Updated Tier List for Patch 25.S1.1

We’ll dive into the updated tier list for patch 25.S1.1, exploring the significant changes that have reshaped the League of Legends meta. From champion adjustments to strategic insights and provide a comprehensive guide to help players excel in the current season.

Updated Tier List for Patch 25.S1.1 Article Thumbnail

Key Takeaways

  • Champion Selection: Champions with strong AOE team fight capabilities are currently favored.
  • Objective Control: Securing the Feats of Strength objective greatly increases winning chances.
  • Boot Changes: Recent nerfs to certain boot upgrades have shifted the meta significantly.
  • Skirmishing Power: Champions who excel in early skirmishes are proving to be more successful.
  • Adaptation is Key: Players must adapt to the changes in champion viability and item builds to optimize their gameplay.

System Changes Overview

The latest patch has introduced substantial adjustments that have reshaped the gameplay dynamics in League of Legends. One notable change is the introduction of the Feats of Strength objective, which has increased the frequency of team fights in the mid-game. Champions who can skirmish effectively early on are seeing significant success due to the snowballing potential this objective brings.

Feats of Strength Nerf

Additionally, Riot Games has implemented nerfs to several boot upgrades, including Armored Advanced Chain, Lanced Crushers, Spell Slinger Shoes, Triumphant Sorcerer Shoes, and Swift March. This has narrowed the options available to players, leaving Gunmetal Greaves, Crimson Lucidity, and Forever Forward as the only untouched upgrades. These changes emphasize the need for players to adapt their strategies and champion choices accordingly.

Bloody Pedals Nerf

The Bloody Petals have been a significant topic in the latest patch, particularly due to their impact on champion snowballing potential. When players pick up these petals, they gain permanent adaptive damage and bonus experience, which has proven to be a game-changing mechanic.

However, this advantage became a concern for Riot Games as it contributed to an overwhelming snowball effect in games, leading to less balanced matchups. In response, the spawn rate of Bloody Petals has been nerfed, making them less frequent on the map and dampening their snowball power. This change emphasizes the need for players to adapt their strategies and focus on other key elements of gameplay, shifting the meta away from overly reliance on these petals for early-game dominance.

Top Lane Changes

The top lane meta has shifted dramatically with the new patch, favoring champions that can exert pressure early in the game. For instance, LoL Champion Singed Icon Singed has thrived due to the changes to movement speed boots, allowing him to become more aggressive and impactful in lane. The newfound synergy with the Bloodletters Curse item has also made him a formidable presence in the top lane.

Updated Tier List for Patch 25.S1.1 - Singed

Conversely, champions like Icon showing LoL Champion Nasus Nasus have seen a decline in win rates as they struggle to contest early skirmishes. This trend has led to Nasus being relegated to the C tier, making him a less viable choice in the current meta. A champion like LoL Champion Aurelion Sol Icon Aurelion Sol has risen to prominence, benefiting from strong early-game skirmishing capabilities and the ability to snowball effectively.

  • LoL Champion Singed Icon Singed: Increased movement speed and item synergy make him a top-tier choice.
  • LoL Champion Aurelion Sol Icon Aurelion Sol: Strong early-game skirmisher, now in OP tier.
  • Icon showing LoL Champion Nasus Nasus: Dropped to C tier due to poor early-game performance.

Top Tier List

OPSingedSinged has seen significant benefits from movement speed changes, allowing him to be more aggressive in lane and capitalize on his snowball potential.
OPAurelion SolHis strong early-game skirmishing capabilities have made him a prime choice, thriving in the current meta that emphasizes early pressure.
SWarwickWarwick excels in early fights and can consistently threaten first blood, making him a strong pick in the current meta.
SOlafOlaf’s ability to engage and dominate in early skirmishes has solidified his position as a top-tier choice in the top lane.
CNasusNasus struggles with early-game skirmishing and has seen a drop in win rates due to the meta’s shift towards aggressive early champions.
Updated Tier List for Patch 25.S1.1 - Top Lane Tier List

Jungle Changes Explained

The jungle role has also seen significant changes in patch 25.S1.1. Champions that excel in skirmishing and have strong area-of-effect (AOE) damage are currently at the forefront.Icon showing LoL Champion Amumu Amumu has become a highly prioritized jungler due to his impactful AOE ultimate, which can turn the tide in team fights when executed correctly. His ability to take objectives like the Void Grubs efficiently aids his team in securing the Feats of Strength objective.

Another champion making waves in the jungle is Icon showing LoL Champion Nunu Nunu, whose kit allows him to secure objectives better than most. His early game gank power and ability to influence the game significantly align with the new meta’s demands, positioning him as a top-tier jungler.

