tal Wildarrows.

Which champions should I prioritize in this patch?

Champions like Lux, Miss Fortune, and Nami are currently strong picks, while champions like Victor and Tahm Kench may be less viable.

What should I do if my favorite champion received nerfs in this patch?

If your favorite champion has been nerfed, consider exploring other champions that synergize well with the current meta or have received buffs. Experimenting with new champions can enhance your gameplay experience and help you adapt more effectively.

Are there any champions that have become underrated after this patch?

Yes, champions like Garen and Anivia may be overlooked due to other popular picks gaining attention. However, they still hold potential for success in the current meta, especially with the right team composition and strategy.

How often does Riot update the League of Legends patches?

Riot Games typically updates League of Legends patches every few weeks, with major patches occurring at the start of a season and smaller updates in between to balance champions and items as needed.

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Chris, the founder and owner of lolfinity.com, is a seasoned veteran in the world of League of Legends and online gaming. With a passion that ignited at the very inception of League of Legends, Chris has been an active player and community member since the game's earliest days.

In 2012, recognizing the challenges faced by fellow gamers in acquiring reliable and high-quality League of Legends smurf accounts, Chris founded lolfinity.com. It was born out of a desire to provide a trustworthy solution to the community, protecting enthusiasts from potential scams and ensuring a seamless experience.

Chris's expertise extends beyond just playing the game. From 2010 to 2016, he was a respected contributor to elitepvpers, one of the most prominent online gaming communities. During this time, Chris shared his insights and knowledge across various gaming topics, establishing himself as a trusted voice in the industry.

Since 2016, Chris has focused his writing exclusively on lolfinity.com, channeling his years of experience and in-depth understanding of League of Legends into creating valuable content for the site's visitors. His articles cover a wide range of topics, from game strategies and account management to the latest updates in the LoL universe.

With over a decade of hands-on experience in the League of Legends ecosystem, Chris brings unparalleled expertise to lolfinity.com. His commitment to the gaming community is evident in every aspect of the site, from the quality of accounts offered to the informative content published.

Chris's primary goal has always been to enhance the experience of League of Legends enthusiasts. By combining his extensive knowledge, years of experience, and unwavering dedication to the community, he continues to make lolfinity.com a go-to resource for players seeking reliable information and services in the world of League of Legends.

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