Top 5 LoL Champions by ELO: Climbing Guide 2025

In the competitive world of League of Legends, choosing the right champion can make all the difference in your climb up the ranks. This guide breaks down the top 5 champions for every ELO in LoL suited for Low, Mid, and High ELO brackets, helping players of all levels optimize their gameplay and enhance their chances of victory.

The Top 5 Champions for Every ELO in League of Legends Article Thumbnail

Introduction to Champion Selection

Choosing the right champion is essential for success in League of Legends, particularly when aiming to climb the ranked ladder. The game features a variety of champions, each with unique strengths and weaknesses. Understanding the dynamics of your rank and selecting champions that fit your skill level can significantly impact your performance and enjoyment of the game.

The Top 5 Champions for Every ELO in League of Legends Article Background

In this guide, we will explore the best champions for Low ELO, Mid ELO, and High ELO brackets. By tailoring your champion pool to the specific challenges of each rank, you can maximize your chances of victory and enhance your overall gameplay experience.

Understanding Low ELO

Low ELO, typically defined as ranks Iron, Bronze, and Silver, is characterized by players who may be new to the game or still developing their skills. In this environment, it’s common to encounter players who may not fully understand game mechanics, map awareness, or champion abilities.

To succeed in Low ELO, it is essential to choose champions that are not only effective but also easy to play. Champions with straightforward kits and strong scaling potential can help players navigate the challenges of this rank. Additionally, champions who can carry games while requiring minimal mechanical expertise are ideal choices for climbing out of Low ELO.

Top Champions for Low ELO

Here are some of the best champions suited for Low ELO play:

  • LoL Champion Dr. Mundo icon Mundo: Known for his tankiness and late-game scaling, he can become nearly unkillable as the game progresses.
  • League of Legends Chempin Warwick Warwick: A powerful jungler that can snowball games with his movement speed and healing.
  • LoL Champion Malzahar Icon Malzahar: A mid-laner who spikes in power once he completes his items, making him a strong carry option.
  • Champion close up photo of Miss Fortune in ADC Tier List Miss Fortune: An ADC with a straightforward kit that allows for high damage output without requiring advanced mechanics.
  • LoL Champion Vel'Koz Icon Vel’Koz: A support champion who can dominate the lane with high poke damage and crowd control.

Low ELO Top Champion: Mudo

LoL Champion Dr. Mundo icon Mundo is a quintessential champion for Low ELO due to his incredible tankiness and late-game scaling. Early in the game, he might not shine, but as the game progresses, he transforms into an unkillable force. This makes him a reliable pick for players looking to impact their games positively, especially in lower ranks where games tend to last longer. His ability to absorb damage while dealing consistent damage makes him a strong choice for carrying games.

The core build for Mundo focuses on maximizing his survivability and damage output:

  • LoL Item Heartsteel Icon Heartsteel (rush)
  • LoL Item Unending Despair Unending Despair (second item)
  • Legendary Item - Spirit Visage icon Spirit Visage (third item)

For runes, players should opt for:

  • Resolve Keystone Grasp of the Undying iconGrasp of the Undying
  • Resolve rune - Demolish icon Demolish
  • Resolve rune Second Wind icon Second Wind
  • Resolve runes - overgrowth icon Overgrowth
  • LoL Rune Biscuits Icon Biscuits
  • shooting star - approach velocity icon Approach Velocity (secondaries)

Mundo’s strength lies in his ability to outlast opponents in skirmishes and team fights, making him an ideal choice for Low ELO players looking to climb the ranks.

Top 5 Champions for Every ELO - Low ELO - Top Mundo

Low ELO Jungle Champion: Warwick

League of Legends Chempin Warwick Warwick is an excellent choice for the jungle role in Low ELO. His kit allows him to excel in skirmishes and team fights, especially in the mid-game where his item spikes can significantly enhance his effectiveness. Warwick’s W ability grants him bonus movement speed when chasing low-health targets, making him a formidable opponent in 2v2 and 3v3 skirmishes.

