Having an inspiration from Defense of the Ancients (DotA) and Warcraft 3, a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) called League of Legends was made. Just like any other strategy game, the camera is angled top-down to allow the players to see their own character in a third-person view. Riot Games has published this game and ever since it started, millions of users enjoy playing it. Therefore we’ve crated this little User Guide playing League of Legends.
If you want to know how to play League of Legends, you need to know the fundamentals to help you to be a competitive player. The best way to learn this is to study carefully and practice every now and then. It will not take an overnight for you to master this game, so prepare yourself.
About The Game
There are two teams’ battles to get each other’s base through an intense real-time strategy brawl. A player controls a single character and works with other players in their team to collect resources and win over the enemies. In each match, the player can choose over 130 champion characters.
Player Accounts
A player is called a Summoner. When you create an account and download the game, it allows you to earn experience for the next level with no limit and granted rewards. One of the rewards is called Blue Essence, it is the currency used to pay for champions and to shop items at the store. Also, Riot Points, are currency bought by money and almost all can be purchased with RP including Skins.

Every champion has unique moves, uses, strength, and weaknesses. Each match begins at level 1 and works their way up. A group of ten champions unlocked for all players every week called the Free Champion Rotation. When a player reaches level 6, they can use the New Player Champion Rotation.
Each champion has a basic attack, passive, and four abilities:
- Basic Attack or Auto-Attack – Champions automatically attack enemies in the area or as commanded. Every attack is different, some may take longer to complete a single attack, while others ranged champion’s attack projectiles travel more slowly than others.
- Passive – A distinctive characteristic that does not require any buttons to be pressed.
- 4 Abilities – It is a unique champion’s action that usually has 3 basic abilities which have 5 ranks each that can be acquired on leveling up and 1 ultimate ability which has 3 ranks and can be advanced at level 6, 11, and 16.

These are set of options that can grant special characteristics to your champion. You can select options before the game starts at Champion Select or under the Collection tab. Each player has given 2 Rune and you can buy ore in the shop.
Runes are categorized into 5 Paths: Domination, Precision, Inspiration, Sorcery, and Resolve. It comes with four slots and each has an option between 3 Rune. The first slot is a Keystone Rune that has an extra-impactful and playstyle-defining and the following 3 slots are Lesser Runes.
Your combination of Paths can grant a path bonus. Runes are all about having a meaningful choice. Having all options is not possible so you need to choose what is best and suited your role, champion, and playstyle.
Summoner Spells
These spells are like extra abilities that are chosen before the game starts. You can have a wide variety of the combination of spells. It is up to your champion, role and what position you are playing and enemies you are facing.
Here are some summoner spells and their common use:
- Flash – a mandatory spell for all champions due to its power and versatility. It allows the champion to have a sudden change of position. You can use it in dodge skill shots, land abilities, escape, terrain and obstacles, or chase your enemies.
- Ghost – a spell for escaping or chasing enemies. It can move through units or does not require to walk around minions.
- Heal – a spell for restoring HP during battle or countering harass. Every move boosts the champion speed allowing it to escape or chase. This is very popular in duo lanes but be reminded that stacking heals is not effective due to a 50% reduced healing for every 35 seconds.
- Barrier – a spell for powerful protection for mages and marksmen. Alternative for summoner heal, it has a lower cooldown and shield for more HP yet require precise timing.
- Cleanse – a spell to aid mages and marksmen who can be overcome by crowd control which gives them a chance to fight back or escape.
- Exhaust – a spell that can be used to prevent an enemy to deal with damage and chasing or retaliation or escape. This is especially effective against champions like assassins.
- Ignite – a spell that is a perfect choice for securing kills and make sure the enemies won’t fade in bushes or fog of war. It is a dominant choice against champions who rely on healing.
- Teleport – a spell that is great for making surprise through the map, getting back to lane quickly or dodging enemies. It is a channeled spell that can be canceled by the player or the enemy.
- Smite – a spell used for jungle monsters. It secures the killing and kills enemies quickly. This operates through a charge mechanic that also works on various enemy units such as minions.
Items you need playing League of Legends

These are bought during a match with the gold that you have earned. Items occupy the champion’s inventory and grant bonus stats and special attributes such as:
- Active – these are extra abilities with the number key assigned to its item slot which includes Zhonya’s Hourglass, Ravenous Hydra, and Youmuu’s Ghostblade.
- Passive – these items do not require any button-pressing, examples are Trinity Force, Liandry’s Torment, and Warmog’s Armor.
Unique passives and actives of the same name do not stack. It only means that owning two unique items will only give one benefit. Purchased items can occupy 1 of 6 slots and can take effect as soon as possible, no need to equip them. Different items can be used the same basics to allow adaptive build strategies.
Choosing Items
The build is a term in choosing items. To build properly you need to know these several things: your champion’s role, the statistics that your champion’s need to perform their role and the attributes needed help the player against the enemies.
Even though you build the same items on each champion for every game, it can make a huge difference in any match-specific situations. Secondary items can increase the strengths and compensate for weaknesses.
Choosing the best items can help you maximize the power and gold efficiency. Building several items too slowly can postpone a power spike but rushing them can also miss the important stat from others. One great tip is to avoid copying the bot’s item seen when playing Co-op vs. AI because they are intentionally poor.
Most League of Legends players have a reputation for toxicity and immaturity because of how intense and hard the game is. To fully enjoy this game, you need to play with the right attitude, be open to new learnings, encourage your teammates, and don’t forget to have fun. This article can be your personal guide to play this game better. Get familiarize with the rules of the games and be a pro someday.