  • Icon showing LoL Champion Amumu Amumu: Bumped to OP tier for his strong AOE team fight impact.
  • Icon showing LoL Champion Nunu Nunu: Solidified in the S tier due to objective control capabilities.
Updated Tier List for Patch 25.S1.1 - Nunu

Jungle Tier List

OPAmumuAmumu’s AOE ultimate can drastically shift the outcome of team fights, making him a top choice for jungle this patch. His ability to control objectives also enhances his effectiveness.
SNunuNunu excels at securing objectives and has strong early gank potential, positioning him as a solid jungler in the current meta.
SDianaDiana’s strong skirmishing ability and AOE damage make her a formidable jungler, especially in fights around objectives.
AGwenGwen has great sustained damage and can thrive in fights, but requires a bit more setup than the top-tier junglers.
BGravesGraves has seen a decline due to his single-target focus and struggles in the current AOE-oriented meta.
Updated Tier List for Patch 25.S1.1 - Jungle Tier List

Mid Lane Changes

In the mid lane, champions who can deal significant AOE damage are thriving. The introduction of the LoL Rune Axiom Arcanist Icon Axiom Arcanist rune has been game-changing for champions like Icon showing League of Legends Champion Lux  Lux, allowing her to lower her ultimate cooldown drastically, thus increasing her burst potential significantly.

Additionally, champions like LoL Champion Cassiopeia Icon Cassiopeia and LoL Champion Neeko Icon Neeko are performing exceptionally well due to their strong team fight capabilities and ability to secure objectives effectively. The emphasis on early game impact has made these champions valuable assets for any team composition.

Updated Tier List for Patch 25.S1.1 - Cassiopeia
  • Icon showing League of Legends Champion Lux  Lux: One of the best mid lane mages currently due to her burst potential.
  • LoL Champion Cassiopeia Icon Cassiopeia: Increased win rate and solidified in OP tier.
  • LoL Champion Neeko Icon Neeko: Underrated but very effective in the current meta.

Mid Lane Tier List

OPLuxLux shines in the current meta due to her impressive burst potential, benefiting from the Axium Archinist rune, which drastically lowers her ultimate cooldown.
OPCassiopeiaCassiopeia excels in team fights with strong DPS and objective control, making her one of the top picks in the mid lane due to her ability to secure key objectives.
SNeekoNeeko is underrated but extremely effective, with a kit that allows her to thrive in skirmishes and team fights, aligning well with the current meta’s needs.
ABrandBrand offers solid AOE damage, but requires proper positioning and setup during fights, placing him slightly below the top tier champions.
AVel’KozVel’Koz can deal tremendous damage in team fights, but struggles against mobile champions, which limits his effectiveness in certain matchups.
BAniviaAnivia’s crowd control and burst damage are valuable, but she can be vulnerable to early aggression and needs time to scale, leading to more inconsistent performance.
Updated Tier List for Patch 25.S1.1 - Mid Lane Tier List

ADC Changes and Insights

In the ADC role, the meta has shifted notably with the introduction of new runes and item changes. Champions like LoL Champion Corki icon Corki and Champion close up photo of Twitch in ADC Tier List Twitch have seen significant improvements in their win rates, thanks to the new Rune LoL Rune Axiom Arcanist Icon Axiom Arcanist, which synergizes exceptionally well with their kits. This rune enhances their burst potential and cooldowns, allowing them to dominate in skirmishes.

Updated Tier List for Patch 25.S1.1 - Corki

As games can snowball quickly due to the Feats of Strength objective, picking ADCs that can impact the game early is crucial.LoL Champion Corki icon Corki, with his unmatched skirmishing power on one item, and Champion close up photo of Twitch in ADC Tier List Twitch, who benefits greatly from the new rune, are both excellent choices for climbing the ranks.

ADC Tier List

OPCorkiCorki’s unmatched skirmishing power on one item allows him to dominate early trades, making him a top ADC pick in the current meta.
STwitchTwitch benefits greatly from the Axium Archinist rune, enhancing his team fight impact and lowering his ultimate cooldown, making him highly effective.
SMiss FortuneMiss Fortune’s strong early game and team fight potential align well with the current meta’s focus on skirmishing, making her a valuable choice.
AJhinJhin remains a solid pick with strong utility and damage potential, although his effectiveness can be limited in fast-paced skirmishes.
BAsheAshe has become weaker due to recent changes, which has impacted her viability in the current ADC meta, placing her in a lower tier.
Updated Tier List for Patch 25.S1.1 - ADC Tier List

Support Changes

The support role has also experienced notable changes in patch 25.S1.1. Champions like Icon showing League of Legends Champion Elise Elise have gained traction as off-meta picks due to their powerful all-in potential and ability to secure early kills. With the emphasis on First Blood this season, supports who can provide early aggression are becoming increasingly valuable.