The core build for Warwick includes:

  • Stridebreaker Stridebreaker (rush)
  • LoL item Blade of the Ruined King Blade of the Ruined King (second)

For runes, players should opt for:

  • Lethal Tempo iconLethal Tempo
  • LoL Rune Triumph Icon Triumph
  • LoL Rune Legend Alacrity IconAlacrity
  • LoL Rune Last Stand IconLast Stand
  • LoL Rune Waterwalking Icon Water Walking
Top 5 Champions for Every ELO - Low ELO - Jungle Warwick

Low ELO Mid Lane Champion: Malzahar

LoL Champion Malzahar Icon Malzahar shines in Low ELO due to his ability to scale with items. While his early game may be weak, he becomes a powerhouse once he completes essential items. Players should focus on surviving the early game and farming as efficiently as possible.

The recommended core build for Malzahar includes:

  • LoL Item Blackfire Icon Blackfire Torch (rush)
  • Legendary Item - Rylai's Crystal Scepter icon Rylai’s Crystal Scepter (second)
  • Mythic Item - Liandry's Anguish icon Liandry’s Anguish (third)

For runes, players should consider:

  • Summon Aery Keystone Icon Aery
  • League of Legends Rune Manaflow Band Manaflow Band
  • League of Legends Rune Transcendence Transcendence
  • A purple flame - Scorch rune Scorch
  • cosmic insight rune icon Cosmic Insight (secondaries)
Top 5 Champions for Every ELO - Low ELO - Mid Malzahar

Low ELO ADC Champion: Miss Fortune

Champion close up photo of Miss Fortune in ADC Tier List Miss Fortune remains a top choice for ADC in Low ELO due to her straightforward playstyle. Her ultimate ability allows her to deal substantial damage without requiring complex mechanics, making her an excellent pick for players looking to climb the ranks.

Players should choose between two builds based on the enemy composition:

  • Crit Build: Ideal against tankier teams. The core items include:
    • Kraken Slayer mythic item icon Kraken Slayer (first item)
    • League of Legends Infinity Edge item Infinity Edge (second item)
    • Lord Dominik's Regard item icon Lord Dominik’s Regards (third item)
  • Lethality Build: Best against squishier opponents, focusing on burst damage. The core items are:
    • silver bow - Galeforce mythic icon Galeforce (first item)
    • LoL Item Serylda's Grudge Icon Serylda’s Grudge (second item)
    • Edge of Night LoL Item Icon Edge of Night (third item)

For runes, players should select:

  • LoL Rune First Strike Icon First Strike, providing extra gold opportunities in longer games.
  • LoL Rune Triumph Icon Triumph
  • League of Legends Rune Legend Bloodline Bloodline
  • LoL Rune Coup de Grace Icon Coup de Grace
  • Magical Footwear rune icon Magical Footwear
  • cosmic insight rune icon Cosmic Insight (secondaries)

This setup allows Misfortune to maximize her damage output while maintaining utility and survivability throughout the game.

Top 5 Champions for Every ELO - Low ELO - ADC Miss Fortune

Low ELO Support Champion: Vel’Koz

LoL Champion Vel'Koz Icon Vel’Koz is an exceptional support champion who can carry games through his damage output and crowd control. His recent buffs have made him even more viable in Low ELO, where his poke and kill potential can dominate lanes.

The core build for Vel’Koz includes:

  • LoL Item Horizon Focus Icon Horizon Focus (rush)
  • Mythic Item - Liandry's Anguish icon Liandry’s Anguish (second)
  • Legendary Item - Rylai's Crystal Scepter icon Rylai’s Crystal Scepter (third)

For runes, players should opt for:

  • League of Legends Rune Arcane Comet Comet
  • League of Legends Rune Manaflow Band Manaflow Band
  • League of Legends Rune Transcendence Transcendence
  • A purple flame - Scorch rune Scorch
  • LoL Rune Biscuits Icon Biscuits and cosmic insight rune icon Cosmic Insight (secondaries)
Top 5 Champions for Every ELO - Low ELO - Support Vel'Koz

Transition to Mid ELO

As players begin to climb out of Low ELO, they will enter the Mid ELO bracket, which encompasses ranks Gold, Platinum, and Emerald. In this tier, players are expected to have a better understanding of the game mechanics, champion matchups, and map awareness.

In Mid ELO, champions require a higher skill level and more strategic thinking. Players should focus on mastering champions that excel in team fights and have clear power spikes that can be leveraged in gameplay. The champion pool will shift slightly, with a stronger emphasis on mechanics and teamwork.

Top Champions for Mid ELO

Here are some of the best champions suited for Mid ELO play:

  • Icon showing League of Legends Champion Maokai Maokai: A tanky champion with excellent engage and crowd control, making him a reliable pick for team fights and objective control.
  • wukong champion icon Wukong: A versatile jungler with strong skirmishing power and team fight presence, ideal for players looking to dominate the early to mid-game.
  • LoL Champion Vex Icon Vex: A mid-laner that excels at countering melee champions, offering burst damage and utility in team fights.
  • LoL Champion Corki icon Corki: An ADC with clear power spikes, making him effective in both skirmishes and team fights, especially after acquiring key items.
  • LoL Champion Tahm Kench Icon Tahm Kench: A support champion with tankiness and utility, providing peel for carries while still being able to deal damage.

Mid ELO Top Lane Champion: Maokai

Icon showing League of Legends Champion Maokai Maokai has emerged as a dominant force in the Mid ELO bracket, thanks to his ability to control fights and provide utility for his team. His reliable engage makes him an excellent choice for players looking to impact key objectives, especially around dragon and baron fights. With a skill set that allows him to initiate team fights with his ultimate, Maokai can create opportunities for his allies while posing a significant threat to enemies.

The core build for Maokai focuses on durability and sustained damage:

  • LoL Item Unending Despair Unending Despair (first item)
  • LoL Item Winter's Approach Icon Winter’s Approach (second item)
  • Legendary Item - Spirit Visage icon Spirit Visage (third item)

For runes, players should consider:

  • Resolve Keystone Grasp of the Undying icon Grasp of the Undying
  • Resolve rune - Demolish icon Demolish
  • Resolve rune Second Wind icon Second Wind
  • a growing plant - revitalize icon Revitalize
  • LoL Rune Biscuits Icon Biscuits
  • cosmic insight rune icon Cosmic Insight (secondaries)

Maokai’s ability to soak up damage while dishing out consistent crowd control makes him a valuable asset in team compositions that require both peel and engage, allowing him to thrive in the Mid ELO environment.

Top 5 Champions for Every ELO - Mid ELO - Top Maokai

Mid ELO Jungle Champion: Wukong

wukong champion icon Wukong has re-emerged as a top-tier jungler in the Mid ELO bracket thanks to several buffs that have significantly improved his effectiveness. His kit is designed for both skirmishing and team fights, making him a reliable choice for players looking to climb the ranks. Wukong’s ease of play is a notable advantage, as he lacks skill shots, allowing players to focus on positioning and decision-making rather than executing complex mechanics.

The recommended core build for Wukong consists of:

  • Trinity Force icon Season 11 Art Trinity Force (first item)
  • LoL item Blade of the Ruined King Blade of the Ruined King (second item)

With this setup, Wukong can deal substantial damage while also benefiting from the item passives that enhance his already formidable sticking power.

For runes, players should consider:

  • League of Legends Conqueror Rune icon Conqueror
  • LoL Rune Triumph Icon Triumph
  • LoL Rune Legend Alacrity Icon Alacrity
  • LoL Rune Last Stand Icon Last Stand
  • Magical Footwear rune icon Magical Footwear
  • cosmic insight rune icon Cosmic Insight (secondaries)

Wukong’s ultimate ability provides incredible team fight presence, allowing him to engage or disengage as necessary. Properly utilizing Wukong’s kit can lead to game-changing plays, making him a valuable pick in the Mid ELO environment.

Top 5 Champions for Every ELO - Mid ELO - Jungle Wukong

Mid ELO Mid Lane Champion: Vex

LoL Champion Vex Icon Vex is an exceptional choice for the mid lane in Mid ELO due to her ability to counter many melee champions effectively. Her kit rewards players with good trading knowledge, allowing for punishing engagements against champions like Silas, Yasuo, LeBlanc, and Yone. As players in Mid ELO typically have a more solid understanding of matchups and trading, Vex shines brightly in this bracket.