Updated Tier List for Patch 25.S1.1 - Elise

Additionally, traditional enchanters like LoL Champion Nami icon Nami and Icon showing the League of Legends Champion Lulu  Lulu remain top-tier choices, while tanky supports such as Icon showing League of Legends Champion Maokai Maokai and Icon showing the League of Legends Champion Braum Braum continue to shine in team fights. The diversity in the support meta allows for various playstyles, making it essential to adapt to team compositions effectively.

Support Tier List

OPNamiNami remains a top-tier enchanter with strong healing and crowd control, crucial for team fights and skirmishes.
OPLuluLulu’s ability to protect and enhance carries makes her invaluable in the current meta, especially with the focus on early aggression.
SMaokaiMaokai’s crowd control and tankiness provide excellent team fight presence, making him a solid choice for support.
SBraumBraum’s ability to block incoming damage and set up plays with his ultimate makes him a strong pick in the current meta.
AEliseElise is gaining popularity as an off-meta pick due to her all-in potential, making her effective for early aggression.
AVel’KozVel’Koz’s strong poke and AOE damage make him a formidable choice for those who prefer mage supports.
AZyraZyra excels in providing crowd control and damage, but her effectiveness relies heavily on positioning.
BSonaSona’s healing and speed buffs are valuable, but she struggles against more aggressive support champions.
BRenataRenata provides unique utility, but her reliance on positioning and timing makes her less consistent than top-tier supports.
Updated Tier List for Patch 25.S1.1 - Support Tier List


In summary, patch 25.S1.1 has brought significant changes to champion dynamics across all roles. Champions with strong AOE and early game impact are thriving, particularly in the mid and ADC roles. As players adapt to the new meta, focusing on securing the Feats of Strength objective will be crucial for success.

Key takeaways from this patch include:

  • Meta Shift: Emphasis on champions who can secure early advantages and dominate team fights.
  • Rune Synergy: New runes like Axiiom Arcanist are enhancing ADC capabilities and should be prioritized.
  • Diverse Support Options: The support role has a variety of viable picks, allowing for flexible team compositions.
  • Adaptability is Key: Players must adjust their champion selections and strategies to thrive in the evolving meta.


What are the most impactful changes in patch 25.S1.1?

The introduction of the Feats of Strength objective and adjustments to various boot upgrades have significantly influenced gameplay.

Which champions are currently at the top of the tier list?

Champions like Lux, Corki, and Amumu are leading their respective roles due to their strong AOE capabilities and team fight potential.

How should I adapt my playstyle in this patch?

Focus on securing objectives early and capitalize on champions that can skirmish well to snowball games.

What should I focus on in the early game?

Prioritize securing the Feats of Strength objective and look for opportunities to skirmish with champions that excel in early fights.

Are there any champions that have dropped significantly in viability?

Yes, champions like Nasus have seen a decline in win rates due to their inability to contest early skirmishes effectively.

How do the new rune changes affect champion performance?

Runes like Axium Archinist are enhancing champion burst potential and cooldowns, significantly impacting their effectiveness in fights and skirmishes.

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Chris, the founder and owner of lolfinity.com, is a seasoned veteran in the world of League of Legends and online gaming. With a passion that ignited at the very inception of League of Legends, Chris has been an active player and community member since the game's earliest days.

In 2012, recognizing the challenges faced by fellow gamers in acquiring reliable and high-quality League of Legends smurf accounts, Chris founded lolfinity.com. It was born out of a desire to provide a trustworthy solution to the community, protecting enthusiasts from potential scams and ensuring a seamless experience.

Chris's expertise extends beyond just playing the game. From 2010 to 2016, he was a respected contributor to elitepvpers, one of the most prominent online gaming communities. During this time, Chris shared his insights and knowledge across various gaming topics, establishing himself as a trusted voice in the industry.

Since 2016, Chris has focused his writing exclusively on lolfinity.com, channeling his years of experience and in-depth understanding of League of Legends into creating valuable content for the site's visitors. His articles cover a wide range of topics, from game strategies and account management to the latest updates in the LoL universe.

With over a decade of hands-on experience in the League of Legends ecosystem, Chris brings unparalleled expertise to lolfinity.com. His commitment to the gaming community is evident in every aspect of the site, from the quality of accounts offered to the informative content published.

Chris's primary goal has always been to enhance the experience of League of Legends enthusiasts. By combining his extensive knowledge, years of experience, and unwavering dedication to the community, he continues to make lolfinity.com a go-to resource for players seeking reliable information and services in the world of League of Legends.

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