The core build for Vex should focus on maximizing her burst damage and ability to control fights:

  • LoL Item Luden's Companion Luden’s Companion (first item)
  • LoL Item Shadowflame Shadow Flame (second item)
  • Mythic items: Rift Maker icon - a portal gun Riftmaker (third item)

When it comes to runes, players should opt for:

  • Keystone Electrocute Icon red lightning bolt Electrocute
  • Taste of Blood Rune icon Taste of Blood
  • Domination rune eyeball collection box full of eyeballs Eyeball Collection
  • Domination rune ultimate hunter icon Ultimate Hunter
  • League of Legends Rune Manaflow Band Manaflow Band
  • League of Legends Rune Transcendence Transcendence (secondaries)

Vex’s ultimate can be a game-changer in team fights, allowing her to engage or disengage effectively, making her a valuable asset in the Mid ELO environment

Top 5 Champions for Every ELO - Mid ELO - Mid Vex

Mid ELO ADC Champion: Corki

LoL Champion Corki icon Corki stands out as a premier ADC choice for players in the Mid ELO bracket. His kit allows for strong power spikes and versatility, making him a formidable force in the bot lane. One of Corki’s main advantages is his ability to scale effectively with items, particularly with his Trinity Force spike, which provides a significant boost in power.

When playing Corki, timing your engagements around these power spikes is crucial. For instance, once you acquire Trinity Force, you should look to take advantage of your increased damage output to win skirmishes and secure objectives. Moreover, communicating with your support about your item timings can lead to advantageous fights.

The ideal build for Corki typically includes:

  • Trinity Force icon Season 11 Art Trinity Force (first item)
  • League of Legends Manamune item Manamune (second item)
  • LoL Item Rapid Firecannon Rapid Firecannon (third item)

For runes, take:

  • League of Legends Conqueror Rune icon Conqueror
  • Precision Rune - Presence of Mind icon Presence of Mind
  • LoL Rune Legend Alacrity Icon Alacrity
  • League of Legends Rune Cut Down Cut Down
  • LoL Rune Biscuits Icon Biscuit
  • LoL Rune Jack of All Trades Icon Jack of All Trades
Top 5 Champions for Every ELO - Mid ELO - ADC Corki

Mid ELO Support Champion: Tahm Kench

LoL Champion Tahm Kench Icon Tahm Kench has evolved into an exceptional support pick in Mid ELO due to his unique blend of tankiness and utility. His ability to build damage items while still providing significant peel makes him a formidable presence in the bot lane. As a support, Tahm Kench can engage and disengage effectively, ensuring the safety of carries while also threatening the enemy.

The current optimal build for Tahm Kench focuses on maximizing his damage output while retaining survivability:

  • LoL Item Heartsteel Icon Heartsteel (rush item)
  • LoL Item Unending Despair Unending Despair (second item)
  • LoL Item Solstice Sleigh Solstice Sleigh (item upgrade)

For runes, the following setup is recommended:

  • Resolve Keystone Grasp of the Undying icon Grasp of the Undying
  • Resolve rune - Demolish icon Demolish
  • Resolve rune Second Wind icon Second Wind
  • a growing plant - revitalize icon Revitalize
  • LoL Rune Biscuits Icon Biscuits
  • cosmic insight rune icon Cosmic Insight
Top 5 Champions for Every ELO - Mid ELO - Support Tahm Kench

High ELO Overview

As players reach High ELO, typically ranked Diamond and above, the game becomes significantly more strategic and mechanically intensive. Here, champion choices are crucial as they can determine the outcome of matches. Players in this bracket are expected to have a deep understanding of champion matchups, macro play, and team coordination.

High ELO champions often have complex kits that require precise execution and knowledge of game mechanics. The emphasis shifts from simply winning lane to making impactful plays that can carry games, such as securing objectives, setting up vision, and coordinating with teammates.

Top Champions for High ELO

Here are some of the top champions that dominate the High ELO scene:

  • LoL Champion Ambessa Icon Ambessa: A powerful top lane champion that excels in extended fights.
  • LoL Champion Graves icon Graves: A jungler known for burst damage and high carry potential.
  • Lol Champion Galio icon Galio: A mid lane champion with excellent map pressure and peel.
  • Champion close up photo of Kog'maw in ADC Tier List Kog’Maw: An ADC who can build both AP and AD, offering versatility.
  • LoL Champion Poppy icon Poppy: A support champion that excels against mobile champions, providing excellent crowd control.

High ELO Top Lane Champion: Ambessa

LoL Champion Ambessa Icon Ambessa has quickly risen to prominence as a top lane champion in High ELO. Her kit allows for incredible extended fight potential, making her a formidable opponent in 1v1 scenarios. Players who can master her mechanics will find success against most matchups.

The core build for Ambessa typically includes:

  • Mythic item, Eclipse icon Eclipse or LoL Item Voltaic Cyclosword Voltaic Cyclosword (first item)
  • Black Cleaver, a giant black twin-blade axe Black Cleaver (second item)
  • LoL item Spear of ShojinSpear of Shojin (third item)

For runes, players should focus on:

  • League of Legends Conqueror Rune icon Conqueror
  • LoL Rune Triumph Icon Triumph
  • Legend Tenacity Tenacity
  • LoL Rune Last Stand Icon Last Stand
  • Resolve rune shield bash icon Shield Bash
  • Resolve rune Second Wind icon Second Wind
Top 5 Champions for Every ELO - High ELO - Top Ambessa

High ELO Jungle Champion: Graves

LoL Champion Graves icon Graves remains a top-tier jungler in High ELO due to his ability to deal both burst and sustained damage. Mastering Graves requires good mechanics and positioning, as he is short-ranged compared to other junglers. However, when played optimally, he can be one of the most impactful champions in the game.

The ideal build for Graves includes:

  • Legendary Item, Youmuus Ghostblade icon Ghostblade (first item)
  • Vintage looking handgun - The Collector Icon The Collector (second item)

For runes, the recommended setup is:

  • Dark Harvest League of Legends Rune Dark Harvest
  • LoL Rune Sudden Impact Icon Sudden Impact
  • Domination rune eyeball collection box full of eyeballs Eyeball Collection
  • LoL Rune Treasure Hunter Icon Treasure Hunter
  • LoL Rune Triumph Icon Triumph
  • LoL Rune Legend Alacrity Icon Alacrity
Top 5 Champions for Every ELO - High ELO - Jungle Graves

High ELO Mid Lane Champion: Galio

Lol Champion Galio icon Galio is an exceptional choice for the mid lane in High ELO due to his semi-global ultimate and strong peel capabilities. His kit allows players to effectively protect their carries while also contributing to team fights. Mastery of Galio is essential for maximizing his potential.

The core build for Galio typically consists of:

  • LoL Item Luden's Companion Luden’s Companion (first item)
  • LoL Item Shadowflame Shadow Flame (second item)
  • Mythic items: Rift Maker icon - a portal gun Riftmaker (third item)

For runes, the following setup is optimal:

  • Resolve Rune - Aftershock Keystone Aftershock
  • Resolve rune shield bash icon Shield Bash
  • Resolve rune Second Wind icon Second Wind
  • Resolve runes - overgrowth icon Overgrowth
  • Cloud wings - Nimbus Cloak rune icon Nimbus Cloak
  • League of Legends Rune Transcendence Transcendence
Top 5 Champions for Every ELO - High ELO - Mid Galio

High ELO ADC Champion: Kog’Maw

Champion close up photo of Kog'maw in ADC Tier List Kog’Maw is a versatile ADC who can excel in both AP and AD builds, making him a valuable asset in High ELO. His unique kit allows for high damage output, but he relies heavily on his team for protection due to his lack of mobility. Players who can effectively communicate with their team will find success with Kog’Maw.

The recommended builds for Kog’Maw include:

  • AP Build:
    • LoL Item Luden's Companion Luden’s Companion (first item)
    • LoL item Archangel staff Archangel Staff
    • LoL Item Horizon Focus Icon Horizon Focus
  • AD Build:
    • LoL item Blade of the Ruined King Blade of the Ruined King
    • League of Legends Guinsoos Rageblade item Rageblade
    • A red bow firing three arrows Runaan’s Hurricane

For runes, players should consider:

  • AP Build:
    • League of Legends Rune Arcane Comet Comet (Keystone)
    • League of Legends Rune Manaflow Band Manaflow Band
    • League of Legends Rune Transcendence Transcendence
    • A purple flame - Scorch rune Scorch
    • LoL Rune Biscuits Icon Biscuits
    • cosmic insight rune icon Cosmic Insight (secondaries)
  • AD Build:
    • Lethal Tempo icon Lethal Tempo (Keystone)
    • LoL Rune Triumph Icon Triumph
    • League of Legends Rune Legend Bloodline Bloodline Bloodline
    • LoL Rune Coup de Grace Icon Coup de Grace Coup de Grace
    • Magical Footwear rune icon Magical Footwear
    • cosmic insight rune icon Cosmic Insight (secondaries)
Top 5 Champions for Every ELO - High ELO - ADC Kog'Maw

High ELO Support Champion: Poppy

LoL Champion Poppy icon Poppy shines as a support champion in High ELO due to her ability to disrupt enemy engages and provide utility to her team. Her kit is particularly effective against champions with dashes, making her a valuable pick in compositions that include such threats.

The ideal build for Poppy focuses on survivability and utility:

  • Dead Mans Plate League of Legends Item Icon Dead Man’s Plate (rush item)
  • Mythic Item - Locket of the Iron Solari icon Locket of the Iron Solari (second item)
  • LoL item Bloodsong Bloodsong (item upgrade)

For runes, consider:

  • Hail of Blades LoL Rune Icon Hail of Blades
  • LoL Rune Sudden Impact Icon Sudden Impact
  • Zombie Ward LLeague of Legends Rune Zombie Ward
  • LoL Relentless Hunter Icon Relentless Hunter
  • LoL Rune Hexflash Icon Hex Flash
  • cosmic insight rune icon Cosmic Insight
Top 5 Champions for Every ELO - High ELO - Support Poppy


Choosing the right champion for your ELO can significantly impact your performance in League of Legends. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of various champions is crucial for climbing the ranks. In this guide, we explored champions suited for Low, Mid, and High ELO, offering insights into their builds, runes, and playstyles.

Whether you’re a novice or an experienced player, adapting your champion pool to suit your current rank can enhance your gameplay experience. Remember, communication with your team and understanding your champion’s power spikes are essential for achieving victory.


How do I choose the right champion for my rank?

Focus on champions that suit your skill level and the current meta. Understanding your strengths and weaknesses can guide your selection.

Should I stick to one champion or diversify my pool?

While mastering one champion can be beneficial, having a diverse champion pool allows you to adapt to different team compositions and matchups.

How often should I update my champion pool?

Regularly assess the meta and your performance. If certain champions are consistently underperforming, consider replacing them with more viable options.

What should I focus on when trying to improve my gameplay?

Focus on mastering the fundamentals such as last hitting, map awareness, and understanding your champion’s abilities. Additionally, reviewing your replays can help identify areas for improvement.

How important is communication with my team?

Communication is crucial in League of Legends. Use pings and chat to inform your teammates about enemy positions, your intentions, and to coordinate plays.

Is it worth learning more complex champions for higher ELO?

Yes, learning complex champions can give you an edge in higher ELO, but it’s essential to first master simpler champions to understand the game mechanics thoroughly.

How can I identify the best champions for my current rank?

Regularly check patch notes, follow pro players, and utilize champion tier lists to stay updated on the best champions for your rank and the current meta.

What is the best way to practice before ranked games?

Consider using normal games or ARAMs to practice your champion mechanics, or make use of the practice tool to refine your skills without the pressure of ranked matches.

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Chris, the founder and owner of, is a seasoned veteran in the world of League of Legends and online gaming. With a passion that ignited at the very inception of League of Legends, Chris has been an active player and community member since the game's earliest days.

In 2012, recognizing the challenges faced by fellow gamers in acquiring reliable and high-quality League of Legends smurf accounts, Chris founded It was born out of a desire to provide a trustworthy solution to the community, protecting enthusiasts from potential scams and ensuring a seamless experience.

Chris's expertise extends beyond just playing the game. From 2010 to 2016, he was a respected contributor to elitepvpers, one of the most prominent online gaming communities. During this time, Chris shared his insights and knowledge across various gaming topics, establishing himself as a trusted voice in the industry.

Since 2016, Chris has focused his writing exclusively on, channeling his years of experience and in-depth understanding of League of Legends into creating valuable content for the site's visitors. His articles cover a wide range of topics, from game strategies and account management to the latest updates in the LoL universe.

With over a decade of hands-on experience in the League of Legends ecosystem, Chris brings unparalleled expertise to His commitment to the gaming community is evident in every aspect of the site, from the quality of accounts offered to the informative content published.

Chris's primary goal has always been to enhance the experience of League of Legends enthusiasts. By combining his extensive knowledge, years of experience, and unwavering dedication to the community, he continues to make a go-to resource for players seeking reliable information and services in the world of League of Legends.

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